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 We are going to look at a story from the New Testament.

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3  We are going to look at a story from the New Testament.

4 The New Testament has stories in it from after Jesus was born.

5 The Lost sheep Read the story of ‘The Lost Sheep’ with your class. Talk about the story in groups.

6 Talk about how you feel when you lose something ?

7 Subject: RE Area of Study: The Bible. Lesson: 3 Year Group: Year 1 Learning Objective To understand some of the New Testament stories Lesson Introduction Slide 1-cover slide Slide 2-Talk about the lesson objective. Slides 3-Using a Bible explain to the children where the New Testament is and what it contains Slide 4-Read the story of ‘The Lost Sheep’ Slide 5- Discuss what you are going to do Lesson Activities Ask Children to recall a time when they have lost something. Ask them how do they feel.

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