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Five different ways to lead God’s people. Romans 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Five different ways to lead God’s people. Romans 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Five different ways to lead God’s people

2 Romans 12


4 God raises up leaders for certain times and specific “seasons” of ministry

5 Your goal is to discover your own authentic leadership voice, your personal style of leadership.

6 You will be greatly helped in this process by observing your own leadership style, and soliciting feedback, while leading your SF group

7 Visionary / Motivational Inspiring Challenging Emotional Values Based “Rallying the troops”

8 Directional / Strategic Analysis Goal oriented Timelines Results based “Move the troops”

9 Managing / Shepherding Staff meetings Process oriented Inclusive Resource based “Organize the troops”

10 Entrepreneurial / Turnaround Change based Future oriented Hiring and firing Facts over feelings “Change the troops”

11 Team building / Bridge building Friendship based People oriented Value stability Feelings over facts “Encourage the troops”

12 So, what is your dominant or main leadership style? A)Visionary/Motivational B) Directional / Strategic C) Managing / Shepherding D) Entreprenurial / Turnaround E) Team / Bridge Building

13 The leadership style God uses most is selfless, servanthood

14 So, what is your motive for leading God’s people?

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