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We’ve learnt a lot about Zhalong Nature Reserve.

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2 We’ve learnt a lot about Zhalong Nature Reserve.

3 1.Where is Zhalong Nature Reserve? 2.What kind of land is in Zhalong? Review Zhalong is a nature reserve in Heilongjiang in North-east China. It is one of the world’s most important wetlands.

4 3.Why is it important for wildlife? 4.How long do birds live in Zhalong? The area provides food and cover for wildlife. It is a perfect place for some rare birds. Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay.

5 5. How many cranes are there in Zhalong? 6.Why will there be less and less space for wildlife? There are not many cranes left in the world, and 40 per cent of them live in Zhalong. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller and smaller in order to make more space for farms and buildings.

6 7. What do the members of the Birdwatching society do once a year? 8. What do we need more people to do? Why? Once a year, the members of the Birdwatching Society go to study the birds in Zhalong. We need more people to count and describe the birds. We hope this will help people understand the importance of the wetlands.

7 Do you know that in Jiangsu Province there’s also a nature reserve for birds? Do you know where it is?

8 Facts about Yancheng Nature Reserve

9 1. Yancheng Nature Reserve is in ______ Province in ______ China. a Heilongjiang, North-east b Hainan, South c Jiangsu, East 2. Yancheng Nature Reserve is a perfect place to ______. a buy the birds b hunt the birds c watch the birds

10 3. The reserve covers an area of over ______ square kilometres. a 453 b 4,530 c 45,300 4. Yancheng is the ______ home to red- crowned cranes in China. a largest b second largest c third largest

11 5. About ______ red-crowned cranes fly to Yancheng Nature Reserve every year to spend the winter. a 100 to 300 b 300 to 1,000 c 1,000 to 3,000 6. In ______, Yancheng Nature Reserve became one of the world’s most important wetlands. a 1997 b 2002 c 1992

12 Listen to the whole radio programme and complete the report. Yancheng Nature Reserve is in Jiangsu Province in _____ China. It covers an area of over ______ square kilometres. It became one of the world’s most important wetlands in _____. Yancheng Nature Reserve is home to different kinds of plants and rare birds. East 2002 4,530

13 There are not many __________________ in the world, but there are some in Yancheng Nature Reserve. It is a perfect place to go ____________. People celebrate the World Wetlands Day on ___________ each year. We should protect the wetlands not only because they are home to many plants, birds and _______ but also because they are important to the ______ of people all over the world. red-crowned cranes birdwatching 2 February animals health

14 Speak up: What should we take with us? Have you ever been to Yancheng Nature Reserve? Have you ever gone birdwatching somewhere? Daniel is asking Sandy for some advice about birdwatching. Please listen to their conversation and answer the questions.

15 1. What should Daniel take? 2. Why does Daniel need to take these things? A pair of binoculars, some water and a notebook. He needs the binoculars because they’ll help him see the birds more clearly. He needs some water because it usually takes hours to watch the birds. He may get thirsty. He needs the notebook because he can write down what he sees.

16 Talk Suppose your friend asks you to go on a school trip. Work in pairs and make a new conversation. Use Daniel and Sandy’s conversation as a model.

17 Sample conversation A: What should we take with us when we go on the school trip? B: You’d better take a camera. You can take some beautiful pictures. A: Ok. What else should we take? B: You should wear a pair of comfortable trainers ( 运动 鞋 ). It’s a long walk. You may get tired if you wear leather shoes. A: All right. Anything else? B: Take a mobile phone with you. You may need help if you get lost. A: That’s good idea. Thank you very much.

18 Stop fishing in the wetlands Stop hunting birds Protecting birds Encourage more people to help birds Do a bird count Let’s protect birds Birds are our friends. It’s everyone’s duty to protect birds. And we can all do something. ____________________________________


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