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HTML & WEB DESIGN Mrs. Dianne Pappafotopoulos, Chairperson.

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Presentation on theme: "HTML & WEB DESIGN Mrs. Dianne Pappafotopoulos, Chairperson."— Presentation transcript:

1 HTML & WEB DESIGN Mrs. Dianne Pappafotopoulos, Chairperson

2 Course Description This course is an introduction to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and web page design. Students will learn how to create a simple web page using HTML before designing pages using the Dreamweaver program. This course is an introduction to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and web page design. Students will learn how to create a simple web page using HTML before designing pages using the Dreamweaver program. Students will be introduced to programs such as Animation Shop and Flash to further enhance their pages. The elements of Animation are highlighted in this curriculum. Once students have an understanding of the elements of the program behind the web page, they will be able to manipulate their pages from both a code and design point of view. This course covers basic and advanced web design lessons. Media literacy and website evaluation are also important components of this course. Students will be introduced to programs such as Animation Shop and Flash to further enhance their pages. The elements of Animation are highlighted in this curriculum. Once students have an understanding of the elements of the program behind the web page, they will be able to manipulate their pages from both a code and design point of view. This course covers basic and advanced web design lessons. Media literacy and website evaluation are also important components of this course.

3 Skills Developed Problem solving; critical thinking Problem solving; critical thinking Animation techniques Animation techniques Program coding Program coding Web design skills Web design skills Website evaluation for content/authenticity/design Website evaluation for content/authenticity/design

4 Animated Seasonal Globe Project Using HTML code and animation software, students designed their own seasonal globes and then placed them on a web page with related sound and poetry. The lesson not only taught them to utilize their technology application skills, but enhanced their creativity and thinking skills.

5 KRISTINA DeL TUFO 2004 "October Leaves" October leaves are lovely They rustle when I run Sometimes I make a heap And jump in them for fun. More Poems Here

6 CHELSEY DeLORENZO 2004 Spring makes the world a happy place You see a smile on every face. Flowers come out and birds arrive, Oh, isn't it grand to be alive? ~ Anonomyous Springtime Poems Springtime Poems

7 CHRISTINA DeVITO 2004 Sitting slouched in the amusement park Just killing time I simply watched from afar Across the fountain that would soon shut off My hopes were dashed, but it's not so bad Quietly, softly We saved something in our hands It was just perfect …

8 MELISSA CANTAVE ‘04 Little Seeds Little Seeds by Else Holmel und Minarik Little seeds we sow in spring growing while the robins sing, give us carrots, peas and beans, tomatoes, pumpkins, squash and greens. And we pick them, one and all, through the summer, through the fall, Winter comes, then spring, and then little seeds we sow again.

9 In the autumn fields mingled with the pampas grass flowers are blooming should my love too, spring forth or shall we never meet? By Kokinoshu KAMILE RIMKUTE


11 TIEN DANG 2006 Here Comes Spring! A Child of Spring I know a little maiden, She is very fair and sweet, As she trips among the grasses That kiss her dainty feet; Her arms are full of flowers, The snow-drops, pure and white, Timid blue-eyed violets, And daffodillies bright. She loves dear Mother Nature, And wanders by her side; She beckons to the birdlings That flock from far and wide. She wakes the baby brooklets, Soft breezes hear her call; She tells the little children The sweetest tales of all. Her brow is sometimes clouded, And she sighs with gentle grace, Till the sunbeams, daring lovers, Kiss the teardrops from her face. Well we know this dainty maiden, For April is her name; And we welcome her with gladness, As the springtime comes again. By: Ellen Robena Field

12 Mary Penney Prea Lertkajomkitti

13 Katelynn Crook

14 Bridget Doogan

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