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Setting the Stage: Workplace Flexibility and Total Rewards

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Presentation on theme: "Setting the Stage: Workplace Flexibility and Total Rewards"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Dialogue on Workplace Flexibility Challenges and Solutions for Arizona’s Military Families
Setting the Stage: Workplace Flexibility and Total Rewards Diane Burrus Workplace Flexibility Practice Leader, WFD Consulting April 20, 2011

2 Total Rewards Model World at Work

3 Work-Life Effectiveness
Career Life Self Family Community

4 Community Involvement Workplace Flexibility
The Work-Life Portfolio Health & Wellness Paid & Unpaid Time Off Financial Support Community Involvement Culture Change Caring for Dependents Workplace Flexibility

5 Flexibility Spectrum Where does your organization fall on the Flexibility Spectrum? No Current Use Of Flexibility Policies & Programs in Place Individual Accommodations Flexibility Has Many Faces New Ways of Working Special arrangements or “deals” granted on a case-by-case basis and often kept secret Policies & programs exist but flexibility is used only in “pockets” across the organization Widespread use of formal and informal flexibility to meet organization and individual needs A results-driven culture where flexible work practices are utilized as a management strategy to achieve business results No flexible work options currently being used Copyright WFD Consulting 5 5 5

6 Workplace Flexibility: Ensuring Success
for the 21st Century 21st Century Workplace Anytime anyplace operations Dispersed workforce No time/space boundaries Results driven culture Flexible work practices = positive business outcomes Connectedness and connectivity Agile, efficient work practices and processes HR, IT and Real Estate alignment 6

7 Workplace Flexibility May Be:
Informal Occasional, day-to-day flexibility Individuals and teams work in ways and locations that meet changing business, student/customer and personal needs Formal Individual on-going Flexible Work Arrangements Long-term changes in schedule and/or location of work (2 months or more) 7

8 Flexible Work Options What Do We Mean By Workplace Flexibility??
FlexTime Part Time JobSharing Compressed Work Week TeleWork RemoteWork 8

9 What Workplace Flexibility Is and Isn’t
Flexibility Is NOT A more effective way of working Managers giving up decision making and power A win-win for the organization and employees An employee benefit or entitlement A tool to enhance recruitment, retention and commitment Suited for all people, all positions at all times Values and measures “results” vs. “face-time” Saying “yes” to every request Increases employee responsibility and ownership Treating all employees the same Represents a fair and consistent decision making process Reducing performance standards or service to our students/customers Individually customized, situationally managed Primarily accommodation for parents with small children Reflective of employee’s lack of commitment 9

10 Flexibility Principle # 1
It is not always about working fewer hours… It is about gaining an optimal degree of control over how, when and where one works!

11 Flexibility Principle # 2
It is not about programs… It is about a results based work culture!

12 Flexibility Principle # 3
It is not an individual accommodation or entitlement… It’s a Business Strategy to ensure success for the 21st century!

13 What do I mean when I say that Flexibility is
a Business Imperative/ Strategy? Competitive Talent Management Strategy to drive organizational success by creating a flexible, results driven culture Attract, retain and motivate the workforce to accomplish the goals and vision of the organization Increase loyalty and engagement and fuel productivity by building a high performance culture More control over work helps employees better manage their work and personal lives 13

14 Characteristics of a Successful Flexible Work Culture
Active senior management commitment as business strategy Policy/guidelines infrastructure exists and easily accessed Ongoing communications promoting necessary attitude and behavior Training of all levels of management in how to effectively utilize workplace flexibility Managers and employees held accountable Reward and recognition for successful implementation HR policies, systems and other functions aligned with flexible work Technology and tools that enable flexible work practices 14

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