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By Chaplain Ron McCants.  27 books  21 form of letters  13 Apostle Paul  1 anonymous (Hebrews)  7 general (catholic – James, John, Peter, Jude.

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Presentation on theme: "By Chaplain Ron McCants.  27 books  21 form of letters  13 Apostle Paul  1 anonymous (Hebrews)  7 general (catholic – James, John, Peter, Jude."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Chaplain Ron McCants


3  27 books  21 form of letters  13 Apostle Paul  1 anonymous (Hebrews)  7 general (catholic – James, John, Peter, Jude.


5  Identify himself  Salutation – the recipient and greeting  Thanksgiving – prayer  Body  Closing commands  Conclusion – peace, benediction

6  The ultimate triumph of God  The righteousness of God revealed in Christ  The new life of freedom with faith in God’s grace.

7  Paul urges the Corinthians to put aside dissensions and recognize that Christ is not divided (1:10-4:21)

8  “False apostles” 11:13  Preached “another Jesus” 11:4  Become a new creation in Christ  Ministry of reconciliation – 5:16-21

9  To the “foolish Galatians”  Justification  True heirs of Abraham live by faith  Freedom from the law leads to life in the Spirit  Spiritual fruits “love, joy, peace 5:22-23

10  Paul is an apostle to all the nations  Demonstrates the gospel is the “power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”  New life involves death to the law.

11  Paul felt affection for the Philippians, which makes this his warmest letter.  He was assisted while in jail.  God exalted Jesus and gave him the name above every name – LORD.

12  While in prison, Paul met the slave named Onesimus.  Onesimus was converted to Christ  Paul sends him back to Philemon as a beloved brother

13  Christ is also the firstborn of all creation.  Portrait of a “cosmic Christ” in whom “all things hold together.” 1:17  Christ is praised as the one in whom “all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell” 1:19.  “Fullness” is the Greek term pleroma, possibly a key gnostic concept.

14  Addressed to the “Saints” in general.  Unity of Jews and Gentiles  For He is our Peace in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall that is the hostility between us… 2:14

15  Complete Other Questions (a., b., & c.)  Page 304  Please write the questions and answers on paper.  Be prepared to discuss in class briefly.

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