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 State of the Department: Statistics, Ed Object, ABET  11:00 What Else Has Happened in ChemE  12:00 Lunch w/ Faculty & Students  1:00 Student Session.

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Presentation on theme: " State of the Department: Statistics, Ed Object, ABET  11:00 What Else Has Happened in ChemE  12:00 Lunch w/ Faculty & Students  1:00 Student Session."— Presentation transcript:


2  State of the Department: Statistics, Ed Object, ABET  11:00 What Else Has Happened in ChemE  12:00 Lunch w/ Faculty & Students  1:00 Student Session  2:00 Faculty Discussion - Report Out  Wrap-up: Recs for 2009, Actions, and Ownership  Adjourn Fall 2008 ChE Advisory Board Mtg. January 30, 2009

3 Dr. Her Yuan Chen PhD - Petroleum Engineering Texas A & M Dr. Bob Bretz PhD - Biochemical Engineering Texas A&M University Dr. Corey Leclerc PhD - Chemical Engineering University of Minnesota Dr. Michaelann Tartis PhD - Biomedical Engineering University of California - Davis Dr. Mike Riley PhD - Chemical Engineering NC State Dr. Tom Bickel PhD. Chemical Engineering University of Texas at Austin Dr. Doug Dunston MS Physics - Cal Berkeley DMA - Music - Claremont Dr. Mark Cal PhD - Environmental Engineering University of Illinois Dr. Robert Lee PhD. Chemical Engineering University of Michigan Dr. John McCoy PhD. Physical Chemistry University of Pennsylvania Mr. Seth Price MS – Materials Engineering New Mexico Tech Active Adjunct and Part Time Faculty Chemical Engineering Faculty & Staff

4 Undergraduate Enrollment

5 UG Enrollments ChemE is in top echelon of enrollments but has a fraction of the faculty support

6 Campus UG / FTE Ratios For the past several years ChemE has operated with double the Tech Student to Faculty Ratio Average of 11:1

7 Trends in Freshmen Enrollment Trends clearly indicate that ChemE will have roughly the same number of students as EE, Physics, and BIOL with less than half of the faculty support 7 7 9 6 3.5 FTE

8 2005 Observed TRENDS Disparity of Faculty Resources Only current searches CS and Physics w/ 2 EE slots filled in 2007 In 3 years (2008) EE and Physics Dept’s will be roughly the same UG size as ChemE, both have 2 to 3 times as the number of faculty than that in ChemE

9 Administrative Support Financial

10 Space resources also limit potential in ChemE

11 Space resources per FTE

12 Space resources also limit potential in ChemE 2007-2008 Proposal $ per sq ft

13 2007 – 2008 Proposal $ per FTE

14 Recommended Actions: Department for 2007 1. Carry Over: Carry out plan to increase “bodies” involved with Chemical Engineering students (FTE = 4.0) Owner Weinkauf/Gerity ??? 2. Carry Over: Initiate “Real” Space and Utilization Dialogue with all Dept’s in building - Owner: Strategic Planning Committee (Weinkauf) / President ??? 3. Carry Over: Develop 5 Year Plan. Owner: ChE Faculty Due March 2007. NOT MET 4. Get new faculty & get new faculty up and running: Owner: Weinkauf / VP Romero.IN PROGRESS 5. Reach out to elder alumni and new companies in New Mexico to become involved in the development and direction of the program. Owner: Board ??? 6. Adjust curriculum to respond to new faculty strengths and assessment tools. Owner: Chair. IN PROGRESS

15 Recommended Actions: Department for 2009 1. Carry Over: Develop a 5 year (long term) plan Owner: Faculty 2. Start-up annual fund raising effort for department endowment Owner: Faculty/IAB 3. Offer technical electives/graduate courses Owner: Faculty 4. Connect AIChE with three facilities to tour Owner: Faculty/IAB 5. Reach out to alumni and new companies in New Mexico to become involved in the development and direction of the program. Owner: Board

16 Educational Objectives


18 Recommended Actions: Educational Objectives for 2008 1.Revise Reaction Kinetics Course with eye on poor performance in FE exams as well as look for opportunities to reinforce numerical methods. (Owner: Leclerc)IN PROGRESS – course revamped 2.Complete evaluation of ChemE Laboratory sequence to reinforce transport concepts. Evaluate two lab senior year (Owners: All Faculty ) IN PROGRESS 3.Learn from other schools effective methods of teaching assessment and modes to improve teaching effectiveness (Owner: Weinkauf) Carry Over 4.Conduct the scheduled 5-10 year review of alumni and gage success of Educational Objective #4 (Owner: Faculty and Staff). NOT MET – IN PROGRESS 5.Design and Implement ChE 110 - Intro course with assessment eyes on retention. (Owner: Tartis). MET – NEW COURSE CHE 189 OFFERED

19 Recommended Actions: Educational Objectives for 2009 1.Overhaul/organize long term assessment plan (Owner: Faculty) 2.Evaluate senior design presentation with quantitative results (Owner: Faculty and IAB) 3.Re-evaluate use and value of FE Exam results (Owner: Faculty) 4.Set-up annual review of alumni and graduates (Owner: Faculty) 5.Review curriculum, i.e. evaluate pre-requisites, tech electives, coverage of learning outcomes (Owner: Faculty)


21 2003-05 FE Exam ChemE Results Comparison with Univ. of S. Alabama (required) Historically Tech ChemE’s pass at 71% rate Historically Univ. S. Alabama (6 yr. ABET accreditation) - 71% 2004 -2006 ChemE’s 71 % pass rate. Blue = NMT Peach = NMT + USAla

22 2005-08 FE Exam ChemE Morning Results

23 Total ChemE FE Results thru 2005 Comparison with Univ. of S. Alabama (required) Blue = NMT Peach = NMT + USAla ChemE’s Pass on morning results.

24 2005 – 2008 FE Exam ChemE Afternoon Results

25 Total ChemE FE Results thru 2006 Comparison with Univ. of S. Alabama (required) Blue = NMT Peach = NMT + USAla 40 examinees… clear trends emerging..

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