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Conclusion. Killing Jar  “Academic religion is the killing jar of Spirit.”

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1 Conclusion

2 Killing Jar  “Academic religion is the killing jar of Spirit.”

3 Common Wisdom  One of the first things you notice is that underneath all of the differences, there seems to be a common wisdom.

4 Universal  It’s called ‘perennial’ or ‘universal’ because it shows up in virtually all cultures across the globe & across the ages.

5 Perennial Philosophy  One, Spirit exists.

6 Perennial Philosophy  One, Spirit exists.  Two, Spirit is found within.  One, Spirit exists.  Two, Spirit is found within.

7 Perennial Philosophy  One, Spirit exists.  Two, Spirit is found within.  Three, we are living in a fallen or illusory state.  One, Spirit exists.  Two, Spirit is found within.  Three, we are living in a fallen or illusory state.

8 Perennial Philosophy  One, Spirit exists.  Two, Spirit is found within.  Three, we are living in a fallen or illusory state.  Four, there is a Path to our liberation.  One, Spirit exists.  Two, Spirit is found within.  Three, we are living in a fallen or illusory state.  Four, there is a Path to our liberation.

9 Perennial Philosophy Three, we are living in a fallen or illusory state.  Four, there is a Path to our liberation.  Five, if we follow this Path to its conclusion, the result is a Rebirth or Enlightenment, a direct experience of Spirit within, Three, we are living in a fallen or illusory state.  Four, there is a Path to our liberation.  Five, if we follow this Path to its conclusion, the result is a Rebirth or Enlightenment, a direct experience of Spirit within,

10 Perennial Philosophy Four, there is a Path to our liberation.  Five, if we follow this Path to its conclusion, the result is a Rebirth or Enlightenment, a direct experience of Spirit within.  Six, which marks the end of sin and suffering, Four, there is a Path to our liberation.  Five, if we follow this Path to its conclusion, the result is a Rebirth or Enlightenment, a direct experience of Spirit within.  Six, which marks the end of sin and suffering,

11 Perennial Philosophy Six, which marks the end of sin and suffering.  Seven, which issues in social action of mercy and compassion on behalf of all sentient beings. Six, which marks the end of sin and suffering.  Seven, which issues in social action of mercy and compassion on behalf of all sentient beings.

12 Spectrum of Consciousness  This is interesting because Wilber combines the understanding of modern developmental psychology with the insights of the mystical traditions of the world.

13 Archaic  This is the lowest stage of development, & while perfectly normal & acceptable, it becomes a problem when a baby doesn’t move beyond this stage.

14 Magic  In short, because subject & object aren’t clearly differentiated, the magical ego treats the world as an extension of itself & imbues that world with its own egoic traits.

15 Myth  Myth is the beginning of realization that the ego can’t itself magically push the world around; it’s thus a lessening of narcissism, a diminution of egocentrism.

16 Rational  The Rational stage is a highly differentiated function of the mind that dispenses with concrete-literal myths & attempts to secure its needs through evidence & understanding.

17 Mythic vs. Rational  Many of the arguments among religious people are between “mythic” and “rational” thinkers. They are dealing with the same material (for example, the Bible), but coming up with very different interpretations.

18 Psychic  “Psychic” is the beginning of the transpersonal or spiritual realms. It gives us “that sense of wonder and awe” that may be one source of our religious feelings.

19 Subtle  “The subtle realm proper is the home, not of gross-realm mythological god and goddess figures focused on your ego, but of directly cognized, vividly intense, and ontologically real Forms of your own highest Self.”

20 Causal  Those who speak of God often are relating their knowledge from the subtle level. Those who say we can’t speak of God (because they realize how limited our words and language are) are often relating their knowledge from the causal level.

21 Nondual  By “nondual,” Wilber means the state of consciousness where there is no longer subject and object. There is not that sense of “me” in a relationship with “God,” but rather a unity that cannot be spoken of.

22 Qualitative Difference?  Is there something qualitatively different about the world’s holy people? Can we study this? Is there evidence for these higher levels that a scientific person would respect? These are the types of philosophical questions I find very intriguing!

23 Spiritual Unfolding  “There are 4 major stages of spiritual unfolding: belief, faith, direct experience, & permanent adaptation: you can believe in Spirit, you have faith in Spirit, you can directly experience Spirit, & you can become Spirit.”

24 Transformation  Mere belief might have provided you with a type of translative meaning, but not with an actual transformation, & this slowly, painfully, becomes obvious.

25 Faith  Lacking dogmatic beliefs, it has no sense of security; not yet having direct experience, it has no sense of certainty. Faith is thus a no- man’s land-a thousand questions, no answers-it possesses only a dogged determination to find its spiritual abode.

26 Impossible to Dismantle?  Religious fanaticism of such ilk is almost impossible to dismantle, because it’s an intense mixture of higher truth with lower delusion.

27 Spiritual Unfolding  From this point on in spiritual unfolding, we find only those who are involved in sustained, intense, prolonged, profound spiritual practice.

28 Spiritual Exercise  One way of looking at this is to see it as a developmental problem. The priest exercises certain muscles (prayer, fasting), but doesn’t deal with psychological problems that need counseling or therapy.

29 Spiritual Practice  The point is simple: If you are interested in genuine transformative spirituality, find an authentic spiritual teacher & begin practice.

30 Translation  This function of religion doesn’t usually or necessarily change the level of consciousness in a person; it doesn’t deliver radical transformation. Nor does it deliver a shattering liberation from the separate self altogether. Rather, it consoles, fortifies, defends and promotes the self.

31 Transformation  This function of religion doesn’t fortify the separate self, but utterly shatters it-not consolation but devastation, not entrenchment but emptiness, not complacency but explosion, not comfort but revolution.

32 Radical Transformation  With typical translation, the self (or subject) is given a new way to think about the world (or objects); but with radical transformation, the self itself is inquired into, looked into, grabbed by its throat and literally throttled to death.

33 No Boundaries  The boundaries between the self & the world aren’t transcended, but instead begin to crumble. This isn’t breakthrough, but breakdown; not transcendence but disaster.

34 Transformative Religion  Where translative religion offers legitimacy, transformative religion offers authenticity.

35 Rebellion  Teenagers are made to feel bad for rebelling from their religion, when more often than not, what they are rebelling against is translative religion, not transformative religion.

36 Quiet and Secure  The discovery of this witnessing center is very much like diving from the calamitous waves on the surface of a stormy ocean to the quiet and secure depths of the bottom.

37 No Longer a Threat  To the extent that you actually realize that you aren’t, for example, your anxieties, your anxieties no longer threaten you.

38 Transcendence  Because you are willing to witness them, to look at them impartially, you’re able to transcend them.

39 Choiceless Awareness  Abide as ‘choiceless-awareness’ in the midst of all distresses. This is possible only when we understand that none of them constitute our real self.

40 Mind-and-Body  In other words, your relationship to your mind- and-body becomes the same as your relationship to all other objects.

41 Dzogchen Buddhism  Therefore, Spirit has to be completely present, right here, right now, in your own awareness.

42 Spirit and Enlightenment  Rather, Spirit & enlightenment has to be something that you are fully aware of right now. Something you are already looking at right now.

43 “Who is Not Enlightened?”  As an old Zen Master used to say, “You hear the birds? You see the sun? Who is not enlightened?”

44 Already Enlightened  You’re already aware; you’re already enlightened. You might not be always already mindful, but you’re always already enlightened.

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