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Branding European ICT/CE Industry: Lessons Learned & Vision Oliver Blank ITC Roundtable Vilnius, 2 December 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Branding European ICT/CE Industry: Lessons Learned & Vision Oliver Blank ITC Roundtable Vilnius, 2 December 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Branding European ICT/CE Industry: Lessons Learned & Vision Oliver Blank ITC Roundtable Vilnius, 2 December 2002

2 Facts & Figures 29 national ICT/CE associations from 19 European countries representing 10.000+ enterprises in Europe 44 direct member companies 600+ technical and policy experts 8 main committees Brussels-based

3 29 associations Austria: FEEI Belgium: AGORIA Czech Republic: SPIS Denmark: ITEK, ITB Finland: SET France: GITEP, SFIB, SIMAVELEC Germany: BITKOM, ZVEI Greece : SEPE Hungary: IVSZ Italy: ANIE, ASSINFORM Ireland: ICT Ireland Netherlands: Nederland-ICT Norway: ABELIA, IKT Norge Poland: KIGEIT, PIIT Spain: ANIEL, SEDISI Sweden: IT Företagen Switzerland: SWICO, SWISSMEM UK: INTELLECT Turkey: ECID, TESID

4 44 companies AgilentAlcatel AppleBang&Olufsen BlaupunktBull CanonCisco CorningEADS EpsonEricsson GrundigHP HitachiIBM ICL/FujitsuInfineon IntelItaltel JVCKenwood LucentLoewe MarconiMatsushita MicrosoftMotorola NCRNEC NokiaNortel OlivettiPhilips PioneerSamsung SanyoSharp SiemensSony SunThomson MM ThalesToshiba

5 CEEC partners Bulgaria: BAIT Czech Republic: ICCC/CAT Estonia: EITS Latvia: LEtERA Lithuania: INFOBALT Romania: ARIES Slovac Republic: ZEP

6 Main committees Information Society & Electronic Commerce (ISEC) Legal Affairs & Consumer Policy (LCC) Industry Policy (IPC) Technical Affairs (TAC) Radio & Spectrum Policy (RSPC) Environmental Policy (EPC) Trade Policy (TPC) R&D and Education Policy (RDEPC)

7 Policy priorities eEurope 2005 Data Protection Levies/DRMs Copyright Directive Network Security Reg. Package Broadband 3G mobile matters Convergence/ Digital TV Spectrum harmonization Environmental legislation FWP R&D Skills Shortage WTO New Round Single European customs clearance Rules of origin

8 International Organisations: OECD/BIAC, WIPO, WTO Global: IIIC, WEF, WITSA USA: ITAA, ITI, EIA, CEA, TIA Canada: ITAC Japan: CIAJ, JEITA, JBMA Brussels network: AEA, APME, JBCE, AmCham EU Committee, FEDMA, BEUC, CEFIC, ORGALIME, APME, ETNO, EECA, CECED, ECTA, EBU, UNICE and many others

9 Convergence Liquidation of ECTEL and EUROBIT in 1999/2000 Creation of EICTA in November 1999 Merger with EACEM in September 2001

10 Mission To provide information about actual policy developments at EU level To develop consensual positions and statements on actual policy issues To lobby the EU Institutions

11 Targets European Commission European Parliament European Council General Public

12 EU Commission DG Information Society DG Enterprise Other DG’s on single policy issues Goal: To become a constructive partner

13 EU Parliament 626 MEPs Individual agendae Party-specific agendae Committee-specific agendae Goal: To provide expertise

14 EU Council EU Presidencies EU Member States Goal: To coordinate lobbying via EICTA national associations network

15 General Public Brussels “crowd” Press corps Other interested parties Goal: To brand the name EICTA

16 Lessons learned Good and solid cooperation with EU Commission on actual policy issues Difficult cooperation with EU Parliament Good cooperation with EU Presidencies Good coordination with national governments depending on activity level and access of national association Very difficult to get a public image

17 Vision To remain a constructive partner To be seen as “the” expert on ICT issues To be used as a network of expertise To become more publicly known


19 BSP-Phase I September 2000 – September 2002 Institutional Building Acquis Communautaire Partner countries: Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

20 BSP Phase II January 2003 – March 2004 Coordination of EICTA-CEEC network Appointment of Acquis Technical Officer Training and Mentoring PR and Events (Acquis Day)

21 Policy areas Environment, Health & Safety Telecommunications Electrical Engineering Information Society/eCommerce

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