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A centre of expertise in digital information management UKOLN is supported by: Curating the Scientific Record: The Challenges Ahead Dr.

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Presentation on theme: "A centre of expertise in digital information management UKOLN is supported by: Curating the Scientific Record: The Challenges Ahead Dr."— Presentation transcript:

1 A centre of expertise in digital information management UKOLN is supported by: Curating the Scientific Record: The Challenges Ahead Dr Liz Lyon, Director, UKOLN Associate Director, UK Digital Curation Centre NERC Data Management Workshop, October 2007. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0

2 Overview 1.Open science: trends and drivers. 2.Preservation and curation choices for the scientist. 3.Implications & challenges for NERC?

3 A centre of expertise in digital information management Open science: trends and drivers

4 ? Open data: in the public domain….

5 Data usability: presentation and visualisation

6 Sharing data: Uploads and Ratings…. ?

7 Social networks for scientists

8 Big science: data services beyond the discipline: multi- disciplinary and public

9 At the coalface: tagging & sharing workflows Astronomy, Bioinformatics, Chemistry, Social Science pilots. Universities of Manchester & Southampton

10 Small science: chemistry exemplar Dr Cameron Neylon, STFC / Univ. Soton

11 Open Notebook Science - Jean-Claude Bradley, Drexel Univ.

12 New cohorts of postgraduates: millennials / Google generation

13 Social networks mediating data- sharing User feeds or scraping data from your hard disk…. How far can this go?

14 A centre of expertise in digital information management Preservation & curation choices for the scientist

15 8 Preservation / Curation choices? 1.Disciplinary data centre 2.Institutional / departmental / lab repository 3.Repository federation or network 4.Public repository 5.Web archiving service 6.Commercial data store - Amazon S3 service 7.Ecosystem of hosted lifebits services (Jon Udell) 8.None of these?

16 Disciplinary model?

17 Institutional model? Crystallography repositories at the University of Southampton

18 Create Deposit Link Curate Preserve Standards Scientist Funder Collaborate Share User Discover Re-use eCrystals Federation Data Deposit Model Link Scientist Policy Advocacy Training Harvest IR Federation Publishers Data centres / aggregator services Advisory

19 Web archiving services

20 Commercial data store?

21 Microsoft Research SenseCam : life- logging Gordon Bell, Microsoft Research, MyLifeBits Project Hosted lifebits service for datacasts?

22 A centre of expertise in digital information management Implications & Challenges for NERC?

23 UKOLN Liz Lyon June 2007 35 Recs for JISC Roles, Rights, Responsibilities, Relationships: scientist, institution, data centre, user, funder, publisher RIN April 2007 5 Principles: Roles & responsibilities, standards & QA, access, usage & credit, benefits & cost-effectiveness, preservation & sustainability Strategic approaches & policy What does this mean for NERC?

24 Data Strategy, Policy & Practice Strategic co-ordination with other research funding organisations: joint strategy development What is the NERC position on open science? Is NERC-funded data published on scientific social networks? What is NERC policy on data sharing using social networks? Do data centres link to open data sources elsewhere? How are science social networks embedded in the end-to-end workflow and data capture? Barriers? Resistance to change? NERC Culture?

25 Evaluate re-purposing of datasets: how much NERC data is re-used? Identify the significant properties which facilitate re- use? ROI implications Data re-use

26 Sustainability and planning Commission a cost-benefit study of data curation & preservation infrastructure JISC Study on Research data preservation costs (by Feb 2008) RIN study on Economics in the life-cycle of scholarly communications (Aug07-Jan08) NSF / Mellon Blue Ribbon Task Force on economic sustainability of digital preservation Co- chairs, Fran Berman (SDSC) & Brian Lavoie (OCLC) over 2 years NERC investment in data infrastructure should be linked to programme planning ? 5 year horizon ?

27 Advocacy, Training and Skills Messages need to be clear and consistent NERC advocacy programmes? The researcher has some curatorial responsibility A study is needed to examine the role & career development of data scientists NERC responsibility for training, skills and professional development Community proxy role of the data curator? Enhance data handling skills within the under- graduate curriculum Millennials as native data scientists?

28 NERC partnerships: working with the DCC SCARP project addressing disciplinary requirements Data Centres Forum: exchange of experience Advocacy programmes targeted at disciplines Co-ordinating training to build workforce capacity New science, new knowledge: data is the key Digital Curation Centre

29 A centre of expertise in digital information management Questions? Slides will be available at :

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