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5th DMS/PS meeting October 8 Welcome!. 08-10-04DMS - Paris meeting 5 Meeting agenda  Halbwachs J-L.Astro. binaries with a variable component  Pourbaix.

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Presentation on theme: "5th DMS/PS meeting October 8 Welcome!. 08-10-04DMS - Paris meeting 5 Meeting agenda  Halbwachs J-L.Astro. binaries with a variable component  Pourbaix."— Presentation transcript:

1 5th DMS/PS meeting October 8 Welcome!

2 08-10-04DMS - Paris meeting 5 Meeting agenda  Halbwachs J-L.Astro. binaries with a variable component  Pourbaix D.Colour-induced binaries  Pourbaix/JancartSpectro binaries code  Söderhjelm S.Simulations using a single-star galaxy  Other possible talks or comments on posters:  Dischler J. (Eclipsing binaries),  Arenou F. (performances with GDAAS ASM data handling),  Nurmi P., (on-going work: simulations, imaging)  …  Discussion  Simulation tasks: how to implement them in the "Gaia Object Generator", how to introduce multiple, variables for DMS?  DMS work packages: status of the various algorithms, what is missing, what priorities? How to optimize them? How to combine their results?  Test campaign: how to implement an end-to-end test (from the various, and varying, on- board strategy features to the various final parameters), under which schedule?

3 08-10-04DMS - Paris meeting 5 Symposium presentations/posters  Presentations/posters at the symposium  Census of binaries - the big picture, S. Söderhjelm  Stellar wobble in triple systems mimicking a planet, J. Schneider  Automatic parametrisation of Gaia spectroscopic binary stars, T. A. Kaempf et al.  Observing faint binaries with GAIA, P. Nurmi  Galaxy simulations of binary stars, P. Nurmi & H. Boffin  Identification of Spectroscopic Binaries by Medium Band Photometry, Willemsen et al.  Duplicity and masses, D. Pourbaix  Data reduction for double and multiple stars, F. Arenou & S. Söderhjelm  Predicted properties of eclipsing binaries observable with Gaia, J. Dischler & S. Söderhjelm  Astrometric binaries with a variable component, J-L. Halbwachs & D. Pourbaix  Orbit determination for Gaia spectroscopic binaries, S. Jancart & D. Pourbaix  Hipparcos astrometric binaries in SB9, S. Jancart et al.  Fundamental stellar parameters from double-lined eclipsing binaries, P.M. Marrese et al.  The physical parameters of close E.B. derived from Gaia photometry, P.G. Niarchos et al.  New numerical minimization algorithms for analysis of eclipsing binary stars, Prsa & Zwitter

4 08-10-04DMS - Paris meeting 5 Since Brussels meeting  Pasi Nurmi one week in Meudon  Discussion with M. Haywood about galaxy model with BSE code  Simulations  Inclusion of DMS in single star simulated Galaxy, by S. Söderhjelm, DMS- SS-05  Orbits  A better spectroscopic orbit (short periods) algorithm (D. Pourbaix)  Training student on “photocentric” binaries (C.I.D.)  10 6 with photocenter displacement between 2 bands > 1   10 5 detections with 1/1000 false detections?  Identification and parametrisation of binaries in MBP  Willemsen, Kaempf, Bailer-Jones, ICAP-PW-003  CPU estimation :  Staffan Söderhjelm, Pasi Nurmi, Andrej Prsa, Claire Dollet, Dimitri Pourbaix

5 08-10-04DMS - Paris meeting 5 Last DMS meeting goals  A short term plan  Realistic simulation software:  Beginning of test campaign: September 2004  Reports on DMS algorithms capabilities and improved science case:end 2004  Reappraisal of the algorithms definition: early 2005

6 08-10-04DMS - Paris meeting 5

7 08-10-04DMS - Paris meeting 5

8 08-10-04DMS - Paris meeting 5 Core + Associate members  Frédéric Arenou  Carine Babusiaux  Coryn Bailer-Jones  Henri Boffin  Johann Dischler  Claus Fabricius  Paul Groot  Jean-Louis Halbwachs  Sylvie Jancart  Patricia Lampens  Oleg Malkov  Francois Mignard  Pasi Nurmi  Dimitri Pourbaix  Noël Robichon  Dimitris Sinachopoulos  Staffan Söderhjelm  Hans-Heinrich Bernstein  Melvin Davies  Claire Dollet  Misha Haywood  Erik Hoeg  Carme Jordi  Roberto Morbidelli  Panagiotis Niarchos  Edouard Oblak  Julienne Palasi  Renato Pannunzio  Ignasi Ribas  Alessandro Spagna  Toma Tomov  Christopher Tout  Vladas Vansevicius  Hans Zinnecker

9 08-10-04DMS - Paris meeting 5 Organisation  Membership:  17 core+ 17 associates  In effect: much less FTE? 3-4?  New (after Gaia 2004): A. Prsa, P. Willemsen,  Funding:  Opportunity in Meudon to work on an end-to-end test (on-board design => dense regions) one year (funding to be finalised)  Greece  Encouragement for others…

10 08-10-04DMS - Paris meeting 5

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12 08-10-04DMS - Paris meeting 5 Actions  C.I.D./photocentric binaries  F.Arenou+D.Pourbaix to give the statistical tests which have been used for the C.I.D  Staffan (+ideas from Lennart) to compute the number of objects and place in  m/P  V.I.M (variable component)  JLH: using BBP can give color information on components  JLH: try to get actual numbers + improvement of algorithm  JLH: technical note (input from Dimitri)  Algorithms  Dimitri: is interested by astro+RV in multiples (after tackling doubles)  Simulations  Annie Robin/Staffan/Pasi: Exchange of data and comparison tests done before the next meeting  Next meeting: 14 April, Geneva (to confirm)  After the PS meeting

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