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Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Narrative And Informative By: Veja Dennis.

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Presentation on theme: "Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Narrative And Informative By: Veja Dennis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Narrative And Informative By: Veja Dennis

2 Introduction Grade level: 4 th grade Mode of Writing: Narrative Story Plot, theme, characters, setting, point of view Simulated Journal Assume the role of another person Write from that person’s point of view Content Integration: Social Studies/ Colonial Life in America

3 Georgia Writing Test Developmental Stage/Scoring Guidelines for Grades 5 Stage 6: The Extending Writer Topic fully elaborated with rich details. Organization sustains the writer's purpose and moves the reader through the piece. Engages and sustains the reader's interest. Creative and novel use of language and effective use of varied sentence patterns. Errors in surface features do not interfere with meaning

4 Pre- Assessment Prompt Purpose: used to assess what students already know as a starting point to build upon important because they help teachers and students set goals for learning Imagine that you find a page torn from a short story that has only two lines: "That’s how I became known as the ‘Fireman Hero.’ THE END” create another story that could end

5 Grouping Options Practice Whole Class/ direct instruction cuts down on teacher time It ensures consistency all students receive the same instruction Assessment- Independent Assess students individual strengths and weakness Identify areas for improvement Group Promotes intellectual and language development, Lively engagement, skills in collaborating, working with other group members (DAP, p. 154). Establishes productive, positive social and working relationships with others their age Gives children the foundation for developing a sense of social competence (DAP, p. 155).

6 Prewriting Getting ready to write stage 70% of writing during this stage During this stage students: Choose a topic Consider purpose Generate and organize ideas for writing

7 Practice, Assessment Activities Practice Complete story map collaboratively Whole class Assessment Individually Complete story map

8 Prewriting graphic organizer- Story Map

9 4 th Grade Scoring Guide Pre-writing Stage Exceeds Standards 4 Meets Standards 3 Primarily Meets standards 2 Did not meet standards 1 Scor e TitleAppropriate title written Title somewhat appropriate No title present SettingSetting is described with full detail and includes time period, place, season, etc. Setting is described includes minimal details,. Setting is established but not with much detail. Setting is not established.. CharactersCharacters listed and includes full descriptions. Characters listed and includes little descriptions. Characters listed and includes no descriptions. No characters listed. ProblemProblem written with full detail Problem written with little detail Problem established with no detail No problem established. EventsListed 3 events in chronological order with 2 details. Listed 3 events in chronological order with 1 detail. Listed 3 events in chronological order with no detail. Did not List 3 events in chronological order. SolutionSolution stated and described with detail. Solution stated and 1 detail. Solution stated with no detail. No Solution described. Total Total Score____/100

10 Drafting Forming ideas into complete sentences Use tentative ideas developed through the pre- writing activities. Mechanics are unimportant

11 Practice, Assessment Activities Practice Complete rough draft in groups of three Copies of class story map Teacher meets with each group for feedback Assessment Individually Complete rough draft

12 4th Grade Drafting Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score Characters Character(s) introduced in first paragraph and in complete sentence Character(s) introduced in first paragraph Character(s) not introduced in first paragraph Character(s) not in story Settings Setting introduced in first paragraph and in complete sentence Setting introduced in first paragraph Setting not introduced in first paragraph Setting not in story Problem Describes problem in detail and complete sentences Problem established in writing Problem written but unclear No Problem mentioned in story Events three events put into paragraphs, more details added, and written in complete sentences three events put into four paragraphs with detail Less than three paragraphs listed Only one event or no events mentioned Conclusion Conclusion written in complete sentence, much detail, and at end of story Conclusion written with much detail Conclusion not clear or related to story Conclusion not listed Correct journal form Wrote date and time reflecting colonial times No date or time listed Total Total Score_____/100

13 Revising Clarify and refine ideas in compositions Writers: add, delete, substitute, and rearrange sentences Reread the rough draft Share the rough draft in writing groups Revise on the basis of feedback received from writing group

14 Practice, Assessment Activities Practice Groups of two Revise rough draft on computer PowerPoint tutorial Group share their compliments, suggestions, and questions. Assessment Peer revisions (groups of two)

15 Revising Scoring Guide Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score Revision Marks Student makes appropriate marks and rearranges sentences appropriately Student makes less than 1 marks and rearranges sentences Student did not have any revision marks. Peer suggestions Student added, deleted, rearranges, or substituted more than three items based on peer feedback Student added, deleted, rearranges, or substituted less than three items based on peer feedback Student did not story based on peer suggestions. Total

16 Editing Putting the piece into its final form focuses on correcting spelling and other mechanical errors During this stage students; Get distance from the composition Proofread to locate errors Correct errors

17 Practice, Assessment Activities Practice Groups of two Edit peer’s draft Assessment Peer Edit (groups of two)

18 Editing Scoring Guide Exceeds Standards 4 Meets Standards 3 Primarily Meets standards 2 Did not meet standards 1 Scor e CapitalizationNo capitalizatio n errors present 1-2 Capitalizatio n errors 3 or more capitalizatio n errors More than 4 capitalizatio n errors PunctuationNo punctuation errors present 1-2 punctuation errors present 3 or more punctuation errors present More than 4 punctuation errors present SpellingNo spelling errors present 1-2 punctuation errors present 3 or more punctuation errors present More than4 punctuation errors present SentenceNo incomplete sentences present 1-2 incomplete sentences present 3 or more incomplete sentences present More than incomplete sentences present Total

19 Publishing Publishing Publish and share final piece with audience Publishing options:

20 Practice, Assessment Activities Practice Groups of three Write drafts in final form Assessment Individual Write draft in final form

21 Publishing Scoring Guide Meets Standards 3 Primarily Meets standards 2 Did not meet standards 1 Score TitleTitle present at the top of paper No title present HandwritingCursive handwriting is legible Cursive handwriting is not legible Final CopyFinal clean copy provided Copy is not clean SharingStudent reads story from author’s chair Student does not reads story from author’s chair Total

22 Accommodations/ Modifications Learning disability supply students with additional support during the individual assessment Make sure students understand the directions and are on tasks. Teacher help the students start on assignments

23 Introduction Grade level: 4 th grade Mode of Writing: Expository Explain, describe, give information, inform Description, sequence, comparison, cause& effect, problem & solution Description Describes topic by listing characteristics, features, examples Content Integration: Social Studies/ Physical features of the Unites States

24 Georgia Writing Test Developmental Stage/Scoring Guidelines for Grades 5 Stage 6: The Extending Writer Topic fully elaborated with rich details. Organization sustains the writer's purpose and moves the reader through the piece. Engages and sustains the reader's interest. Creative and novel use of language and effective use of varied sentence patterns. Errors in surface features do not interfere with meaning

25 Pre- Assessment Prompt Purpose: used to assess what students already know as a starting point to build upon important because they help teachers and students set goals for learning In essay form, write a brief description of how plants grow

26 Grouping Options Practice Whole Class/ direct instruction cuts down on teacher time It ensures consistency all students receive the same instruction Assessment- Independent Assess students individual strengths and weakness Identify areas for improvement Group Promotes intellectual and language development, Lively engagement, skills in collaborating, working with other group members (DAP, p. 154). Establishes productive, positive social and working relationships with others their age Gives children the foundation for developing a sense of social competence (DAP, p. 155).

27 Prewriting Getting ready to write stage 70% of writing during this stage During this stage students: Choose a topic Consider purpose Generate and organize ideas for writing

28 Practice, Assessment Activities Practice Complete story map collaboratively Whole class Assessment Individually Complete story map

29 Topic LocationImportancePicture Physical Features History

30 4 th Grade Scoring Guide Pre-writing Stage Exceeds Standards 4 Meets Standards 3 Primarily Meets standards 2 Did not meet standards 1 Score NameName writtenNo name written TopicAppropriate topic written Topic somewhat appropriate No topic present 5 circlesA lot of Appropriate facts and details included. facts and details are somewhat appropriate Appropriate facts and details listed but not in detail No facts and details included InformationAll irrelevant facts excluded Some irrelevant facts excluded Some irrelevant facts included. All irrelevant facts included Total Total Score____/100

31 Drafting Forming ideas into complete sentences Use tentative ideas developed through the prewriting activities. Mechanics are unimportant

32 Practice, Assessment Activities Practice Complete rough draft in groups of three Copies of class story map Teacher meets with each group for feedback Assessment Individually Complete rough draft

33 4th Grade Drafting Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvemen t Needed 1 Score Topic Topic introduced in first paragraph and in complete sentence Topic introduced in first paragraph Topic not introduced in first paragraph Topic not in story 5 circlesA lot of Appropriate facts and details included. in paragraph facts and details are somewhat appropriate in paragraph Appropriate facts and details listed but not in detail in paragraph No facts and details included in paragraph Characteri stics Characteristi cs introduced in paper in full detail Characteristi cs included in paper and detailed Characteristi cs included with little detail No Characteristic s included in paper Circle Five different features present in paper with full detail Five different features included with details Five different features included. No features included Conclusion Conclusion written in complete sentence, much detail. Conclusion written with much detail. Conclusion not clear or related to story Conclusion not listed Total Total Score_____/100

34 Revising Clarify and refine ideas in compositions Writers: add, delete, substitute, and rearrange sentences Reread the rough draft Share the rough draft in writing groups Revise on the basis of feedback received from writing group

35 Practice, Assessment Activities Practice Groups of three Share their compliments, suggestions, and questions with each other Assessment Peer revisions (groups of two)

36 Revising Scoring Guide Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score Revision Marks Student makes appropriate marks and rearranges sentences appropriately Student makes less than 1 marks and rearranges sentences Student did not have any revision marks. Peer suggestions Student added, deleted, rearranges, or substituted more than three items based on peer feedback Student added, deleted, rearranges, or substituted less than three items based on peer feedback Student did not story based on peer suggestions. Total

37 Editing Putting the piece into its final form focuses on correcting spelling and other mechanical errors During this stage students; Get distance from the composition Proofread to locate errors Correct errors

38 Practice, Assessment Activities Practice Groups of two Edit peer’s draft Assessment Peer Edit (groups of two)

39 Editing Scoring Guide Exceeds Standards 4 Meets Standards 3 Primarily Meets standards 2 Did not meet standards 1 Scor e CapitalizationNo capitalizatio n errors present 1-2 Capitalizatio n errors 3 or more capitalizatio n errors More than 4 capitalizatio n errors PunctuationNo punctuation errors present 1-2 punctuation errors present 3 or more punctuation errors present More than 4 punctuation errors present SpellingNo spelling errors present 1-2 punctuation errors present 3 or more punctuation errors present More than4 punctuation errors present SentenceNo incomplete sentences present 1-2 incomplete sentences present 3 or more incomplete sentences present More than incomplete sentences present Total

40 Publishing Publishing Publish and share final piece with audience Publishing options:

41 Practice, Assessment Activities Practice Groups of three Write drafts in final form Assessment Individual Write draft in final form

42 Publishing Scoring Guide Meets Standards 3 Primarily Meets standards 2 Did not meet standards 1 Score TitleTitle present at the top of paper No title present HandwritingCursive handwriting is legible Cursive handwriting is not legible Final CopyFinal clean copy provided Copy is not clean SharingStudent reads story from author’s chair Student does not reads story from author’s chair Total

43 Accommodations/ Modifications Learning disability supply students with additional support during the individual assessment Make sure students understand the directions and are on tasks. Teacher help the students start on assignments

44 Prewriting graphic organizer- Story Map

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