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THE SDF EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME. WHAT IS THE SDF EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME? Each SDF’s responsibility is to ensure that their organisation’s skills development.

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2 WHAT IS THE SDF EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME? Each SDF’s responsibility is to ensure that their organisation’s skills development strategy, including the workplace skills plan and its implementation, are linked to the requirements of their organisation, each employee and the SETA The excellence programme aims to recognise the SDF’s achievement of this, and encourage best practice

3 THE OBJECTIVES OF THE SDF EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME  To inform, develop and support SDFs registered with Fasset  To improve skills development in the workplace by applying best practice principles  To recognise the achievements of outstanding SDFs

4 THE SDF EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME INCLUDES:  LEARNING SESSIONS  Networking sessions  SDF Excellence Awards  Recognition of Prior Learning

5 LEARNING SESSIONS Learning sessions are short courses where SDFs build on their knowledge, have their questions answered, and have an opportunity to practice their skills

6 LEARNING SESSIONS (Cont)  SDFs need only attend learning sessions that are relevant to their learning needs  The learning sessions are part of the SDFs continuous education and development  SDFs will be assessed against the relevant unit standards, accumulating credits towards qualification

7 THE 10 LEARNING SESSIONS INCLUDE: 1.Understanding and implementing the SAQA and Skills Development Acts 2.Developing and implementing a Workplace Skills Plan 3.Interpreting and using unit standards in the workplace 4.Conducting competency-based assessment 5.Development assessment guides

8 THE 10 LEARNING SESSIONS INCLUDE: (Cont) 6.Developing the strategic role of the SDF 7.Developing competency profiles 8.Developing learning interventions 9.Establishing a quality management system for Accreditation 10.Implementing learnerships

9 THE SDF EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME INCLUDES:  Learning sessions  NETWORKING SESSIONS  SDF Excellence Awards  Recognition of Prior Learning

10 NETWORKING SESSIONS  Networking sessions will provide information on topical areas in skills development  They will provide SDFs a chance to meet and interact with other SDFs  The content of the networking sessions will be determined by Fasset in response to needs as they arise

11 THE SDF EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME INCLUDES  Learning sessions  Networking sessions  SDF EXCELLENCE AWARDS  Recognition of Prior Learning

12 THE SDF EXCELLENCE AWARDS  The SDF excellence awards will give recognition to SDFs and their employers for outstanding performance in skills development  A SDFs performance will be judged using criteria set by Fasset  There will be three awards per province – one per small, medium and large organisation

13 THE SDF EXCELLENCE AWARDS (Cont)  The winners’ organisations will also receive an excellence award  An overall national winner will be selected

14 THE SDF EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME INCLUDES:  Learning sessions  Networking sessions  SDF Excellence Awards  RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING

15 RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING  SDFs will receive accreditation for their prior learning against the SDF unit standards  A pilot group of SDFs will undergo the RPL process once the policy, guidelines and procedures are in place  If judged competent against the unit standards, these achievements can be used towards a registered qualification

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