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© 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt Including What’s Special.

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1 © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt Including What’s Special

2 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt Goals To know that Team Challenge is comprised of Central Challenge and Side Trips To locate helpful information about Side Trips in Rules of the Road To understand how Side Trips contribute to the Team Challenge solution To understand how Side Trips can contribute to the Instant Challenge solution To use the Side Trip Specialties Inventory to identify strengths of the team members and team as a whole

3 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt Methods Presentation Discussion Activity Debrief

4 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt Side Trips Based on theory of multiple intelligences Promote uniqueness in team solutions Give team the chance to “show off” its: –Talents –Strengths –Skills

5 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt Here are some Side Trip Creations bus pantomime robot judge working lock giant sphinx

6 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt Side Trips Specialty Inventory Refer to Team Manager’s Guide & Rules of the Road Complete Individual Specialties Inventory Complete Individual Specialties Tally Sheet Circle 2 or 3 specialties with highest score Small Group – Complete Team Specialties Tally Sheet

7 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt Individual Specialties Tally Sheet A. INTERPERSONAL___ B. INTRAPERSONAL___ C. LOGIC & MATHEMATICS___ D. MUSICAL___ E. NATURE & ENVIRONMENT___ F. PHYSICAL MOVEMENT___ G. WORDS & LANGUAGE___ H. VISUAL & SPATIAL___

8 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt Team Specialties Tally Sheet Team Member ABCDEFGH 1. 2. 3. 4... 7. TOTAL

9 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt How might a team use the Specialties Inventory To recognize areas of strength To identify how team members are alike To identify how team members are unique To promote better understanding of one another To highlight skills, talents or strengths of individuals

10 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt How might a Team Manager use the Specialties Inventory To know their own “specialties” and to recognize areas where their expertise might lend itself to intentional or unintentional Interference

11 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt The Team Manager’s Job is to help team members Recognize that together they possess a unique combination of interests, talents, strengths and skills Discover, respect, celebrate diversity & individuality of one another Learn to utilize variety of abilities on the team Figure out ways the TEAM is unique and exceptional and to design Side Trips that showcase those areas

12 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt How Might an Appraiser use the Specialties Inventory To understand what Side Trips are To understand how teams use the Specialties Inventory To understand how the team’s specialties manifest themselves in Team Challenge AND Instant Challenge solutions

13 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt Recap Teams do NOT have to use the Specialties Inventory Teams may create any type of Side Trip they wish The purpose of Side Trips is to give teams an opportunity to show off their greatest strengths in ways other than those required by the Challenge!

14 ©Destination ImagiNation, Inc. 2004 Side Trips.ppt © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt Assessment List 1 example of something that could be done as a Side Trip Explain which area of strength from the Specialties Inventory this example would highlight

15 © 2005 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Side Trips.ppt Thank you for coming

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