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Collaborative Research: Perspectives from the National Hub of Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships By Ian MacPherson C-director, Principal Investigator.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborative Research: Perspectives from the National Hub of Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships By Ian MacPherson C-director, Principal Investigator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborative Research: Perspectives from the National Hub of Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships By Ian MacPherson C-director, Principal Investigator The National Hub

2 Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships 2005-2011 Winding down Joy Emmanuel and Matthew Thompson, Assembling Understandings: Perspective of the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships, 2005-2011 Peter Hall and Ian MacPherson (eds.), Community-University Research Partnerhips: Reflections on the Canadian Social Economy Rupert Downing (Ed.), Canadian Public Policy and the Social Economy

3 Structure 6 nodes: North; Atlantic Canada; Québec; Southern Ontario; Saskatchewan, Manitoba & Northern Ontario; British Columbia/Alberta National Hub [Co-directors – me (UVic) and Rupert Downing (2005-2009) Mike Toye (2009-present) CCEDNet)]

4 Who? What? 350 researchers (60% university, 40% SE organisations) Over 100 projects Over 400 “products” Students Some continuing partnerships Changes in SSHRC: CCA CURA

5 Canadian perspective: questions? afterthoughts? This is Canada Shortage of discretionary funds Differences and competition among nodes Uncertain roles of Hub Range of organisational forms Abiding interests of national organisations Competition: individuals and organisations Crediting issues Egos

6 Main themes From Emmanuel and Thompson Mapping Public policy Financing the SE SE and Indigenous peoples SE and co-op studies Governance and Capacity

7 Some specific issues Payment of non-academics Complexities of accounting systems Language Challenges of interdisciplinarity Developing a genuinely shared approach Different paces of research Immediate vs long-term perspectives Complexities of engagement: nature; breadth; altering of university and SE priorities; structure; power-sharing.

8 Peter Hall’s Summary (from Community- University Research Partnerships) Governance (e.g., who decides which research projects?) Networking (e.g., are they building on and/or building new networks?) Definition of the sector (e.g., was the sector pre- defined?) Content of research (e.g., what topics, how do new topics get included?) Process (methods) of research (e.g., participatory content of actual research?) Capacity-building (e.g., university capacity to reach out, student and community training) Evaluation (e.g., who evaluates, when, to what effect?)

9 Concluding…. Edward Jackson, “Afterword” in Peter Hall and Ian MacPherson (eds.), Community-University Research Partnerships

10 A final word…. A clear and distinct commitment Effective collaboration on developing a knowledge base Developing a funding base that is as independent as possible Expanded teaching Fostering genuinely collaborative leadership styles

11 Thank you!!!! cluny1@uvic.ce

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