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Consortia – working together to deliver public services Michael O’Toole

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1 Consortia – working together to deliver public services Michael O’Toole

2 Why collaborate?  Consortia are delivery entities public sector will recognise  A formal consortium is a valid tendering entity  Collective track record, financial strength, reach and expertise should be considered  Extra services can be delivered  Holistic customer journey can be provided  Individual members can play to their strengths  Economies of scale and cost‐savings can be delivered  Enables role for small organisations in larger delivery  Finance and cash flow

3 Benefits for commissioners  Seamless delivery across a range of services  Integrated services  Cohesion across different sectors  Outcome-focussed commissioning  Local, personalised services via large contracts  Performance, management information and added value  Contract management and efficiency  Reduce administration and financial processing

4 Practical learning  Collaboration is what you make it!  Clear roles, responsibilities, management and governance  Consortia members need to pull together and share goals  Shared responsibility, shared risk, shared reputation  Harmonised with the need to be sustainable  Focus on outcomes not internal mechanics  Shared services  Bidding  Performance  Quality  HR  Finance  Legal  IT

5 Good practices  Consortium needs to be fit for the purpose!  Pre‐tender clarity leads to smoother performance once the contract is won  Manage performance centrally or with managing agent  ‘Chief Executive’, mediator and first point of contact  Focus on QA independently from delivery  Clear sub‐contracts and agreed:  Processes, referrals, escalation, etc  Anticipated work flows & outcomes expected  Payment terms & evidence  MI requirements  Scope and tolerances of performance and contingencies

6 Good practices  Share resources and experience  Secondments  Platforms  Manage volume fluctuations flexibly  Communicate and review  Continuous improvement  Develop and improve service and efficiency  Internal performance competition

7 Questions?

8 Questions? 

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