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CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) CSCE 102 - General Applications Programming Benito Mendoza 1 2015-10-22 Benito Mendoza 1 By Benito Mendoza.

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Presentation on theme: "CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) CSCE 102 - General Applications Programming Benito Mendoza 1 2015-10-22 Benito Mendoza 1 By Benito Mendoza."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) CSCE 102 - General Applications Programming Benito Mendoza 1 2015-10-22 Benito Mendoza 1 By Benito Mendoza Department of Computer Science & Engineering Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

2 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 2 2015-10-22 Benito Mendoza 2 The goal of this chapter is to learn how to segment content in the browser window. Three different methods exist: style rules, tables, and frames. All can be used to create complex layouts like the often-used magazine-style configuration. Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

3 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 3 2015-10-22 Benito Mendoza 3 Curiously, tables, are used by many web designers to organize information on the page because of their near universal support. The concept of frames is introduced which allows more than one document to be loaded and viewed in the browser window at the same time. Finally, we show how to open new document windows. Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

4 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 4 Page elements are interpreted: Top to bottom Left to right Can control some placement with float property or align attribute position property of style sheets provides specific placement information Creating an Internal Style Sheet Experimenting with Colors Changing the Alignment Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Normal flow

5 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 5 Layout with Style img.tower {position:absolute; top:75; left:150} … … Creating an Internal Style Sheet Experimenting with Colors Changing the Alignment Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

6 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 6 Placement is relative to containing block Could place image inside a paragraph that was itself positioned at some absolute set of coordinates Caution – using position removes the image from the normal flow but not anything else! Creating an Internal Style Sheet Experimenting with Colors Changing the Alignment Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

7 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 7 Magazine style Set height and width for most current monitors: Height = 400-500 pixels Width = 600 pixels No scrolling required See Figures 6.1 & 6.2, p. 144-145 Creating an Internal Style Sheet Experimenting with Colors Changing the Alignment Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

8 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 8 Title Image Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 600 pixels 500 pixels Creating an Internal Style Sheet Experimenting with Colors Changing the Alignment Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

9 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 9 Using Use element Define a custom block-level element for each section of the layout Creating an Internal Style Sheet Experimenting with Colors Changing the Alignment Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

10 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 10 Layout with Style div.title {…} div.image {…} div.col1 {…} div.col2 {…} div.col3 {…} Creating an Internal Style Sheet Experimenting with Colors Changing the Alignment Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

11 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 11 Layout with Style div.title {position:absolute; top:0; left:0; height:60; width:600 } … Creating an Internal Style Sheet Experimenting with Colors Changing the Alignment Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

12 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 12 Padding and Overflow padding – number of pixels between border and text (padding n or padding x y) overflow – whether or not text outside the borders is visible hidden visible Creating an Internal Style Sheet Experimenting with Colors Changing the Alignment Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

13 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 13 Nested Tables Insert … within an existing … element Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

14 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 14 Tables Plain table Ch06-Ex-05.html Nested table Ch06-Ex-06.html Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows

15 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 15 Divide window into separate sections like Each section displays the contents of a separate HTML document Frames may: Have scroll bars Be resized Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

16 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 16 Frames First define a layout or frameset document: Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

17 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 17 Define structure using the frameset element rows attribute cols attribute Units are: Percentage of window size Number of pixels Relative value Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

18 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 18 Frames Percentage of window size: Number of pixels: Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

19 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 19 Relative value: Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

20 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 20 Frames can be nested Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

21 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 21 only specifies structure, not content Content requires a tag Each tag may have seven attributes Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

22 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 22 src – The URL of the HTML document that will appear in the frame id – Assigns a name to the frame so it can be referenced by links in other frames marginwidth and marginheight – The size in pixels of the frame’s margins Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

23 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 23 scrolling yes – The frame will always have scroll bars no – The frame will never have scroll bars auto – The frame lets the browser decide noresize – The user cannot drag the frame edges to resize the frame frameborder=0 – hides the frame’s borders Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

24 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 24 Include one tag for each frame: Ch06-Ex-07.html Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

25 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 25 element in case user’s browser doesn’t support frames: This Web page … Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

26 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 26 Refresh/Reload button: Reloads frame(s) contents but Does not reload the layout ( ) document To reload a have to use menu: File, Open, etc. Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

27 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 27 Linking between frames: Click link in one frame See result in another frame Add target attribute to tag: Click here to … Otherwise content appears in current frame Ch06-Ex-08 Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

28 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 28 Eliminating frames Frameset hierarchy Browser tracks framesets Browser window is at the “top” First defined is “down” one level … Browser window 1 st frameset Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

29 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 29 Can set target to _top: … Ch06-Ex-10 Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

30 CSCE 102 – Chapter 6 (Web Design and Layout) Benito Mendoza 30 Multiple Windows Just like specifying what frame in which to display a document: … Ch06-Ex-11 Layout with Style Layout with Tables Frames and Multiple Windows Frames Multiple Windows

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