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C A H S sophomore parent night 05.17.2012. English II Pre-AP FOCAL POINTS  Grow as a reader  Grow as a writer  Analyze and make literature: stories,

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1 C A H S sophomore parent night 05.17.2012

2 English II Pre-AP FOCAL POINTS  Grow as a reader  Grow as a writer  Analyze and make literature: stories, poetry, essays, drama  Prepare for standardized tests  Prepare for success in AP English

3 English II Pre-AP SUPPLIES  Loose leaf paper  Pens and pencils  Composition notebook  3x5 Index cards  Sticky notes

4 English II Pre-AP SUMMER READING  Check the CAHS site for Summer Reading Assignment  Enjoy your book  Do your reading early  Respond to the book thoughtfully

5 Chemistry Pre-AP ABOUT THE COURSE Chemistry is the central science. It is the study of the understanding of the nature, structure and behavior of atoms. Chemistry also involves a lot of mathematics; successful completion of Algebra I is a prerequisite for this class.

6 Chemistry Pre-AP SUPPLIES  2 inch binder with see through pockets  1 package dividers  page protectors (10)  blue/black pens (for labs)  # 2 pencils  scientific calculator  composition book with graph paper

7 Chemistry Pre-AP HOMEWORK/WORKLOAD  Average of 30 minutes per night  Some nights won't have any work due the next day but the students will have projects and labs that they should be working on.

8 Digital & Interactive Media ABOUT THE COURSE Students learn basic design skills to create and combine text, graphics, audio, and animation into effective digital and interactive media products. In this course, students use cover Digital Illustration, Digital Graphics and Image Manipulation, Effective Design and Presentation, Audio Production, Digital Animation, and Web Design.

9 Digital & Interactive Media SUPPLIES  folder  pen/pencil  2 GB flash drive  ear buds/headphones (optional)  software: Adobe CS4 (available on all CAHS computers)

10 Digital & Interactive Media HOMEWORK/WORKLOAD  Majority of work done during class  Time at home needed for reviewing lessons or studying for quizzes  Requires some time outside of class if absent or work at a slower rate

11 Digital & Interactive Media STUDENT WORK  School Event Flyer School Event Flyer  Chemistry Cartoon Chemistry Cartoon  Commercial Commercial  Chemistry Lesson Chemistry Lesson

12 Spanish I, II, and III HOMEWORK/WORKLOAD  Might have homework everyday  20-30 minutes of practice or studying each night  10 point deduction each day an assignment is late

13 Spanish I, II, and III AVAILABLE RESOURCES  eClassroom  CD Tutoring Program  Study websites  Tutoring (with teacher or Salón de Sabios)

14 Spanish I, II, and III AP EXAM—WHY TAKE IT? You can possibly get a minor without taking a Spanish course in college.

15 Geometry Pre-AP ABOUT THE COURSE Students will develop reasoning and problem solving skills as they study topics such as congruence and similarity, apply properties of lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles, and use length, perimeter, area, surface area, and volume to solve real-world problems.

16 Geometry Pre-AP SUPPLIES  binder, spiral, or folder  notebook paper (or paper from spiral)  # 2 pencils  protractor, compass, and ruler  scientific calculator – we will use the TI-84 Plus Silver edition at school

17 Geometry Pre-AP HOMEWORK  Expect 20 - 30 minutes of homework almost every night. Allow more time when studying for tests. TEXTBOOKS  Students should keep textbooks at home and use the class set at school. Book has an online eEdition.

18 Geometry Pre-AP GRADING  Tests – 60%  Quizzes – 20%  Homework – 20% EOC STAAR TEST  10 th grade students will take the state STAAR test at the end of the school year.

19 World History AP ABOUT THE COURSE The purpose of the AP World History course is to develop greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts in different types of human societies from 8000 BCE through the end of the 20 th century.

20 World History AP SUPPLIES  Multiple small spirals (5 or 6 suggested)  Pens and pencils  Large 3-ring binder (3 inch)  Stearns textbook  Kaplan study book (provided by CAHS)

21 World History AP SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT  Read and take notes on chapters #1 and #2 from the Peter “Stearns” textbook.  Understanding of chronology, important people/places, and relevance in the scope of the time period is expected in your notes.

22 World History AP HOMEWORK/WORKLOAD  Weekly Quiz: one chapter every Thursday. Students should start reading and taking notes on the chapter no later than Monday.

23 World History AP HOMEWORK/WORKLOAD  Intellectual Vocabulary: major grade and requires preparation outside of class (once per unit).  Essay Assignments: major grade and requires preparation outside of class.

24 World History AP TUTORING Students will have the opportunity to meet with me at least twice per week. The exact days and times will be announced the first week of school.

25 World History AP EXAMINATION LAYOUT Question TypeNo. of Questions Timing Multiple Choice70 questions55 minutes Document-Based Question 1 question50 minutes (includes a 10-minute reading period) Continuity and Change Over Time Essay 1 question40 minutes Comparative Essay1 question40 minutes

26 World History AP SAMPLE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION The expansion of communication and trade networks in Afro- Eurasia from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. resulted in the spread of which of the following from South Asia? A.Military weaponry, such as iron-tipped spears and chariots B.Technological and scientific concepts, such as the decimal and zero C.Irrigation technologies, such as ceramic pipes D.Textile manufacturing processes, such as the spinning jenny

27 World History AP SAMPLE DBQ PROMPT Using the following documents, analyze the causes and consequences of the Green Revolution in the period from 1945 to the present. Identify and explain one additional type of document and explain how it would help your analysis of the Green Revolution. Historical Background: The Green Revolution refers to the worldwide introduction of new, scientifically bred crop varieties and intensive use of new technologies.

28 World History AP SAMPLE DBQ DOCUMENT Document 6 Source: Mrs. Dula, wife of a Mexican agricultural official, in a conversation with a United Nations official, circa 1970. If you fly from Tucson, Arizona, to Hermosillo, Mexico, what you are going to see is a type of agriculture that makes you rich, so rich. You will see houses like you’ve never seen in Mexico City, swimming pools and everything. They have such a lot of money. The ladies of these rich Mexican farmers like to save, so they form a club, and once a month they go to Tucson [to shop]. Some saving!

29 World History AP SAMPLE FRQ PROMPT - CCOT Analyze changes and continuities in long-distance migrations in the period from 1700 to 1900. Be sure to include specific examples from at least TWO different world regions.

30 World History AP SAMPLE FRQ PROMPT - COMPARATIVE Analyze similarities and differences in the rise of TWO of the following empires. A West African Sudanic empire (Mali OR Ghana OR Songhay) The Aztec Empire The Mongo Empire

31 World History AP FRQ AND DBQ SCORING STATISTICS QuestionMeanStandard Deviation Number of Points Possible 13.342.129 21.161.659 32.281.949 AP World History 2011 Free-Response Questions Scoring Statistics




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