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Homework Complete the Aftermath of Henry VIII handout for tomorrow. Test on the Renaissance / Reformation Thursday. Multiple choice and short answer questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework Complete the Aftermath of Henry VIII handout for tomorrow. Test on the Renaissance / Reformation Thursday. Multiple choice and short answer questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework Complete the Aftermath of Henry VIII handout for tomorrow. Test on the Renaissance / Reformation Thursday. Multiple choice and short answer questions. Current events project due Tuesday, May 19.

2 Aim #14: How did Protestant ideas spread across Germany and England? May 11, 2015

3 I. Church Reaction to Luther A. Luther is excommunicated by Pope Leo X in 1521 B. Luther is called upon to stand trial in Worms by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (ruler of the Holy Roman Empire / Germany and Spain) → asked to recant his heretical ideas. C. Luther refuses, so Charles V issues the Edict of Worms declaring Luther an outlaw and a heretic. D. Luther gains protection from Frederick of Saxony (German noble).

4 Empire of Charles V

5 II. Reaction in Holy Roman Empire / Germany A. Germany was still a collection of disunified states during this period, each one with its own ruler. Charles V is in charge of all of these rulers. B. The rulers of many of these German states side with Luther and convert to Protestantism. What’s in it for them?

6 II. Reaction in Holy Roman Empire / Germany C. Many German peasants also side with Luther and convert. Why did they find Luther’s ideas appealing? D. Many educated, middle class Germans become Protestant as well. Why? E. Ultimately, the northern states become Protestant, the southern states remain Catholic.

7 II. Reaction in Holy Roman Empire / Germany F. Eventually, there is civil war in Germany between rulers who support Luther and rulers who are still loyal to Charles V. G. Compromise Solution: The Peace of Augsburg (1555). Rulers of each German state can decide what the religion of their state will be. Does this mean there is religious tolerance in the German states?

8 III. English Reformation A. King Henry VIII (1509-1547) wants to divorce his wife Catherine of Aragon (she’s getting older and has not provided a male heir), and marry Anne Boleyn. He asks the Pope for a divorce. B. The Pope will not grant the divorce (Catherine is the aunt of Charles V, Pope doesn’t want to upset him!)

9 III. English Reformation C. Henry breaks from the Catholic Church, makes England Protestant! Basically, everyone in England has to be Protestant so the king can get a divorce! D. Forces Parliament to pass the Act of Supremacy (1534): This makes the English king, not the Pope, the official head of England’s new Protestant church (called the Anglican Church) E. Henry closes all English monasteries!

10 IV. English Reformation Henry VIII goes on to have six wives:

11 Concluding Question Who do you think had a better reason for leaving the Catholic Church: Luther or Henry VIII? Why?

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