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Knowing Our Market Texas Aging and Disability Providers Network Slides #14 and #15 include insights and action steps.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowing Our Market Texas Aging and Disability Providers Network Slides #14 and #15 include insights and action steps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowing Our Market Texas Aging and Disability Providers Network Slides #14 and #15 include insights and action steps

2 Customer Groups (By customers, we are referring to individuals whom your network will serve – e.g., older adults, persons with developmental disabilities, caregivers.) Possible customer groups our network can serve List them here 2

3 Customer Groups (By customers, we are referring individuals whom your network you will serve – e.g., older adults, persons with developmental disabilities, caregivers.) Defining characteristics of our potential customers – special health conditions (e.g., diabetes, multiple chronic conditions), social conditions (e.g., need for transportation, adult day health, etc.) List them here 3

4 Customer Groups (By customers, we are referring individuals whom your network you will serve – e.g., older adults, persons with developmental disabilities, caregivers.) Customers’ primary needs that we can meet List them here 4

5 Customer Groups (By customers, we are referring individuals whom your network you will serve – e.g., older adults, persons with developmental disabilities, caregivers.) Measurable high value outcome(s) we produce for customers List here 5

6 Customer Groups (By customers, we are referring individuals whom your network you will serve – e.g., older adults, persons with developmental disabilities, caregivers.) Our next step(s) to further develop the customer profile and test need List here 6

7 Contracting Organization (CO) We Will Pursue First/Next (e.g., health plan, ACO, health system, etc.) Name/Type of CO List here Key CO person for contracting List here Their mission and major interest/need List here 7

8 Contracting Organization (CO) We Will Pursue First/Next (e.g., health plan, ACO, health system, etc.) Our next step(s) to further engage the CO List here 8

9 Policy or regulatory conditions to address? Are there any policy or regulatory conditions that your network will need to meet or change in order to secure a contract? If so, what are they? List here 9

10 Champions Who can endorse our network and open doors for us? List name, organization, and who in your network will make contact 10

11 Competition and Forces We Need to Address Our primary competitors are: List here 11

12 Competition and Forces We Need to Address Major sources of inertia we must overcome: List here 12

13 Competition and Forces We Need to Address Competitors’ Advantage List here Our advantage List here 13

14 Insights Our biggest insight(s) from this session on Knowing Our Market is/are… Remember the three levels: – 1. Member Networks – who may be in competition with one another, but can benefit if working together. – 2. Customers – anyone who can “write the check” (Medicaid, insurance providers, members, etc.). – 3. What type of services do we want to provide (that we already have and/or could develop) that could assist our end users. What is the “point of pain”? HEDIS measures (Star Ratings) where they are not performing well (ex: fall prevention, elimination of medication errors, etc.) Be flexible – listen to MCO’s needs and be receptive to them. They will differ. Bring in local players to supplement the standardized slide presentation that is being used. 14

15 Action Steps The action step(s) we will take in the next month to engage our market are: Next Month – Have contract in place by the end of the calendar year. – Conclude research and make decision on data tracking system. – Survey network regarding Medication Management Services – there may be opportunities to expand this. – Reach out to other two additional MCOs (AmeriGroup and Molina) and get meetings scheduled with them. Follow up with United and Superior regarding presentations already given. Middle Range – New ADRC grant – have a position that will be funded to help with expanding efforts (coordination, marketing, outreach, etc.) – Would there be value in organizing in regions based on MCO cachement areas? Looking at different value added/strengths by regions? Long Range – Building capacity of entire network in core programs – achieving some standardization in terms of service availability and quality – Develop a nice marketing package that has the main message that group wants to convey/share 15

16 Parking Lot (Issues for later, additional questions for speakers) 16

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