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28 April 2014 Bellringer – Open your packet to page 8 and fill in the information you remember from the religions we have covered thus far. Basics of Islam.

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Presentation on theme: "28 April 2014 Bellringer – Open your packet to page 8 and fill in the information you remember from the religions we have covered thus far. Basics of Islam."— Presentation transcript:

1 28 April 2014 Bellringer – Open your packet to page 8 and fill in the information you remember from the religions we have covered thus far. Basics of Islam Discussion Golden Ages in the Dark Ages? HW : None

2 An Overview of Islam

3 Religious Beliefs Buddhism → Reincarnation, Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Christianity → Jesus Christ is the messiah and savior Hinduism → Reincarnation, Afterlife is based on karma. Islam → Allah is God and Muhammad is his prophet Judaism → They are still waiting for the messiah to come.


5 Islam is the second most common religion in the world There are more than 1.6 billion Muslims in the world There are about 6 million Muslims in the United States Islam means PEACE ~ Peace comes from total submission to God (according to Islam) Name of God in Arabic is ALLAH Muslim is one who submits to God alone Muslims believe in One God (monothiestic) Muslims accept Muhammad as the final prophet of God Introduction

6 The name for God in the Arabic language Allah

7 Prophets For Example: Noah, Abraham, Moses David, Jesus & Muhammad (Peace be upon them)

8 Muslims… believes in Allah as the only true God, and that Muhammad is his Final Prophet. and that Muhammad is his Final Prophet.

9 Muhammad Muhammad was born in Mecca around 570 As an adult he managed a caravan buisness owned by a woman whom he later married when he was 25. Mecca was a changing city & Muhammad was growing concerned about these changes.

10 Muhammad When he was around 40, he went to meditate in a cave. According to religious writings, an angel spoke to Muhammad telling him to “Recite! Recite!” “Recite in the name of your Lord who created, created man from clots of blood! Recite! Your Lord is the Most Bountiful One, Who by the pen taught man what he did not know.” – translated by N.J. Dawood Muslims believe that God spoke to Muhammad through an angel – making him a prophet – the final prophet for Islam. The messages were recorded in the Qur’an

11 Islamic Basics The Messenger of God → Muhammad Name of God → Allah Islam → “To submit to God.” Muslim → A follower of Islam Hajj → The pilgrimage to Mecca (trip) Holy Book → Qur’an House of Worship → Mosque Minaret → The slender tower of a mosque

12 Qu’ran Revealed 1400 years ago to Muhammad – believed to be the exact word of God

13 Mosque The Place where Muslims Pray Muhammad’s house became the first mosque

14 1. Accepting One God and prophet Muhammad as his final messenger 2. Prayers – 5 times a day 3. Fasting – for 30 days during Ramadan 4. Charity – to the deserving and less fortunate 5. Pilgrimage – Hajj to Mecca, Saudi Arabia at least once in your lifetime Five Pillars of Practice In Islam

15 Islam The five pillars of Islam… 12345

16 Shahadah There is no other god but Allah Muhammad is his Messenger 1

17 Prayer Muslims pray 5 times a day 2

18 Zakat Giving part of your wealth in Charity 3

19 Fasting Muslims Fast during the Month of Ramadan during daylight hours During the 9 th month of the Muslim calendar. (rotates ) 4

20 Mecca

21 4 million people go to Hajj every year The Kaaba is the most sacred place in Islam, a mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia 5


23 Dark Ages? Cx7Wk Cx7Wk

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