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Campus Sustainability Programme Developing an FHE Climate Change Commitment.

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Sustainability Programme Developing an FHE Climate Change Commitment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Sustainability Programme Developing an FHE Climate Change Commitment

2 Outcomes for day By the end of the event, participants will have had the opportunity to:  Consider the international and Scottish context of climate change  Discuss what actions might be taken in institutions to reduce carbon emissions  Learn about examples of climate change commitments  Consider how the sector might develop its own climate change commitment  Decided what action they need to take now.

3 Programme for the day (1) 10.00International and national drivers for Carbon reductions 10.40Small group work: identifying projects that will reduce carbon use 11.30Refreshment break 11.45 Small group work: implementing projects that will reduce carbon use 12.45Lunch

4 Programme for the day (2) 13.30Examples of Climate Change commitments and declarations 14.00Applying a climate change commitment to FHE 14.45Refreshment break 15.00 Next steps 15.30Finish and Green Drinks

5 Imperatives for Action Hugh Muschamp

6 Task 1: What can be done at institutional level to achieve a 50% CO 2 reduction by 2020? In your group, draft a list of ideas and projects which would enable Colleges and Universities to achieve this level of reductions

7 Task 2: Discuss the implementation of one of these projects In your chosen group complete a proforma describing how your idea/project can be achieved

8 Climate Change and Commitments Hugh Muschamp

9 Background to FHE sector approach Jan 2007 - Climate Challenge Workshop for FHE Institutions Suggestion of Commitment welcomed by Scottish institutions July/Sept 2007 – Discussion of CCD Development of a commitment discussed at EAUC Scotland’s Strategic Development Topic Support Network meetings August 2007 – Scottish Executive support (now Government) Paper presented to the Scottish Local Authority Climate Change Programme Development Group (SLACCPDG) October 2007 – Initial proposal submitted to SFC In principal support from the SFC

10 Climate Change Commitments, Strengths, Weaknesses and Opportunities Question 1 – Consider applying the SCCD and Presidents Declaration to the Scottish FHE Sector and identify the +ve and -ve aspects of each. Question 2 – What would need to be in place for your institution to deliver on a climate change commitment for Scotland’s FHE sector?

11 Committing to Next Steps  Individuals  Organisations

12 GREEN DRINKS Thank you

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