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Transformational Change? The Potential Impact of ICT on Museums, Libraries and Archives Bob Sharpe, Director of ILS, University of Plymouth Liz Lyon, Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Transformational Change? The Potential Impact of ICT on Museums, Libraries and Archives Bob Sharpe, Director of ILS, University of Plymouth Liz Lyon, Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transformational Change? The Potential Impact of ICT on Museums, Libraries and Archives Bob Sharpe, Director of ILS, University of Plymouth Liz Lyon, Director of UKOLN, University of Bath

2 Outline Introduction and Context Introduction and Context Government Agendas Government Agendas Where are we now? Where are we now? Our users world in 2014 Our users world in 2014 ICT Developments in next 10 years ICT Developments in next 10 years Impact on LMAs Impact on LMAs

3 Introduction and Context SWMLAC is preparing an ICT Strategy SWMLAC is preparing an ICT Strategy –Employing consultants –Board members, staff and key players working together Issues discussed at the SWMLAC Board Issues discussed at the SWMLAC Board Not SWMLAC policy Not SWMLAC policy –Personal views Beware futurologists… Beware futurologists… Controversial? Controversial?

4 Government Agendas Lifelong Learning Lifelong Learning eGovernment eGovernment Social Inclusion Social Inclusion Widening participation Widening participation Adult and Community based learning Adult and Community based learning Work based learning Work based learning

5 Our users world in 2004 Jane – not yet born Jane – not yet born Alice - an 8yr old Alice - an 8yr old David - a 17yr old David - a 17yr old Bob - a senior manager Bob - a senior manager

6 Where are we now? The concept The concept The physical environment The physical environment The virtual environment The virtual environment Three domains Three domains How are they linked? How are they linked?

7 Brand name Brand concept Branded environments Branded products/services Specific communications AB CDEF G Lifelong learning Idea Cafe Idea card Learn direct Idea pod Idea mobile Idea Store Idea net






13 Bow – Pilot site: Facts and Figures 3 fold increase in visitors compared to the two libraries it has replaced 3 fold increase in visitors compared to the two libraries it has replaced 40% increase in issues 40% increase in issues CD loans have doubled CD loans have doubled Membership has doubled Membership has doubled Enrolments for lifelong learning have doubled Enrolments for lifelong learning have doubled Refurbishment costs £1,500/sqm Refurbishment costs £1,500/sqm








21 Our users world in 2014 Jane – a 7yr old Jane – a 7yr old Alice - an 18yr old Alice - an 18yr old David - a 27yr old David - a 27yr old Bob - just retiring Bob - just retiring

22 ……Introducing Jane

23 Introducing Alice……

24 Introducing David……

25 Introducing Bob ……

26 ICT Developments in next 10 years Draw on developments outside the cultural heritage sector Draw on developments outside the cultural heritage sector IT IT eBusiness eBusiness eScience eScience Moving towards the Vision of: Moving towards the Vision of: a single virtual shared collaborative space

27 Pervasive technology Ubiquitous access Ubiquitous access You will be able to access information at anytime and anywhere You will be able to access information at anytime and anywhere Trusted systems Trusted systems You will be able to perform online transactions in a secure environment You will be able to perform online transactions in a secure environment

28 Autonomic computing Intelligent systems which are: Intelligent systems which are: –System-aware –Self-configuring, Self-healing, Self-optimising, Self- protecting –Environment-aware –Highly distributed –Open and collaborative Your computer systems will manage themselves Your computer systems will manage themselves

29 Distributed eResource banks Trusted repositories Trusted repositories Automatic generation of metadata Automatic generation of metadata –At source –For curation and preservation –For management –For discovery Semantic interoperability Semantic interoperability You will be able to find rich resources using your own words and language You will be able to find rich resources using your own words and language

30 eUtilities: Software tools and services Off-the-shelf tools Off-the-shelf tools –Integrated –Personalised –User-friendly –Collaborative –Intelligent –Extensible Assistive agents Assistive agents You will have a sophisticated toolset to allow you to analyse, mine, model and visualise a truly vast array of digital data You will have a sophisticated toolset to allow you to analyse, mine, model and visualise a truly vast array of digital data

31 Impact on Museums, Libraries, and Archives – Key Issues (1) Funding Funding –Projects –Sustainable income streams –Declining revenue Rights management and licensing Rights management and licensing Digital memory management Digital memory management –Digital born data –Preservation and Curation

32 Impact on Museums, Libraries, and Archives – Key Issues (2) Standards Standards –Infrastructure –Preservation and curation –Metadata Technology drives change Technology drives change Opportunities to reach non users Opportunities to reach non users How far will it go? How far will it go?

33 Impact on MLAs – Large / Medium Organisations New Focus New Focus New business / operational models New business / operational models Embed new services Embed new services Change balance of operation Change balance of operation How? How? –STOP doing something –Invest to change –New eServices units to kick start change –Partnerships

34 Impact on MLAs – Small Organisations Cant do it all yourself Cant do it all yourself Key areas Key areas –Shop window –Catalogue –Collaboration and partnership Sub-regional / regional co-operative venture? Sub-regional / regional co-operative venture? Large and small together? Large and small together? Shared catalogue and website? Shared catalogue and website? –New sources of funding??

35 To rise to the challenge we need Creative leadership Creative leadership Development of people, services and facilities Development of people, services and facilities Access to expertise Access to expertise Adoption of global standards Adoption of global standards Investment in change not short term projects Investment in change not short term projects

36 To rise to the challenge we need Models for business change Models for business change A willingness to collaborate A willingness to collaborate To work outside the boxes To work outside the boxes Transformational Change…. Transformational Change….

37 Questions and Contacts Contacts Contacts –Liz Lyon –Bob Sharpe

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