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Operant Conditioning Unit 6. Classical Conditioning  respondent behavior – actions are an automatic response to stimuli  Organism does not control the.

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Presentation on theme: "Operant Conditioning Unit 6. Classical Conditioning  respondent behavior – actions are an automatic response to stimuli  Organism does not control the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operant Conditioning Unit 6

2 Classical Conditioning  respondent behavior – actions are an automatic response to stimuli  Organism does not control the responses.  Organism learns associations between events it does not control. Operant Conditioning  operant behavior – actions operate on the environment to produce rewarding or punishing stimuli  Organism does control the responses.  Organism learns associations by own behavior and the resulting events.

3 Classical Conditioning  Organism associates one or more stimuli together and anticipates events. + Dog learns the bell means it is time to eat. Operant Conditioning  Organism associates their own actions with consequences.  + Dog learns peeing outside means getting a treat.

4  A type of associative learning where an organism associates their own actions with consequences. Behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer. Behavior is diminished if followed by a punisher.

5  Sensitivity to Punishment  Give yourself 1 point for a “yes” for each of the odd-numbered items.  Sensitivity to Reward  Give yourself 1 point for a “yes” for each of the even-numbered items.  Scores range from 0-24 for each scale.  Higher scores reflect greater sensitivity to punishment or reward.

6  Reinforcer(Reinforcement)  Any event that increases or strengthens the behavior it follows.  Tells you what to do.  Punishment  Any event that decreases or weakens the behavior it follows.  Tells you what not to do.

7  Positive  Adding or administering stimuli  Negative  Removing or withdrawing stimuli

8  Positive Reinforcement  Increasing behavior  By adding stimuli  Negative Reinforcement  Increasing behavior  By removing stimuli

9  Positive Punishment  Decreasing behavior  By adding stimuli  Negative Punishment  Decreasing behavior  By removing stimuli

10 Adding or administering a stimulus Removing or withdrawing a stimulus Increases behavior that follows it Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Ex: Getting a hug; receiving a paycheck Ex: Fastening seatbelt to turn off beeping Decreases behavior that follows it Positive PunishmentNegative Punishment Ex: Spanking; receiving a parking ticket Ex: Time-out from privileges; revoked driver’s license

11 PositiveNegative Reinforcement Increases behavior it follows by adding a stimulus Increases behavior it follows by removing a stimulus Ex: Getting a hug; receiving a paycheck Ex: Fastening seatbelt to turn off beeping Punishment Decreases behavior it follows by adding a stimulus Decreases behavior it follows by removing a stimulus Ex: Spanking; receiving a parking ticket Ex: Time-out from privileges; revoked driver’s license

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