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Transforming Teaching through Technology LeAnn Morris Technology Integration Specialist Carson City School District EDUC 8847 – Multimedia Technology to.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Teaching through Technology LeAnn Morris Technology Integration Specialist Carson City School District EDUC 8847 – Multimedia Technology to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Teaching through Technology LeAnn Morris Technology Integration Specialist Carson City School District EDUC 8847 – Multimedia Technology to Facilitate Learning Workshop By

2 Agenda If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow! ~ John Dewey Introductions, Expectations, Pre-Training Activity Overview of NETS-S, 21 st Century Skills, TPACK, CCSS 9:00 am 10:30 am 2:30 pm 12:00 pm 1:00 pm Overview of Web 2.0 Tools for NET-S Lunch Authentic Assessment Activity Share NETS-S, CCSS, TPACK Lesson Plan Idea

3 FCC (Federal Communications Commission) National Broadband Plan – 2009 NETP – National Educational Technology Plan – 2010 Learning: Engage and Empower Assessment: Measure What Matters Teaching: Prepare and Connect Infrastructure: Access and Enable Productivity: Redesign and Transform Technology Plans – Driving Forces

4  Nevada Pathways Project 2009 – 2011 - 120 Middle School Teachers Statewide - iPod Touch and Laptops New Nevada Technology Plan – 2012 - Digital – Age Education in Nevada: - A Plan for 1:1 Computing in Nevada Schools Nevada of-the-united-states-of-america-copyright-free-images/state-flag-of-nevada.jpg-free-image.html

5 Carson City School District Technology Plan 2009 – 2014 Empower Carson City 2017 Goal 4 of 5 – Curriculum that Matters Strategy 4.1.2 – Provide every student access to current one-to-one mobile technology and access to the Internet as an authentic educational tool. Integration of HQSI, T4S Strategies and CCSS Carson City School District

6 SBAC – Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Creating Assessment System for CCSS Begins in 2014-2015 Six Item Types (1) Selected Response (2) Constructed Response (3) Extended Response (4) Performance Tasks (5) Technology Enabled – Selected or constructed response that include multimedia (6) Technology-Enhanced – Collects evidence through a non-traditional response Common Core State Standards -- CCSS

7 “Technology should be like oxygen: Ubiquitous, necessary, and invisible.” – Chris Lehman Effective use of technology is essential for learning and teaching in a global, digital age and society Apply technology literacy skills in core content areas Be a “facilitator” of learning: Guide on the side, not sage on the stage Living in the Knowledge Age If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Goethe A Day Made of Glass by Corning Click on above box to Watch Video!

8 http://www.districtadministra ration/files/Digital%20Teachin g%20Platforms.jpg 1:1 Implementation Factors Linked to Success 1. Integrating technology into every class. 2. Implementing change-management leadership by principals. 3. Practicing daily online collaboration by students. 4. Integrating technology into the core curriculum at least weekly. 5. Performing online formative assessments at least weekly. 6. Have a low student-computer ratio. 7. Taking frequent virtual field trips. 8. Using search engines by students daily. 9. Training principals in teacher buy-in, best practices, and technology-transformed learning. Digital Teaching Platforms – Customizing Classroom Learning for Each Student by Dede and Richards, 2012

9 1. Internet Search 2. Office Suite Skills 3. Self learning of tech and where to go for help 4. Keyboarding 5. Social Media 6. Netiquette/Copyright and Citing Sources 7. Security and Safety 8. Hardware Basics and Troubleshooting 9. Backup data 10. Finding Apps and Software 10 Tech Skills Every Student Should Have


11 Increased engagement Interactive, self-directed learning Application of 21 st Century Skills Differentiated instruction at their fingertips Learning anywhere, anytime Benefit to Students – Self-Directed, Personalized Learning (Engaged, Enabled, Empowered)

12 Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication and Collaboration Digital Literacy Skills Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT Literacy (Information and Communication Technology) Career and Life Skills Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity and Accountability Leadership and Responsibility Learning with technology is more important than learning about technology 21 st Century Skills “65% of today’s elementary aged students may end up doing work that has not been invented yet.”


14 Learning 21 st -Century Skills Requires 21 st -Century Teaching 9 Lessons for 21 st -Century Learning #1 – Make it relevant. #2 – Teach through the disciplines. #3 – Develop thinking skills. #4 – Encourage learning transfer. #5 – Teach students how to learn. #6 – Address misunderstandings directly. #7 – Treat teamwork like an outcome. #8 – Exploit technology to support learning. #9 – Foster creativity. Kappan, October 2012

15 Version 6, 2012 “Did You Know?/ Shift Happens” Moore’s Law Photonics (Optical Communications – Fiber) Internet Infowhelm Living on the Future Edge – The Impact of Global Exponential Trends on Education in the 21 st Century Click on above box to Watch Video!

16 “Instead of fitting students to content, digital content allows the teacher to fit the content to the student, because knowledge is no longer built on text and static pictures, it’s disrupted and scattered.” Out of Print: Reimagining the K-12 Textbook in a Digital Age by SETDA

17 A Comparison of Traditional and New Learning Environments Traditional Learning Environments New Learning Environments Teacher-centered instruction Student-centered learning Single-sense stimulation Multi-sensory stimulation Single-path progression Multi-path progression Single media Multimedia Isolated work Collaborative work Information delivery Information exchange Passive learning Active/exploratory/inquiry-based learning Factual, knowledge-basedCritical thinking and informed decision - making Reactive response Proactive/planned action Isolated, artificial context Authentic, real world context K-12 One to One Computing Handbook, Center for Digital Education

18 NETS-SStudents NETS-T Teachers NETS-A Administrators NETS-C Coaches NETS-CSE Computer Science Educators ISTE – International Society for Technology in Education NETS – National Educational Technology Standards Technology Standards Motto for Technology Integration: Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device

19 © 2012 ISTE





24 Literacy is Not Enough – 21 st Century Fluencies for the Digital Age Fluencies Literacy – Knowledge or competence Fluency - Demonstrate mastery unconsciously and smoothly

25 1. Digital Access – Full electronic participation in society. 2. Digital Commerce – The buying and selling of goods online. 3. Digital Communication – The electronic exchange of information. 4. Digital Literacy – The capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it. 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship in Schools and Teaching Digital Wisdom

26 5. Digital Etiquette – The standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users. 6. Digital Law – The legal rights and restrictions governing technology use. 7. Digital Rights and Responsibilities – The privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them. Continued … 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship in Schools

27 8. Digital Health and Wellness – The elements of physical and psychological well-being related to digital technology use. 9. Digital Security –The precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the security of their network. “Digital Citizenship in Schools” by Ribble and Bailey, ISTE (2007) Continued … 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship in Schools

28 Template At least 6 lessons will be submitted in Edmodo to meet project goals. Focus on the “verbs”, not the “nouns” Common Core State Standards SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound) TPACK Lesson Plan


30 Four Planning Questions 1. What will students learn? 2. Which strategies will provide evidence of student learning? 3. Which strategies will help students acquire and integrate learning? 4. Which strategies will help students practice, review, and apply learning? NETS for Students – Curriculum Planning Tool Using Technology With Classroom Instruction That Works Planning Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn, Malenoski, (ASCD, 2007) Don’t limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time. Rabindranath Tagore

31 Web 2.0 Tools

32 Edmodo – Learning Management System Provides teachers and students a secure place to connect and collaborate, to share content and educational applications, to access homework, grades, class discussions, and notifications. The goal is to help harness the power of social media and to customize the classroom for each and every learner.

33 No matter how much training teachers receive to prepare them for technology integration, most will not successfully employ that training without the leadership of the principal. The leadership in a school largely determines the outcome of technology integration; however, administrators cannot fully or effectively support technology if they do not understand it. Administrator Support Leading Technology-Rich Schools: Award-Winning Models for Success by Levin and Schrum, 2012

34 ICOT Assumptions for Effective Technology Integration Involves the routine use of digital tools to perform useful work. Variety of tasks, frequency of technology use, duration of technology use, and task-appropriateness. Into a variety of instructional approaches and learning activities. The NETS-S provide the best available general framework. The NETS indicators are addressed by teachers creating learning experiences that encourage or require students to use technology appropriately. ICOT – ISTE Classroom Observation Tool

35 What is a Teacher? By Allan Glatthorn What is a teacher? A guide, not a guard. What is learning? A journey, not a destination. What is discovery? Questioning the answers, not answering the questions. What is the process? Discovering ideas, not covering content. What is the goal? Open minds, not closed issues. What is the test? Being and becoming, not remembering and reviewing. What is learning? Not just doing things differently, but doing different things. What is teaching? Not showing them what to learn, but showing them how to learn. What is school? Whatever we choose to make of it.

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