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Published byEileen Johnston Modified over 9 years ago
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 1 Update on JAA Safety Strategy Initiative NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16 April 2004 P.H. (Dick) de Saint-Aulaire JSSI Coordinator JAA Regulation Division
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 2 CONTENTS Introduction JSSI framework JSSI update on results Conclusion Perspective List of Acronyms
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 3 INTRODUCTION JSSI-CAST cooperation Change in Europe –JAA-EASA transition –EU expansion Debriefing JSSI –general state of play –update since September 2003
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 4 JSSI FRAMEWORK JAA OVERALL OBJECTIVE The Joint Aviation Authorities aim at continuous improvement of their effective safety system leading to further reduction of the annual number of accidents and fatalities irrespective of the growth of air traffic
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 5 JSSI FRAMEWORK Aim –continuously improve JAA safety system –reduce annual accident rate Scope --Large Transport Aeroplanes operated in Commercial Air Transportation Focused safety agenda with deliverables Partnership, cooperation, open communication, implementation Structured approach, complementary to FAA –HistoricCAST leading –PredictiveJSSI leading
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 6 JSSI FRAMEWORK ORGANIZATION CAST RS Steering Committee Runway Safety WG FAAJAA EUROCONTROL JSSI Steering Group Design Related WG Occupant Safety & Survivability WG Runway Safety Task Force Occurrence Data Analysis Specs WG Future Aviation Safety Team Action Plan Team CFIT, ALA, LOC
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 7 JSSI FRAMEWORK JAA CONSULTATION PROCESS JSSI working groups JSSI Steering Group Implementation Action Plans through member states’ NAA JAA Sectorial Teams Operations EASA << Certification EASA << Maintenance Licensing Regulations JAA Committee
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 8 JSSI FRAMEWORK HISTORIC APPROACH Identify focus areas Prioritise focus areas: fatalities Analyse representative accidents sample set to recommend interventions
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 9 JSSI FRAMEWORK – HISTORIC APPROACH FOCUS AREAS Controlled Flight Into Terrain*) Approach and Landing*) Loss of Control*) Design related Weather*) Occupant Safety and Survivability Runway Safety*) Occurrence Data Analysis Turbulence *) being considered *) common with CAST
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 10 JSSI FRAMEWORK PREDICTIVE APPROACH Reason –Future may not be direct extrapolation of past: changes –Many accidents are related to situations not envisaged by the assumptions made when designing Focused Methodology –From Changes to Hazards (inherent & due to interactions) to Interventions Future Aviation Safety Team (FAST)
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 11 JSSI updateCFIT/ALA/LoC CFIT8 Action Plans endorsed by JAAC ALA4 Action Plans endorsed by JAAC 1 Action Plan in APT for re-planning LoC5 Action Plans endorsed by JAAC 4 Action Plans in OST having RIA 1 Action Plan on hold All Action Plans are based on those from CAST adapted to European needs/context
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 12 JSSI updateCFIT Action Plans ENDORSED by JAAC TAWS implementation ATC CFIT training Precision-like approach implementation Flight Crew training in CFIT prevention Crew Resources Management training Standard Operating Procedures Minimum Safe Altitude Warning Flight Data Monitoring
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 13 JSSI updateALA Action Plans ENDORSED by JAAC Flight Crew Training Flight Deck Equipment Upgrade/ Installation Aircraft Design Approach and Landing Safety Culture RE-PLANNING by APT Maintenance Procedures
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 14 JSSI updateCFIT/ALA Schedule revised TAWS actions basically done, ICAO CFIT Training Tool on JAA website status check Aug 2002: less covered than expected consequences discussed. Action Plans were: re-prioritised at JSSI APT meeting, Nov 02 re-planned in close cooperation with Ops Division finalized and approved by JSSI StG, May 03 approved by OST, Oct03 fully endorsed by JAAC, Feb04
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 15 JSSI update LoC Action Plans ENDORSED by JAAC Flight Envelope Protection Vertical Situation Displays Auto-flight Icing Displays & Alerting systems REGULATORY IMPACT ASSESSMENT by OST Advance Maneuver HF & Automation SOP Operational procedures ON HOLD Risk management
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 16 JSSI update LoC Action Plans SCHEDULE Advance Maneuver, HF & Automation, SOP, Operational procedures submitted to OST Mar04 request for Regulatory Impact Assessment Risk management on hold pending discussions with FAA on CPS Flight envelope protection, Vertical Situation Displays, Auto-flight*), Icing*), Displays & Alerting systems*) endorsed by JAAC Feb04 *) rely on harmonization work: NPA on Icing; Auto-flight prepared
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 17 JSSI update DESIGN RELATED LITTLE ACTION/PROGRESS Final report delivered Jan 2002 –ToR for harmonization on Tyre/Wheel Burst –Proposal to further investigate interface Certification - Maintenance –Proposal to further investigate concept of “Deep Treatment of Anomalies/Precursors” Follow-up –DTA/Precursors by ODAS WG in 2003 –Need for coordination with EASA since Jan 2004
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 18 JSSI updateOSS LITTLE ACTION/PROGRESS JSSI StG established OSS working group in 2000 Draft report issued and presented to OST Sep 02 –Recommendations Unruly passenger, Quality of Cargo handling, Crew training/drills, Cabin Crew/Passenger communication, Effectiveness of seat belts, Seat/floor attachment –ToR for Harmonisation: Holistic approach to evacuation –Research proposals On-board load & balance system, Smoking in toilets, Framework for data exchange Issue Final report originally planned Jan03, postponed until further notice
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 19 JSSI updateWEATHER Joining CAST Remaining Risk JSAT Originally named Weather JSAT and planned to start Sep02, put on hold until scope expanded with remaining areas of risk not covered yet Started July 2003 One JSSI representative participating (from industry & only European participant) Risk areas: Ground Icing/De-icing, Mid-Air collision, Cargo shift, Maintenance/System malfunction
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 20 JSSI update ODAS Occurrence Data Analysis Specs Working Group established by JSSI StG, Jan 2003 Produced data users’ functional specifications document for ECCAIRS: Safety Performance Monitoring, Precursor Detection, Deep Treatment, Risk Assessment/Classification, JSSI/CAST Standard Problem Statements, Standard Results Authorities and Interested Parties participated including FAA, Boeing and Airbus Final report presented to ECCAIRS StC, Nov 2003 accepted by JSSI StG, March 2004
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 21 JSSI RUNWAY SAFETY Joint Task Force of JAA, EUROCONTROL, ICAO-Europe and GASR: Started 2001, published Safety Letter, gathered data: Questionnaires, Interviews, Data Banks Findings led to conclusion: RUNWAY INCURSION IS A MAJOR ISSUE….. Follow-up actions: Drafted strategic plan Proposed areas for improvement Made initial recommendations Held RS Workshop, EUROCONTROL, Sep 2002
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 22 JSSI RUNWAY SAFETY Conclusion of RS Workshop 9-10 Sep 2002 START KEY REMEDIAL ACTIONS Set up RS programme at aerodrome level Pursue European co-operation Further develop TF/Workshop recommendations Stop Task Force, set up Working Group with Steering Committee to monitor/steer implementation
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 23 JSSI RUNWAY SAFETY RS Working Group Established Sep 02 Drafted Terms of References of WG and StC Proposed StC membership: directors level JAA, GASR, EUROCONTROL, ICAO, IATA, ACI, IFATCA, IFALPA, a.o. Selected Runway Incursions as first priority Drafted recommendations, developed into an Action Plan, issued Apr 03: European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 24 JSSI updateRUNWAY SAFETY European AP for the Prevention of RI Reviewed by RS StC Feb03 and member bodies Endorsed by EUROCONTROL, GASR, JAA Apr-Oct03 Printed copies + CD + EUROCONTROL website Oct03 RS StC feed-back: implementation too slow !!! Remedial actions taken, urging ICAO for global RI def, tasking RS WG Nov03 RS WG Start updating schedule, develop RS Awareness CD, further dissemination AP, watch new technologies
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 25 JSSI updateRUNWAY SAFETY European AP for the Prevention of RI Outcome meetings RS WG and StC Jan/Feb04 Implementation status EAPPRI –reach small aerodromes: advertise in media RS Awareness CD presented & approved ICAO proposals –global RI definition –merge RS initiatives USA+Europe+Australia Technology watch report –Situational Awareness –Collision Avoidance Systems
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 26 JSSI update Future Aviation Safety Team PHASE I, Oct 1999 - Sep 2000 –Methodology established –157 AoC affecting the Aviation System identified PHASE II, Sep 2000 - Jul 2001 –Top 20 Areas of Change selected using AHP method –Focus top 2 : Crew reliance on Flight Deck Automation New concepts for Airspace Management PHASE III, Oct 2001 - Jan 2003 –Focused Analysis of FDA Outputs: Safety considerations for future FDA Validation of FAST
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 27 JSSI updateFAST TOP #1 Area of Change Crew reliance on Flight Deck Automation 6 topics analysed, selected from top 23 by voting, looking at current or future hazards: –Situational Awareness Displays –FMS –CRM –Navigation Using Terrain Recognition –Fully Automated Flight –CNS/ATM free flight 34 interactions selected out of 157 by voting
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 28 JSSI updateFAST REPORT ON PHASE III Containing: - vision of future automation - list of principal automation hazards - recommendations & follow-up - future work Final draft presented to JSSI StG, Jan03 Issue #10 accepted by JSSI StG, Jan04 only as basis for development of top #2 AoC: New concepts for Airspace Management Next aim in support of top #2 AoC: - contributions from EUROCONTROL and CAST - JAAC endorsement and funding
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 29 JSSICONCLUSION Structured activities, focused safety agenda Full coordination with CAST-EUROCONTROL-ICAO-FSF JSSI in JAA Business Plan Resources scarce = stiff prioritisation = careful planning Results Most CFIT/ALA/LoC Action Plans endorsed by JAAC Runway Safety initiative gained momentum fulfilled practical user needs ECCAIRS OSS and DR Action Plans lag behind Weather AP development started by joining CAST Future hazards identified/prioritised, recommendations made Prepared for JSSI transfer to EASA
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 30 JSSI PERSPECTIVE Implementation of Action Plans in European states –EU expanding + EASA = increasing complexity: mix of members & non-members of EU, JAA, EASA –EASA will be instrumental in joining forces EASA –recognized need for strategic safety planning, asked JAA to continue until further notice –focused on organization build-up right now, JAA expecting first discussions mid-2004 Safety initiatives spreading worldwide –JSSI status change from “one of few” to “one of many”
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 31 JSSI Acronyms AHPAnalytical Hierarchy Process ALAApproach and Landing AoC Area of Change (in the Aviation System) APTAction Plan Team ATC(O)Air Traffic Control(ler) CAST Commercial Aviation Safety Team CFITControlled Flight Into Terrain CNS/ATMCommunications, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management CPS Commercial Airplane Certification Process Study EAPPRIEuropean Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions
JAA PHdeSA/NARAST meeting, Kunming, 14-16Apr04 32 JSSI Acronyms ECCAIRSEuropean Coordination Centre for Aviation Incident Reporting System FASTFuture Aviation Safety Team FMSFlight Management System GASRGroup of Airport Safety Regulators JAACJAA Committee LoCLoss of Control NPANotice of Proposed Amendment ODAS Occurrence Data Reporting Specification OSSOccupant Safety & Survivability OSTOperations Sectorial Team (JAA) RIARegulatory Impact Assessment ToRTerms of Reference (= Charter)
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