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Defining Sex Philosophy 2103: Philosophies of Love, Sex, and Friendship.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining Sex Philosophy 2103: Philosophies of Love, Sex, and Friendship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining Sex Philosophy 2103: Philosophies of Love, Sex, and Friendship

2 What is a sexual act? Clinton and Lewinsky Judge’s narrow definition of sex: a person engages in sex only when one “knowingly … causes contact with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person.” Other cases? Greeks and pederasty? Sex workers?

3 Doctor and patient? Sexual assault? The question of intention (and not just bodily parts) Clinton and Lewinsky again Lap dancers?

4 Philosophy Socrates and the beginning of philosophy Scepticism Methodology Different questions/Different goals

5 How many people does it take to have sex? Thomas Nagel: escalating levels of mutual, reciprocal interpersonal desire. Non-reciprocal desire is truncated/incomplete or perverse/unnatural. Jean Paul Sartre: subject/object. I recognize other as a subject, she recognizes me (and reduces me) to an object. To avoid this, I objectify her. I wish to possess the other as subject and object but this is doomed to failure. Sex, therefore, is essentially solitary.

6 Immanuel Kant: The sexual drive reduces the object of our desire to bodily parts that we then use to satisfy our desires. It is, then, using others solely as a means to our own ends (of sexual gratification) and as such is morally problematic. Combinations?

7 What are the advantages and disadvantages of solitary sex? Former Surgeon General, Jocelyn Elders’ forced resignation. History of beliefs about masturbation Wasting seed. ????? Possible benefits Possible harms

8 Possible benefits 1) risk free re. STD’s, pregnancies 2) uncomplicated socially and emotionally 3) few psychological risks 4) availability 5) sexual exploration 6) freedom from convention 7) health benefits (e.g., stress)

9 Possible harms 1) Can’t produce pregnancy 2) can’t contribute to emotional growth and social skills Could lead to isolation and loneliness Lacks excitement – sex and the unknown Loosing touch with reality Interference with other parts of one’s life Can’t make you feel wanted, loved, etc.

10 Conclusion re. masturbation Moderation Good at some times and in some situations Both solitary and companion sex probably necessary for a good life. Tolerance and openess

11 Is cybersex genuine sex? Film examples: Sleeper, Barbarella, Demolition Man, Crash. How important is physical, skin-on-skin contact? How important is interaction? How important is immersion? Realism and correspondence theory of truth Mind vs. Body: Materialism, Idealism, Dualism

12 Teledildonics/Cyberdildonics Immersion Physical stimulation Mental stimulation Interaction Real Time Cybersex and therapy? Better than other sex? Crash – dehumanizing technology?

13 Does sex have a purpose? Procreation ‘One flesh’ Communication (or love, etc, or learning ‘body language’) Mutual, reciprocal interaction Goldman, “Plain Sex”: sexual desire is the desire for contact with another person’s body and for the pleasure which such contact produces; sexual activity is activity which tends to fulfill such desire of the agent.”

14 Considerations Do intentions have no part to play? Is the mind irrelevant? BDSM as an example – power and domination rather than bodily contact per se

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