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Rakovski National Defence Academy Defence Advanced Research Institute Human Dimension of Science and Technology Cooperation in NATO – Bulgarian Viewpoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Rakovski National Defence Academy Defence Advanced Research Institute Human Dimension of Science and Technology Cooperation in NATO – Bulgarian Viewpoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rakovski National Defence Academy Defence Advanced Research Institute Human Dimension of Science and Technology Cooperation in NATO – Bulgarian Viewpoint Capt (N) Prof. Yantsislav Yanakiev, D.Sc. Col Assoc. Prof. Zaharin Markov, PhD UNCLASSIFIED

2 The Idea of “Smart Defence”  Smart defence covers any, or every, phase of Capability development – from research and development, to production, procurement, maintenance and training.  “Nations will be able to provide capabilities Together that they can’t Afford to provide alone. It is important for NATO to have the Right capabilities and the key is not ownership – the key is Availability.” (Smart Defence – Smart Trans-Atlantic Defnce Technological & Industrial Cooperation, 14 October, 2011, Brussels) UNCLASSIFIED

3 Smart Defence in a Nutshell (Work Smarter not Harder)  HAVING THE RIGHT PEOPLE – properly educated and trained;  DOING THE RIGHT THING – individual performance;  WORKING TOGETHER – collaboration and coherence of effort (being effective as organization);  GETTING THE RIGHT RESULT (being efficient) – available, affordable, applicable capabilities. UNCLASSIFIED

4 Smart Defense: Human Dimension Main focus of the paper: Human dimension of smart defense which is related to several core elements of Defense Capabilities Transformation (Organization, Training, Leadership Development and Personnel). Levels of analysis:  Individual performance;  Organizational effectiveness;  Collaboration and coherence among nations. Empirical Data Sources: NATO Research and Technology Organization HFM 163/ Task Group “Improving Organizational Effectiveness of Coalition Operations”. UNCLASSIFIED

5 Human dimension: shortfalls identified at individual level  Task orientation vs. the need to spend time building and maintaining relationships;  Uncertainty overcoming (cognitive culturally based biases in need for information to take decision);  Culture of fear for making incorrect decision.  Different leadership styles (direct vs. indirect);  Language barrier – oral and written communication;  Lack of cultural awareness training and Cross-Cultural Competencies. UNCLASSIFIED

6 Human dimension: shortfalls identified at organizational level  Divergences in decision-making processes (decentralization of decision-making vs. centralized);  Lack of effective and timely sharing of information;  Lack of shared awareness of tasks and responsibilities;  Lack of organizational knowledge (lessons learned are not systematically passed on);  Lack of adequate manning (to put proper people to proper positions);  Lack of diversity management programmes and policies. UNCLASSIFIED

7 Human dimension: shortfalls identified in collaboration and coherence among nations  The process of Information sharing challenges Trust among coalition partners;  Nation-Centric politics result in restrictive caveats;  Lack of a comprehensive approach to doctrines & concepts;  Capabilities & technological gap: (Lack of technological interoperability in national systems which hampers information sharing);  Educational & Training challenges (Different national and NATO education and training systems; Lack of NATO pre-deployment training). UNCLASSIFIED

8 Possible Solutions in the Framework of S&T Cooperation in NATO  Development of joint research activities in NATO framework is the right way to streamline the Bulgarian R&D institutions, in order to have access to the best available information and advice and thus to support national decision making;  Despite limited resources, we should be proactive and take leadership in joint projects on prioritized topics where Bulgaria can provide expertise for the Alliance. UNCLASSIFIED

9 Human Dimension of S&T Cooperation in NATO – Bulgarian Viewpoint Priority Areas:  Human performance improvement in military operations - one of the basic NATO Long Term Capability Requirements;  Enhanced human interoperability;  Leader and team adaptability in multinational coalitions;  Improving organizational effectiveness of coalition HQs.  Individual, Team and Organizational Trust Building;  Cross Cultural Competencies Building and Development. UNCLASSIFIED

10 Thank you for your attention! Questions/Comments? For contacts: UNCLASSIFIED

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