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Vision of an Educated Workforce Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Paul Benson Sam Pellerito.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision of an Educated Workforce Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Paul Benson Sam Pellerito."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision of an Educated Workforce Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Paul Benson Sam Pellerito

2 STEM Committee  Chautauqua Region Community Foundation  Catholic Academy of the Holy Family  Jamestown Community College  Jamestown Public Schools  SUNY Fredonia  Workforce Investment Board

3 Initial Interests  Build and retain STEM related jobs  How can we interest students in STEM subjects  Seek proven initiatives that draw students into STEM professions  Seek partnerships with area institutions and industries  “ Grow your Own ”: retaining the area’s talented young people to fill STEM jobs in local industries and institutions

4 Region Assets  High quality of life in Western New York  Lower cost of living here  Quality housing stock  Quality schools and Neighborhoods  Great place to raise a family  Multiple industries, agriculture, business  Tourism, cultural and natural assets  Powerful revitalization underway

5 STEM National Picture  Ranked 28 th in the world for Math  Ranked 27 th in the World for Science  National Assessment of Educational Progress: less than 1/3 rd of U.S. 8 th graders show proficiency in mathematics and science  The U.S. STEM Professional Development Community is world’s largest

6 STEM National Picture  Research Progress on STEM learning is growing  Political Progress: educational reform and funding is improving  By 2014, there are estimated to be 2 million jobs created in STEM-related fields  STEM jobs pay 26% more than other occupations

7 New York State  Proficiency slips with age  National Center for Educational Statistics Ranks NYS on par in science and reading with National Averages  Regional statistics reflect state averages % Below Basic% at Basic% Proficient% Advanced Grade 4 Mathematics 17%43%35%5% Grade 8 Mathematics 27%39%26%8%

8 STEM Committee Projects  Grants and Program research  Wiki:  Holy Family Science Across the Curriculum with After School Program  Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Dinner Series  STEM Summer Camp

9 Holy Family  Integrating science across the curriculum  Connection for students between science, ELA, health, math and religion  Exercise and nutrition  GEMS science component kids preK-8  Roger Tory Peterson: Scientific tools in natural sciences  Jamestown Community College Science Center

10 Holy Family & JCC Energy and RecyclingJunk It Up (Recycled Art) Weather PhenomenonHead in the Clouds Changing ClimateChanging Animals Egg Drop CompetitionJust Plane Fun Challenger CenterLift, Launch, Gravity - GO!

11 Library of Congress  “Science Literacy and Society”  Local to national connections  Address major concepts in science  Natural Sciences  Climate Change  Marcellus Shale  Disease and Immunization  Inventions on the Horizon  New fuel technologies

12 Teaching with Primary Sources TitlePresenterAffiliationScience Gas Production and Marcellus Shale Dr. Gary LashSUNY FredoniaEarth Science Biology of Disease: Civil War to Modern Advances Shannon Bessette Jamestown Community College Biology Current Misconceptions in the Natural Sciences Mr. Mark Baldwin Roger Tory Peterson Institute Earth Science, Biology Power Production: Niagara Falls and Power Production in the Future Dr. Mike JabotSUNY FredoniaPhysics Earth Science Patents: Innovation and Science by Surprise Dr. Mike JabotSUNY FredoniaPhysics, Chemistry Climate Change Local and Global Kim Weborg- Benson SUNY FredoniaEarth Science, Climatology New Fuel Technologies: Cummins Engines and Bio- Diesel TBDCummins Engine Chemistry, Physics Local Munitions DevelopmentMichelle HenryChautauqua County Historian Engineering, Physics

13 “STEM”: Summer Camp  Week long Day Camp at JCC  Intensive program engaging Middle School students  Focusing on upcoming trends in science math and technology  Education focused on STEM careers and workforce development

14 Summary  Area plan to develop STEM interest among young people  Utilize strengths of local institutions and industries  Professional development for teachers  Summer program for students  Seek new funding streams  Tweak and Repeat 

15 References  Commerce Department: commerce-department-report-shows-fast-growing-stem-jobs-offer-hig commerce-department-report-shows-fast-growing-stem-jobs-offer-hig  White House: report.pdf White House: report.pdf  Catholic Academy of the Holy Family  Jamestown Renaissance Corporation:  NSF:  NYS STEM Collaborative:  NYS STEM Ed Report Card:  NYS Comprehensive Education Report:  National Center for Education Statistics:  Info Please:  Program.html Program.html

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