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Welcome Kagan-holics! Administrator Support Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Kagan-holics! Administrator Support Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Kagan-holics! Administrator Support Meeting

2 Agenda Class Building/Team Building Mix Pair Share/Timed Pair Share
Structure of the Month (SAM)(Fan and Pick) New Information Exit Ticket Survey

3 Learning Objectives I will gain a working knowledge of the structure of the month I will model the KAGAN Structure of the Month with my faculty

4 Teacher Says “Red Robin”
Response “Yum!”

5 Fist Bump Praises Turkey: Partner A is the body (Closed Fist)
Partner B are the feathers (Open Hand) Reindeer: Partner A are the antlers (Two Open Hands) Partner B is the head (Closed Fist) Snail: Partner A is the body (Closed Fist) Partner B are the antenna (Two Fingers) Snowman: Partner A is the Head and Bottom (Two Fists) Partner B is the Body (One Fist) Jelly Fish: Partner A and B Fist bump and float away saying (BLOOP, BLOOP, BLOOP)

6 Classbuilding Teambuilding
Know, accept and like each other Feel a sense of belonging Teambuilding Feel sense of team identity, support, belonging

7 Give One – Get One Everyone will need a pencil to write with
As a group fill in the Give One column by coming to a consensus When the Give One Column is done stand up as a group When all groups are standing teacher gives a signal to Hand Up and Pair Up Greet (Person with longest hair shares and the other person writes what they shared in the Get One Column) Reverse Roles Praise and Part to find a new person If paper is filled stand on the perimeter of the room to act as a sage if anyone left needs help

8 Give One – Get One Teambuilding
When time is called return to groups Person 1 shares an idea Continuous Round Table until the teacher says stop

9 Reflection: Timed Round Robin (#3)
Think Time: “Which of the following academic functions would this structure work best for?” Knowledge Building: Facts and Information Procedure Learning: Skills and Procedures Processing Information: Make Meaning, Display Understanding, Digest Content Thinking Skills: Compare/Contrast, Brainstorm, Evaluate, Cause/Effect Presenting Information: Book Reports/Projects

10 Key #1 Structures A structure… organizes classroom instruction.
is content free and repeatable. implements PIES.

11 Fan and Pick

12 Numbered Heads Together
Students are Numbered Pose a Question and Give Think Time Students write their answers keeping board covered Students put boards on head to show they are done Students stand up and discuss their answers Students sit when they have agreed on an answer Teacher calls on a number and that number student gives the answer Praise the students Repeat with variations

13 Question _____________ is the process by which water is converted from its liquid form to its vapor form and thus transferred from land and water masses to the atmosphere. Choral Response from teammate number ____ X, X, excellent

14 Task You and two friends are ready to share your Birthday cake. Just before you cut the cake, a 4th friend comes to join you. Show and explain what you will do. Traveling Heads Together

15 Structure of the Month Schedule
August/Sept Rally and Round Robin/Variations for Sept October Rally Coach November Stand Up Hand Up Pair Up/Quiz Quiz Trace December Mix Pair Share/Timed Paired Share January Fan and Pick February Numbered Heads March Match Mine April Showdown May Talking Chips

16 KAGAN Coaches Coach School Lisa Womack
Rosenwald, CCWA, Mowat, Patterson Jeremy Centeno Breakfast Point, Beach, Parker, Southport, Cherry Street, and Lucille Moore, Hiland Park Daphne Graham Mosley, Arnold, Surfside, Tyndall, North and Bay Haven, University Academy Jeannie Williams Bozeman, M.Brown, Callaway, Lynn Haven Jennifer Rogers Rutherford, Everitt Jennifer Harrington Bozeman, Lynn Haven Christy Williamson Cedar Grove Misty Elkins Oakland Terrace, Bay High Lorrane Blastick Jinks

17 Silly Sport and Goofy Games
Sculpture Garden p.138 A walk in the sculpture garden is more fun when the sculptures are human clay! Sculpture and clay Sculptor sculpts Sculpture Garden (a walk in the garden) Switch roles Revisit the garden

18 Progression Scale 4 I monitor, model, and track KAGAN structures at my school and keep data on how KAGAN is creating student engagement in classrooms and student achievement. I always walk through the classrooms with the KAGAN coach when they are on my campus. 3 I monitor, model, and track KAGAN structures in my school. The teachers have been coached and I have walked through with the KAGAN coach at least once to ensure that KAGAN is being implemented in my school building 2 I monitor KAGAN at my school through lesson plans and my teachers have been coached. I have seen my teachers implementing KAGAN 1 I have monitored KAGAN at my school and it is being implemented on a basic level I have been introduced to KAGAN

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