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A centre of expertise in digital information Web 2.0 and Social Web Challenges Ann Chapman UKOLN University of Bath Bath, UK.

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Presentation on theme: "A centre of expertise in digital information Web 2.0 and Social Web Challenges Ann Chapman UKOLN University of Bath Bath, UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 A centre of expertise in digital information Web 2.0 and Social Web Challenges Ann Chapman UKOLN University of Bath Bath, UK UKOLN is supported by: This work is licensed under a Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) About this Talk This talk will focus on problems you may encounter and how you may be able to overcome them. About this Talk This talk will focus on problems you may encounter and how you may be able to overcome them. Twitter: Email:

2 A centre of expertise in digital information Locked Door or Country Stile? 2 Lack of Resources Technical Issues Legal issues Understanding

3 A centre of expertise in digital information 3 Lack of Money Web 2.0 Generally free to use Sometimes extra level means fees LibraryThing – 200 items free, over that small fee Doesnt require extra equipment Opportunity for low cost staff development Not completely cost free Staff time to set up Staff time to run

4 A centre of expertise in digital information 4 Lack of Time Plan ahead Blogs Guest posts (remember contact time) Staff or service features Use one service to update another Either put Twitter feed on Facebook page Or send Facebook updates to Twitter NB – dont do both the above Keep things simple

5 A centre of expertise in digital information 5 Lack of Skills Treat as opportunity for staff development Use an existing 23 Things resource? Dont forget how quickly the Web changes Develop your own? Listen to podcasts Build on skills learnt Use wiki for staff manual Use blog for project team communication Make podcasts (e.g. oral history talks)

6 A centre of expertise in digital information 6 Council Firewall The reality Useful Webs services do get blocked There is dodgy/illegal/dangerous material on the Web It may be simple to have a blanket ban The good news – councils are re-thinking policy Suggested approaches We can accept certain levels of risk More sophisticated responses are needed We should share the approaches weve taken

7 A centre of expertise in digital information 7 Sustainability Concerns What happens if Web services: Are unreliable Change their terms & conditions (e.g. Ning was free then started charging in 2010) Become bankrupt Things to remember Services may be unreliable (e.g. Twitter) Market pressure can change things (e.g. Friends Reunited became free) Banks can go bankrupt too – but we still use them Need for risk assessment and risk management

8 A centre of expertise in digital information 8 Interoperability Concerns What happens if Social Web services host your data and: You cant get the data back out? You only get unstructured or poor quality data back out? You cant get the comments, annotations, tags out? Theres a need to: Ensure data export capabilities or Upload data from an alternative managed source Understand limitations of data export / import and make plans around limitations

9 A centre of expertise in digital information 9 Accessibility Concerns Social Web services: Inaccessible to people with disabilities? People with disabilities and disability activists are using social web services Break accessibility guidelines (WCAG)? They are guidelines Leave us liable to be taken to court? DDA: Institutions must take reasonable measures to ensure people with disabilities are not discriminated against. Is it discriminatory to fail to provide access to services?

10 A centre of expertise in digital information Privacy Concerns Think about What needs to be private How to keep things private Use settings provided Facebook Read the Help pages Learn how to manage privacy settings Choose what you want to share

11 A centre of expertise in digital information 11 Legal Concerns Factors to bear in mind: Commercial use: a rights owner who later becomes aware of the use of their work may be more likely to pursue an action for infringement of copyright than if the work is being purely used for educational purposes. Particularly sensitive subject areas: music, geographic data, literary works by eminent authors and artistic works including photographs and drawings. Is there any track record of the contributor ignoring legal niceties in the past? Is there any track record of a particular third party having complained before?

12 A centre of expertise in digital information 12 Copyright Concerns R = A x B x C x D where R is the financial risk; A is the chances that what has been done is infringement; B is the chances that the copyright owner becomes aware of such infringement; C is the chances that having become aware, the owner sues; D is the financial cost (damages, legal fees, opportunity costs in defending the action, plus loss of reputation) for such a legal action. Prof Charles Oppenheim, Emeritus Professor of Information Science, Loughborough University

13 A centre of expertise in digital information 13 Reducing the Legal Risks Approaches Have clear and robust notice and take down policies Have procedures with a clear address given for complaints Example JORUM

14 A centre of expertise in digital information 14 Develop a Business Case Some tips Use a template (West Dumbartonshire) Be clear about what you hope to achieve Background is very important Contextualise Beef up the business need Find great examples Aim high – if you dont ask, you dont get! Use a social media strategy framework

15 A centre of expertise in digital information

16 16 Risks & Opportunities Framework Be specific and document Details of specific planned use Perceived benefits Perceived risks Missed opportunities if fail to use social web Costs and other resource implications Approaches to minimise risks Provide evidence for assertions

17 A centre of expertise in digital information 17 Think about a Policy Mosman Council (Australia) provides a good example of a lightweight policy

18 A centre of expertise in digital information 18 Risk Management What to do: Establish Agreements Use well-established services (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Wordpress) Notifications: warnings that services could be lost User engagement in evaluation Provision of alternative services Use in non-critical areas (not for bookings) Measure – usage stats

19 A centre of expertise in digital information 19 Watch, Evaluate and Act IAVE (International Association of Volunteer Effort) was founded in 1970 by people who saw volunteering as a means to make connections across cultures Only has 4 members And no discussions Worth continuing?

20 A centre of expertise in digital information 20 Be Well Informed UKOLN provide briefing papers on Web 2.0 of specific relevance to the Cultural Heritage sector Many are introductory – may be useful to pass on to your management team Some are on addressing barriers Cultural heritage covers areas of concern Stay well informed! UKOLN briefing papers available with Creative Commons licence (over 80 docs published)

21 A centre of expertise in digital information 21 More from UKOLN Brian Kelly has posted a number of podcasts on Web 2.0 topics on YouTube On YouTube search for brian kelly ukoln

22 A centre of expertise in digital information Questions Any questions? 22 Name: Ann Chapman Address: UKOLN, University of Bath, BATH, UK Email: Web site: Blog: Name: Ann Chapman Address: UKOLN, University of Bath, BATH, UK Email: Web site: Blog:

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