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Vokis, Wikis and Other Quickies: Part 2 Wiki what?!??!

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Presentation on theme: "Vokis, Wikis and Other Quickies: Part 2 Wiki what?!??!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vokis, Wikis and Other Quickies: Part 2 Wiki what?!??!

2 What is a wiki? A wiki is a website that works in asynchronous time. Anyone you allow can edit it anytime, which is great for projects. Watch this quick video to understand how it works.

3 Why should you use a wiki in your classroom? It creates community It’s collaborative It allows for asynchronous communication amongst students, teacher, community and the world Using a wiki platform, students don’t have to worry about web design, and can focus on the content instead

4 Ideas for using wiki in the classroom Virtual field trips: Have your students research far away places they would like to go on a field trip, and get them to share images and information about the location. Write a Wikibook: Make it a class project to collaboratively write a reference book that others can use. Study guides: Ask students to create study guides for a specific part of the unit you’re studying. Readers’ guides: Have your students create readers’ guides to share their favorite and most important parts of works you’ve read in class. Solving wiki: Post difficult math problems, such as calculus, so that the class can collaboratively solve them. Glossary: Get your class to create a glossary of terms they use and learn about in new units, adding definitions and images. Class encyclopedia: Ask your class to create an "encyclopedia" on a topic, adding useful information that can be built upon through the years. Create exploratory projects: If you’re teaching a new subject, ask your students to collect and share information in the wiki so that you can learn together.

5 Ideas for using wiki in the classroom Continued… Student portfolios: Assign portfolio pages to each of your students, and allow them to display and discuss their work. Correction competition: You can post a document riddled with mistakes, then have students compete to see who can fix the most errors fastest. Fan clubs: Start fan clubs for your students’ favorite figures from history and ask them to contribute their favorite quotes, photos, and other tidbits together. Mock-debate: Pit two class candidates against each other and perform a debate on your wiki. Multi-author story: Start a creative writing unit, and get your students to write a short story together, each writing a small amount of the story. Share reviews: Post articles for different movies, books, and TV shows, encouraging students to share what they though about them. Literature circles: Host a book club on your wiki where students are required to read the same book, then discuss it on the wiki. Create and pass a legislative bill: Let students see the back and forth that exists in legislation by creating their own and attempting to pass it.

6 How would you use a wiki in your classroom? Collaborate with teachers around you and put your ideas in the teacher toolbox page in your packet


8 How do I create a wiki? Because I love free, and everyone does, I’m demonstrating today with

9 Go to Scroll down and click “Create a free K-12 wiki” Scroll down and click “Create a free K-12 wiki” Create an account and wiki name Create an account and wiki name Now you have created a wiki!!! Now you have created a wiki!!!

10 See Wiki Quickie How-To Page Refer to your quickie how-to page to discover how to create pages on the wiki, post pictures, post videos, and other ninja things for your new wiki.

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