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Alexander the Great Theme: Advances in Warfare Mr. Fitzpatrick.

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1 Alexander the Great Theme: Advances in Warfare Mr. Fitzpatrick

2 Philip II Ruled Macedonia from 359- 336 B.C. and transformed it into a powerful military machine Ruled Macedonia from 359- 336 B.C. and transformed it into a powerful military machine Moved into northern Greece and met little resistance due to the Peloponnesian War Moved into northern Greece and met little resistance due to the Peloponnesian War By 338 he had Greece under his control By 338 he had Greece under his control

3 Macedonia

4 Alexander the Great Philip intended to use Greece as a launching pad to invade Persia, but he was assassinated before he could begin his plan Philip intended to use Greece as a launching pad to invade Persia, but he was assassinated before he could begin his plan Instead the invasion of Persia would be left for Philip’s son Alexander who was just 20 when Philip was assassinated Instead the invasion of Persia would be left for Philip’s son Alexander who was just 20 when Philip was assassinated Philip was assassinated Philip was assassinated “Alexander inherited from his father the most perfectly organized, trained, and equipped army of ancient times.” “Alexander inherited from his father the most perfectly organized, trained, and equipped army of ancient times.” J.F.C. Fuller, The Generalship of Alexander the Great J.F.C. Fuller, The Generalship of Alexander the Great

5 Warfare in the Age of Alexander Phalanx: A formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears, developed by Philip II and used by Alexander the Great Phalanx: A formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears, developed by Philip II and used by Alexander the Great Bucephalus: History’s most famous horse. Bucephalus: History’s most famous horse. 1. Read story from the Blue Book (page 126) 2. Watch tribute. tribute

6 Warfare in the Age of Alexander Hoplite Hoplite The main melee warrior of the Macedonian army. The main melee warrior of the Macedonian army. Worked mainly in the tight phalanx formation, creating impregnable lines that often left the enemy demoralized. Worked mainly in the tight phalanx formation, creating impregnable lines that often left the enemy demoralized.

7 Hoplites in Action

8 Warfare in the Age of Alexander Companions Companions Alexander’s elite cavalry, the offensive arm of his army, and his elite guard. Alexander’s elite cavalry, the offensive arm of his army, and his elite guard. They would be used in conjunction with the phalanx. The phalanx would fix the enemy in place and then the companion cavalry would attack on the flank. They would be used in conjunction with the phalanx. The phalanx would fix the enemy in place and then the companion cavalry would attack on the flank. Alexander would lead the charge with his cavalry, normally in a wedge formation. Alexander would lead the charge with his cavalry, normally in a wedge formation. These troops would also protect the flanks of the Macedonian line during battle. These troops would also protect the flanks of the Macedonian line during battle.

9 Warfare in the Age of Alexander Sieges involved the surrounding and blockading of a town or fortress by an army trying to capture it. Sieges involved the surrounding and blockading of a town or fortress by an army trying to capture it. A variety of weapons were built to hurl projectiles over city walls, scale or batter the walls, and transport soldiers over them. A variety of weapons were built to hurl projectiles over city walls, scale or batter the walls, and transport soldiers over them. Siege Tower Battering Ram


11 Tyre Old city on the mainland was abandoned Old city on the mainland was abandoned New city built on an island two miles long and separated from the coast by a half mile channel New city built on an island two miles long and separated from the coast by a half mile channel Walls were 150 feet high Walls were 150 feet high Had two harbors (Sidonian and Egyptian) Had two harbors (Sidonian and Egyptian) Alexander originally had no ships so he built a mole across the channel Alexander originally had no ships so he built a mole across the channel

12 Tyre Mole was designed to be 200 feet wide and was built by driving piles into the bottom and filling in the space with stones, earth, and wood Mole was designed to be 200 feet wide and was built by driving piles into the bottom and filling in the space with stones, earth, and wood Entire trees --- branches, leaves, and all -– were thrown beside the piles to serve as a breakwall Entire trees --- branches, leaves, and all -– were thrown beside the piles to serve as a breakwall Stone was hauled in from the old city Stone was hauled in from the old city “A city and a forest were exhausted to build this wonderful mole.” “A city and a forest were exhausted to build this wonderful mole.” Theodore Dodge, Alexander, 330. Theodore Dodge, Alexander, 330. Alexander’s original mole has grown over the centuries and is now a broad landbridge with roads and buildings on it.


14 The Siege of Tyre Part 1- Alexander’s Plan – Messengers killed Part 1- Alexander’s Plan – Messengers killed Part 1- Part 1- Part 2 – Alexander sets an example Part 2 – Alexander sets an example Part 2 Part 2 Part 3 - Land bridge begins Part 3 - Land bridge begins Part 3 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4 Part 4 Part 4 Part 5 – Ship protected catapult towers Part 5 – Ship protected catapult towers Part 5 Part 5 Part 6 – The Finally Part 6 – The Finally Part 6 Part 6

15 Tyre After a seven month siege, Tyre fell After a seven month siege, Tyre fell 8,000 Tyrians were killed in the fighting 8,000 Tyrians were killed in the fighting 2,000 more were hung afterwards 2,000 more were hung afterwards 400 Macedonians were killed in the siege and just 20 in the assault 400 Macedonians were killed in the siege and just 20 in the assault

16 Battle of Issus Darius III Alexander Alexander wins and Darius turns and runs away.

17 Gaugamela (Arbela) At Issus, Alexander captured Darius’ family and was holding them hostage but treating them well At Issus, Alexander captured Darius’ family and was holding them hostage but treating them well Darius needed to rescue them Darius needed to rescue them Seal of King Darius

18 Gaugamela (Arbela) Darius had assembled a huge army from all the Persian nationalities Darius had assembled a huge army from all the Persian nationalities Estimates range from 200,000 to a million infantry and 45,000 to 100,000 cavalry Estimates range from 200,000 to a million infantry and 45,000 to 100,000 cavalry 200 scythed chariots 200 scythed chariots 15 elephants 15 elephants Alexander had about 40,000 men Alexander had about 40,000 men He wanted to capture Darius to replace him as king of Persia He wanted to capture Darius to replace him as king of Persia Darius III, King of Persia 336-330 B.C.

19 Gaugamela Alexander Psyches his men up Alexander Psyches his men up Alexander Psyches his men up Alexander Psyches his men up The End of the Battle The End of the Battle The End of the Battle The End of the Battle

20 After Gaugamela Darius ran away, AGAIN!!! Darius ran away, AGAIN!!! His escape frustrated Alexander because it prevented him from full claim to being king of Persia His escape frustrated Alexander because it prevented him from full claim to being king of Persia Eventually Darius’ followers assassinated him Eventually Darius’ followers assassinated him As Alexander became king of Persia and continued to advance east, he took on an increasingly Eastern attitude As Alexander became king of Persia and continued to advance east, he took on an increasingly Eastern attitude

21 The End of the Empire "The Marriage of Alexander the Great and Roxanna" by Ishmail Parbury Alexander Alexander Married Roxanna and had his men also intermarry Married Roxanna and had his men also intermarry Adopted Eastern dress and habits Adopted Eastern dress and habits Publicly insisted upon his descent from the gods Publicly insisted upon his descent from the gods Began giving key positions to Persians Began giving key positions to Persians The Macedonians were tired of campaigning and resented the changes in Alexander’s behavior and become mutinous The Macedonians were tired of campaigning and resented the changes in Alexander’s behavior and become mutinous Alexander died in June 323, perhaps as a result of poisoning, perhaps Malaria Alexander died in June 323, perhaps as a result of poisoning, perhaps Malaria Alexander died in June 323, perhaps as a result of poisoning, perhaps Malaria Alexander died in June 323, perhaps as a result of poisoning, perhaps Malaria


23 After Alexander After Alexander died, his generals jockeyed for power and by 275 they had divided up his kingdom into three large states After Alexander died, his generals jockeyed for power and by 275 they had divided up his kingdom into three large states Antigonus took Greece and Macedon Antigonus took Greece and Macedon Ptolemy took Egypt Ptolemy took Egypt Seleuces took the former Achaemenid empire Seleuces took the former Achaemenid empire The period of Alexander and his successors is called the Hellenistic period to reflect the broad influence of Greek culture beyond Greece’s borders The period of Alexander and his successors is called the Hellenistic period to reflect the broad influence of Greek culture beyond Greece’s borders

24 Alexander’s Legacy He spread Western (Greek) Culture all over the known world.

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