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人教课标版 高二 必修 5 Unit 4 人教课标版 高二 必修 5 Unit 4. Textbook (Page 31)

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1 人教课标版 高二 必修 5 Unit 4 人教课标版 高二 必修 5 Unit 4


3 Textbook (Page 31)

4 Before you listen, discuss with your partner what difficulties you might have interviewing someone famous.

5 Attention In Britain, people are very polite and expected to be so. So saying “please” and “thank you” is very important. Children are taught to remember to do this by their parents asking them this question if they forget: “What’s the magic word?” The magic word is of course “please”!

6 Listen to the tape to check your answers and see how polite people in Britain are.

7 Listen again and circle the correct one. Explain why the others are wrong. A.This is about a young man who is refused an interview with Liu Ming. B.This about a young man who is trying to arrange an interview with Liu Ming. C.This is about a young man who want to ask Liu Ming about how to work abroad.

8 Listen to Part 1 again and then answer the following questions. 1.Why does Zhou Yang want to interview Liu Ming? He wants to interview him about his decision to go abroad and work. 2. When does Liu Ming plan to leave Beijing? He plan to leave Beijing at the end of this week.

9 3. What is Liu Ming doing on Wednesday? 4. When does Liu Wong suggest they meet? He’s going to talk to some students in the morning; at four he’ll go to a special party. Lily Wong suggests they meet at 12 o’clock.

10 Look at the chart below and then listen carefully to Part 2 and fill it in. Fans’ ideas about Liu Ming going abroad Liu Ming’s ideas about going abroad Sorry not to see him plat in the flesh To learn more about tennis Watching him play on TV is not the same To develop his skills

11 Fans’ ideas about Liu Ming going abroad Liu Ming’s ideas about going abroad Afraid he may not come home again To intend to come back to China

12 Practice in making appointments

13 You are supposed to be the secretary of an important person. He needs to have his picture taken for a magazine. He would like to have it taken in the afternoon because he must have his hair cut in the morning. The other is the photographer who wants to take the picture in the morning because he/ she won’t be free in the afternoon. See how well you can arrange the meeting. These expressions may be useful.

14 Shall we make an appointment? How/What about …? When are you free? When do you think is convenient for you? Is it possible to …? I shall be busy at … and … but I can be free at …

15 Where is the best place? Maybe we can meet at …. What if… I’m not sure. I’ll have to check my schedule. Perhaps we could…

16 S 1 : Hello. I’d like to speak to Li Feizhou. I’m the photographer ringing him to make an appointment for some photographs for Cool Scene magazine. Is it possible to meet him tomorrow? Sample dialogue

17 S2: Hello. Perhaps I can help. I am Li Feizhou’s secretary. I’m afraid he can only meet you tomorrow afternoon as he had a haircut in the morning. Is that OK?

18 S 1 : Oh dear. I was hoping he would be free in the morning as I have another appointment then. It should only take two hours. Maybe we could meet before or after his appointment?

19 S2: Yes. That might be possible. But he’s busy between 9:00 and 10:30 and then between 11:30 and 1:00 but he might be free for an hour between 10:30 and 11:30. S1: I don’t think that’s long enough. Could he change his other appointment to another day?

20 S 2 : I don’t think so. S 1 : Then could he be free at 10:00? We could do the photographs and I would still be on time for my next appointment. S 2 : That sounds quite possible. I’ll ask him. What would he need to wear?

21 S 1 : Some comfortable clothes would be best. S 2 : Fine. I’ll talk to him and call you again very soon. Where would it be best to meet? S 1 : At the studio if that is OK with you. Thank you very much. S 2 : My pleasure.

22 Arrange a meeting on the telephone (P62).

23 You are going to arrange a meeting on the telephone. Work in pairs. One is the secretary of someone important. The other is a reporter who wishes to arrange an interview with him/ her. The following are useful expressions for you.

24 Which day would suit you best? I would like to arrange … What time would be most convenient? That will/ won’t be convenient because … I can / can’t do that because …

25 Where would you like to meet? I suggest that we meet … I may be able to see you at … ? Please, can you tell me …? I look forward to seeing you.

26 S 1 : Good mooning. This is the secretary of Zhou Jie. Can I help you? S 2 : Is it possible to make an appointment to interview her? S 1 : Who is that? Sample dialogue

27 S 2 : I am the representative of a company which produces Look bright beauty products. We would like to arrange for her to do some work for us and help sell our goods. S 1 : OK. She is very busy working on a film at the moment. What about next week? Which day would suit you best?

28 S2: Tuesday and Thursday are better. Does that suit her? S1: Well, her diary is empty for Tuesday so she may be able to see you then. What time would be most convenient? S2: Any time that day?

29 S 1 : Then I suggest you meet at 2pm. S 2 : OK. Where would she like to meet? S 1 : At the Apollo Theatre perhaps? S 2 : I look forward to seeing her at the Apollo Theatre at 2 pm on Tuesday. Thank you. Goodbye.

30 Workbook (Page 62)

31 Many people think that doing a radio or TV interview is fun and interesting. But there may be problems. What problems do you think they might have? Discuss with your partner.

32 Greg has just come home from a radio interview on the “Today” programme. “Today” programme is a very prestigious radio news programme on BBC radio that is broadcast every morning all over the UK. The interviewers are very experienced and ask difficult questions. So it might feel quite a daunting experience when you face it for the first time. The listening part is dialogue between Greg and his wife.

33 Listen to part 1and tick the correct time and place of the interview. Day Monday Thursday Yesterday Time 2pm 6:15 am 6:15 pm Place home TV station BBC radio station

34 1. Why did Greg have to go to the radio station and not use his home telephone? He had to got to the BBC radio station because the sound effects are better there. Listen again and answer the questions.

35 2. How did Greg describe the windows of the house? What does that show? The windows are described as large, tired eyes. It shows that Greg was apprehensive. He felt that the windows were like people watching him who were not very confident.

36 Listen to Part 2 and fill in the blanks. 1 ________ just at that moment a man ________ and opened the _____ for me. As soon as I entered the room, the _________ rang. It was the __________ from the “Today” programme. 2 Never was I so relieved ( 如释重负 ) to see anyone! I really _______ I was going to miss the programme. But ____ I was on the ___ everything was fine. Luckily appearedstudio telephoneinterviewer thought once air

37 Workbook (Page 66)

38 Listen to Part 1 and 2 and write down the main idea in one sentence. The story of two football teams fighting shows the importance of eyewitness in finding out two really started the trouble.

39 Report Form Name of officer: Li Da Date: 12/05/2008 What happened?Where was it? Who started it? Beijing, China Fight broke out between fans supporting the two teams When the police arrived it was impossible to tell. There was an eyewitness.

40 Eyewitness account? Evidence: Fred Smith’s eyewitness account and his photographs Fred Smith says he saw the Turkish supporters throw bottles at the British supporters first. Then it developed into a serious fight with everyone involved.

41 Conclusion: Reason: Signed: Fred Smith’s photographs support his idea that the Turkish fans started the fight. Li Da It was started by the Turkish supporters. The British fans were not in the wrong.


43 新闻往往报道的是新近发生的事件的真 相。写新闻报道时,首先要确定写什 么,然后收集所需要的写作素材。 新闻报道的要素 1. 新闻素材往往来自采访、阅读和观察。 2. 提供事件发生的事实,而不是观点。 3. 侧重说明事件的人物、时间、地点、过 程及起因。

44 4. 标题引人注目。 5. 用导语开篇,以概括报道的主要内 容。 6. 正文补充细节详情,最重要的内容放 在最前面,次重要的内容放在后面。

45 写作技巧 1. 确定标题。 2. 主题段点出五要素:人物、事件、时 间、地点和起因。 3. 正文以重要程度为序,提供更详细的 报道。

46 时间: April 9, 1998 地点: northern Georgia 事件: Tornado rips through Georgia 人物: the people who lost their homes in the tornado and the 起因: Severe thunderstorms caused a tornado

47 范文欣赏 Tornado rips through Georgia Severe thunderstorms caused a tornado to burst out through parts of northern Georgia on April 9, 1998. Fifteen people lost their lives. Homes were ripped apart, trees cracked, and bad floods occurred

48 One woman said, “We were awakened by a loud thunder. My husband and I ran to the basement. Then the tornado tore off our roof!” Then researchers found out the tornado was an F5. An F5 can make a car seem like a missile. Its winds are 261 to 318 miles per hour. The Red Cross quickly opened several shelters to help people. They served close to 3,000 emergency meals two days after the tornado. Now, all that the residents of Georgia can do is start cleaning up.

49 1. Complete the writing task. 2. Review the language points of this unit. Homework

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