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Ms. Warner.  Log-in  Prepare writing utensil  Write name, period, and class days on handout  Printer Set-up (also on white board)  Start Button—Control.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Warner.  Log-in  Prepare writing utensil  Write name, period, and class days on handout  Printer Set-up (also on white board)  Start Button—Control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Warner

2  Log-in  Prepare writing utensil  Write name, period, and class days on handout  Printer Set-up (also on white board)  Start Button—Control Panel—View Devices and Printers— Select MS LAB C Printer—Right Click—Set as default  Open Microsoft Word & Answer the following question:  What is an operating system and what is your computer operating on at home?

3  Identify & define various operating systems  Compare & contrast between operating systems  Identify, label, and define parts of a Windows 7 screen  Practice multiple ways to delete a file on a computer  Use the recycling bin to restore a created file

4 What is an operating system? What operating system do you have at home? What is an operating system? What operating system do you have at home?

5  Controls the basic operations of computer  Examples: ▪ PCs (Dells, HP, Gateway, etc.) ▪ Windows 8 ▪ Window 7 ▪ Windows Vista ▪ Windows XP ▪ Windows 03 ▪ MACs (Apples) ▪ OS X Lion/Leoppard (Operating System x 10)

6  An “extra” interface feature  Translucent windows  New themes  Useful ways to get around your desktop ▪ Shake ▪ Peek ▪ Taskbar previews ▪ Flip & Flip 3D

7  Main work area in Windows Desktop Start Button Taskbar Taskbar Buttons Notification Area Recycle Bin

8  Taskbar  Displays open programs or files  Start Menu  Displays a menu or list of programs installed on the computer  Taskbar Buttons  Opens frequently used programs  Notification Area  Informs users of basic running operations or information  Recycle Bin  Stores deleted files and restores them if necessary

9  Check notes:  # 1– Operating System & examples  # 2—Defined desktop ONLY  # 3—Defined taskbar, start button, taskbar buttons, & notification area  Labeled screen parts on back: ▪ Desktop ▪ Taskbar ▪ Start Button ▪ Taskbar Buttons ▪ Notification Area ▪ Recycle Bin

10  What controls the basic operations of a computer?  Operating System  What is 1 example of a operating system?  Window 8  Windows 7  Windows XP  Windows Vista  Windows 03  OSX

11  What is the main work area in Windows?  Desktop  What part of the screen contains a menu or list of programs installed on the computer?  Start Button  What part of the screen informs you of basic running operations or information?  Notification Area

12  What part of the screen displays open programs or files?  Taskbar  What is available on the taskbar that allows users to start frequently used programs?  Taskbar Buttons

13  Sit in assigned seat & Log-in  Prepare writing utensil  Get out Windows 7 notes (PURPLE)  Check notes—you should have filled: ▪ Note #1 & 3, Desktop definition & labeled 6 screen parts on back  If you were absent or missing notes: ▪ Use your classmate’s notes to get caught up

14  Go to  Click on GREEN Student Log-In button  Type in Room #598134

15  Identify, label, and define parts of a Windows 7 screen  Distinguish between specific commands when using the pointing device  Customize the computer desktop to fit your needs  Practice using the pointing device commands  Use the point/hover to find specific buttons with descriptions within Microsoft Office programs  Use the click command to set up the computer sound  Use the double-click command to open a program  Create a program shortcut icon utilizing the click and drag  Use the right-click to set the shutdown settings in the start menu

16 Icons Theme Gadgets

17 CUSTOMIZED DESKTOPS  Icons  Visual representations of programs, files, or folders  Desktop Themes  Backgrounds, images, or pictures on the desktop  Gadgets  Mini programs that provide information or tools

18  Allows you to interact & communicate with your computer  Examples: ▪ Mouse, touchpad, etc.  Common commands with a pointer: ▪ Point/ Hover ▪ highlights options or views short descriptions ▪ Click ▪ selects or opens an item ▪ Double-click ▪ opens programs, folders, or files ▪ Drag ▪ moves objects ▪ Right-Click ▪ Displays shortcut menus

19  Socrative Pre-Quiz  5 points  Windows 7 Notes  10 points

20  What is a visual representation of the program, file, or folder?  Icon  What are mini programs on the desktop that provide information or tools?  Gadgets  What are backgrounds, colors, or pictures displayed on the desktop?  Themes

21  How would you add gadgets or themes?  Right Click on Desktop  How would you move or rearrange taskbar buttons on the toolbar?  Click to select & Drag program icon  How would you make open windows translucent?  Point to the Show Desktop button in the lower-right hand corner

22  How would you open a program or file?  Double-click  How would you view button names or descriptions?  Point/Hover


24  Sit in assigned seat & log-on  Go to  Enter classroom #598134(also on board)  Wait for teacher to begin the space race on Windows 7 PreQuiz 2

25  What controls the basic operations of a computer?  Operating System  What is 1 example of a operating system?  Windows 7  Windows XP  Windows Vista  Windows 03  OSX

26  What is the main work area in Windows?  Desktop  What part of the screen contains menus or lists of programs installed on the computer?  Start Button  What part of the screen informs you of basic running operations or information?  Notification Area

27  What part of the screen displays open programs or files  Taskbar  What is available on the taskbar that allows users to start frequently used programs?  Taskbar Buttons

28  What is a visual representation of the program, file, or folder?  Icon  What are mini programs on the desktop that provide information or tools?  Gadgets  What are backgrounds, colors, or pictures displayed on the desktop?  Themes

29  How would you add gadgets or themes?  Right Click on Desktop  How would you move or rearrange taskbar buttons on the toolbar?  Click to select & Drag program icon

30  How would you open a program or file?  Double-click  How would you view button names or descriptions?  Point/Hover

31  Identify, define, and apply desktop actions (snap, flip, peek, shake) to multiple open windows on a desktop  Use the snipping tool to take a picture or screen shot  Classify taskbar actions (pin, unpin, & jump) that allow users to work effectively & efficiently in the Window 7 operating system  Customize the desktop and taskbar to fit your needs

32  Peek  See through all open windows directly on taskbar ▪ Point to the Show desktop button ▪ Hold Windows logo key and press Spacebar  Shake  Eliminates clutter and views a single open window ▪ Click & hold a window taskbar—joggle it back & forth  Snap  Instantly resize a window to fill half or whole desktop ▪ Drag to the left or right edge of screen (HALF) ▪ Drag up or down of screen (WHOLE)

33  Snip  Takes pictures or screen shots of anything on desktop ▪ Search for snipping tool in Start Menu—Select Snip style  Flip & Flip 3D  Allows you to move quickly between programs without taking your fingers off the keyboard ▪ Flip—ALT & TAB ▪ Flip 3D—Windows key & Tab

34  Pin  Attach program icons directly to taskbar or Start Menu ▪ Open program—Right Click on Taskbar Button—Pin to Taskbar  Jump/Jump Lists  A list of the most recently or most often used files within each program

35  What desktop action allow you to instantly resize windows to half or full size?  Snap  What desktop action allows you to see through windows or taskbar previews?  Peek

36  What desktop action eliminates clutter and allows you to view only 1 single window?  Shake  What Windows feature allows you to capture and take pictures or screen shots of anything on the desktop?  Snip  What feature allows you to move quickly between programs without taking your fingers off the keyboard?  Flip

37  What keys would you use to Flip or Flip 3D?  Alt & Tab  Windows key & Tab  What taskbar action allows you to attach programs directly to the taskbar or Start Menu?  Pin  How do you Pin a program to the Start Menu?  Right Click on program—Select Pin  What is a list of the most recently or most often used files within each program?  Jump Lists

38  US/windows/explore/desktop US/windows/explore/desktop  US/windows7/products/videos US/windows7/products/videos

39  Sit in assigned seat & log in  Log into Socrative classroom/ Focus Time  5 minute review  Window 7 Operating SystemTest—40 points ▪ Multiple Choice, Matching, Labeling, Short Answer Questions, Name that Command

40  Complete Windows 7 Test  Take your time  Read each question carefully  Double-check answers when finished  Submit in Socrative site ▪ 40 points  When finished:

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