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Automated Planning and Decision Making Prof. Ronen Brafman Automated Planning and Decision Making 2007 Bayesian networks Variable Elimination Based on.

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Presentation on theme: "Automated Planning and Decision Making Prof. Ronen Brafman Automated Planning and Decision Making 2007 Bayesian networks Variable Elimination Based on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automated Planning and Decision Making Prof. Ronen Brafman Automated Planning and Decision Making 2007 Bayesian networks Variable Elimination Based on Nir Friedman’s course (Hebrew University)

2 Automated Planning and Decision Making  In previous lessons we introduced compact representations of probability distributions: ○Bayesian Networks  A network describes a unique probability distribution P  How do we answer queries about P ?  The process of computing answers to these queries is called probabilistic inference

3 Automated Planning and Decision Making Queries: Likelihood  There are many types of queries we might ask.  Most of these involve evidence ○An evidence e is an assignment of values to a set E of variables in the domain ○Without loss of generality E = { X k+1, …, X n }  Simplest query: compute probability of evidence  This is often referred to as computing the likelihood of the evidence

4 Automated Planning and Decision Making Queries: A posteriori belief  Often we are interested in the conditional probability of a variable given the evidence  This is the a posteriori belief in X, given evidence e  A related task is computing the term P(X, e) ○i.e., the likelihood of e and X = x for values of X ○we can recover the a posteriori belief by

5 Automated Planning and Decision Making A posteriori belief This query is useful in many cases:  Prediction: what is the probability of an outcome given the starting condition ○Target is a descendent of the evidence  Diagnosis: what is the probability of disease/fault given symptoms ○Target is an ancestor of the evidence  As we shall see, the direction between variables does not restrict the directions of the queries ○Probabilistic inference can combine evidence form all parts of the network

6 Automated Planning and Decision Making Queries: A posteriori joint  In this query, we are interested in the conditional probability of several variables, given the evidence P(X, Y, … | e )  Note that the size of the answer to query is exponential in the number of variables in the joint

7 Automated Planning and Decision Making Queries: MAP  In this query we want to find the maximum a posteriori assignment for some variable of interest (say X 1, …,X l )  That is, x 1, …,x l maximize the probability P(x 1, …,x l | e)  Note that this is equivalent to maximizing P(x 1, …,x l, e)

8 Automated Planning and Decision Making Queries: MAP We can use MAP for:  Classification ○find most likely label, given the evidence  Explanation ○What is the most likely scenario, given the evidence

9 Automated Planning and Decision Making Queries: MAP Cautionary note:  The MAP depends on the set of variables  Example: ○MAP of X is 1, ○MAP of (X, Y) is (0,0)

10 Automated Planning and Decision Making Complexity of Inference Theorem: Computing P(X = x) in a Bayesian network is NP-hard Not surprising, since we can simulate Boolean gates.

11 Automated Planning and Decision Making Proof We reduce 3-SAT to Bayesian network computation Assume we are given a 3-SAT problem:  q 1, …,q n be propositions,   1,...,  k be clauses, such that  i = l i1  l i2  l i3 where each l ij is a literal over q 1, …,q n   =  1 ...  k We will construct a network s.t. P(X=t) > 0 iff  is satisfiable

12 Automated Planning and Decision Making...  P(Q i = true) = 0.5,  P(  I = true | Q i, Q j, Q l ) = 1 iff Q i, Q j, Q l satisfy the clause  I  A 1, A 2, …, are simple binary and gates... 11 Q1Q1 Q3Q3 Q2Q2 Q4Q4 QnQn 22 33 kk A1A1  k-1 A2A2 X A k/2-1

13 Automated Planning and Decision Making  It is easy to check ○Polynomial number of variables ○Each CPDs can be described by a small table (8 parameters at most) ○P(X = true) > 0 if and only if there exists a satisfying assignment to Q 1, …,Q n  Conclusion: polynomial reduction of 3-SAT

14 Automated Planning and Decision Making Note: this construction also shows that computing P(X = t) is harder than NP  2 n P(X = t) is the number of satisfying assignments to   Thus, it is #P-hard (in fact it is #P- complete)

15 Automated Planning and Decision Making Hardness - Notes  We used deterministic relations in our construction  The same construction works if we use (1- ,  ) instead of (1,0) in each gate for any  < 0.5  Hardness does not mean we cannot solve inference ○It implies that we cannot find a general procedure that works efficiently for all networks ○For particular families of networks, we can have provably efficient procedure

16 Automated Planning and Decision Making Inference in Simple Chains How do we compute P(X 2 ) ? X1X1 X2X2

17 Automated Planning and Decision Making Inference in Simple Chains (cont.) How do we compute P(X 3 ) ?  we already know how to compute P(X 2 )... X1X1 X2X2 X3X3

18 Automated Planning and Decision Making Inference in Simple Chains (cont.) How do we compute P(X n ) ?  Compute P(X 1 ), P(X 2 ), P(X 3 ), …  We compute each term by using the previous one Complexity:  Each step costs O(|Val(X i )|*|Val(X i+1 )|) operations  Compare to naïve evaluation, that requires summing over joint values of n-1 variables X1X1 X2X2 X3X3 XnXn...

19 Automated Planning and Decision Making Inference in Simple Chains (cont.)  Suppose that we observe the value of X 2 =x 2  How do we compute P(X 1 |x 2 ) ? ○Recall that it suffices to compute P(X 1,x 2 ) X1X1 X2X2

20 Automated Planning and Decision Making Inference in Simple Chains (cont.)  Suppose that we observe the value of X 3 =x 3  How do we compute P(X 1,x 3 ) ?  How do we compute P(x 3 |x 1 ) ? X1X1 X2X2 X3X3

21 Automated Planning and Decision Making Inference in Simple Chains (cont.)  Suppose that we observe the value of X n =x n  How do we compute P(X 1,x n ) ?... X1X1 X2X2 X3X3 XnXn

22 Automated Planning and Decision Making Inference in Simple Chains (cont.)  We compute P(x n |x n-1 ), P(x n |x n-2 ), … iteratively X1X1 X2X2 X3X3 XnXn

23 Automated Planning and Decision Making Inference in Simple Chains (cont.)  Suppose that we observe the value of X n =x n  We want to find P(X k |x n )  How do we compute P(X k,x n ) ?  We compute P(X k ) by forward iterations  We compute P(x n | X k ) by backward iterations X1X1 X2X2 XkXk XnXn...

24 Automated Planning and Decision Making Elimination in Chains  We now try to understand the simple chain example using first-order principles  Using definition of probability, we have ABC E D

25 Automated Planning and Decision Making Elimination in Chains  By chain decomposition, we get ABC E D

26 Automated Planning and Decision Making Elimination in Chains  Rearranging terms... ABC E D

27 Automated Planning and Decision Making Elimination in Chains  Now we can perform innermost summation  This summation, is exactly the first step in the forward iteration we describe before ABC E D X

28 Automated Planning and Decision Making Elimination in Chains  Rearranging and then summing again, we get ABC E D X X

29 Automated Planning and Decision Making Elimination in Chains with Evidence  Similarly, we understand the backward pass  We write the query in explicit form ABC E D

30 Automated Planning and Decision Making Elimination in Chains with Evidence  Eliminating d, we get ABC E D X

31 Automated Planning and Decision Making Elimination in Chains with Evidence  Eliminating c, we get ABC E D X X

32 Automated Planning and Decision Making Elimination in Chains with Evidence  Finally, we eliminate b ABC E D X X X

33 Automated Planning and Decision Making Variable Elimination General idea:  Write query in the form  Iteratively ○Move all irrelevant terms outside of innermost sum ○Perform innermost sum, getting a new term ○Insert the new term into the product

34 Automated Planning and Decision Making A More Complex Example Visit to Asia Smoking Lung Cancer Tuberculosis Abnormality in Chest Bronchitis X-Ray Dyspnea  “Asia” network:

35 Automated Planning and Decision Making V S L T A B XD  We want to compute P(d)  Need to eliminate: v,s,x,t,l,a,b Initial factors

36 Automated Planning and Decision Making V S L T A B XD  We want to compute P(d)  Need to eliminate: v,s,x,t,l,a,b  Initial factors Eliminate: v Note: f v (t) = P(t) In general, result of elimination is not necessarily a probability term Compute:

37 Automated Planning and Decision Making V S L T A B XD  We want to compute P(d)  Need to eliminate: s,x,t,l,a,b  Initial factors Eliminate: s Summing on s results in a factor with two arguments f s (b,l) In general, result of elimination may be a function of several variables Compute:

38 Automated Planning and Decision Making  We want to compute P(d)  Need to eliminate: x,t,l,a,b  Initial factors Eliminate: x Note: f x (a) = 1 for all values of a !! Compute: V S L T A B XD

39 Automated Planning and Decision Making  We want to compute P(d)  Need to eliminate: t,l,a,b  Initial factors Eliminate: t Compute: V S L T A B XD

40 Automated Planning and Decision Making  We want to compute P(d)  Need to eliminate: l,a,b  Initial factors Eliminate: l Compute: V S L T A B XD

41 Automated Planning and Decision Making  We want to compute P(d)  Need to eliminate: b  Initial factors Eliminate: a,b Compute: V S L T A B XD a   b a b dbfdf),()(   x l a badpafbafdbf),|()(),(),(

42 Automated Planning and Decision Making Variable Elimination  We now understand variable elimination as a sequence of rewriting operations  Actual computation is done in elimination step  Computation depends on order of elimination ○We will return to this issue in detail

43 Automated Planning and Decision Making Dealing with evidence  How do we deal with evidence?  Suppose get evidence V = t, S = f, D = t  We want to compute P(L, V = t, S = f, D = t) V S L T A B XD

44 Automated Planning and Decision Making Dealing with Evidence  We start by writing the factors:  Since we know that V = t, we don’t need to eliminate V  Instead, we can replace the factors P(V) and P(T|V) with  These “select” the appropriate parts of the original factors given the evidence  Note that f p(V) is a constant, and thus does not appear in elimination of other variables V S L T A B XD

45 Automated Planning and Decision Making Dealing with Evidence  Given evidence V = t, S = f, D = t  Compute P(L, V = t, S = f, D = t )  Initial factors, after setting evidence: V S L T A B XD

46 Automated Planning and Decision Making Dealing with Evidence  Given evidence V = t, S = f, D = t  Compute P(L, V = t, S = f, D = t )  Initial factors, after setting evidence:  Eliminating x, we get V S L T A B XD

47 Automated Planning and Decision Making Dealing with Evidence  Given evidence V = t, S = f, D = t  Compute P(L, V = t, S = f, D = t )  Initial factors, after setting evidence:  Eliminating x, we get  Eliminating t, we get V S L T A B XD

48 Automated Planning and Decision Making Dealing with Evidence  Given evidence V = t, S = f, D = t  Compute P(L, V = t, S = f, D = t )  Initial factors, after setting evidence:  Eliminating x, we get  Eliminating t, we get  Eliminating a, we get V S L T A B XD

49 Automated Planning and Decision Making  Given evidence V = t, S = f, D = t  Compute P(L, V = t, S = f, D = t )  Initial factors, after setting evidence:  Eliminating x, we get  Eliminating t, we get  Eliminating a, we get  Eliminating b, we get Dealing with Evidence V S L T A B XD

50 Automated Planning and Decision Making Complexity of variable elimination  Suppose in one elimination step we compute This requires  multiplications ○For each value for x, y 1, …, y k, we do m multiplications  additions ○For each value of y 1, …, y k, we do |Val(X)| additions Complexity is exponential in number of variables in the intermediate factor.

51 Automated Planning and Decision Making Understanding Variable Elimination  We want to select “good” elimination orderings that reduce complexity  We start by attempting to understand variable elimination via the graph we are working with  This will reduce the problem of finding good ordering to a graph-theoretic operation that is well-understood

52 Automated Planning and Decision Making Undirected graph representation  At each stage of the procedure, we have an algebraic term that we need to evaluate  In general this term is of the form:  where Z i are sets of variables  We now plot a graph where there is undirected edge X--Y if X,Y are arguments of some factor ○that is, if X,Y are in some Z i

53 Automated Planning and Decision Making Undirected Graph Representation  Consider the “Asia” example  The initial factors are  thus, the undirected graph is  In the first step this graph is just the moralized graph V S L T A B XD V S L T A B XD

54 Automated Planning and Decision Making Undirected Graph Representation  Now we eliminate t, getting  The corresponding change in the graph is V S L T A B XD V S L T A B XD

55 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(L, V = t, S = f, D = t)  Moralizing L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

56 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(L, V = t, S = f, D = t)  Moralizing  Setting evidence L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

57 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(L, V = t, S = f, D = t)  Moralizing  Setting evidence  Eliminating x ○New factor f x (A) L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

58 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(L, V = t, S = f, D = t)  Moralizing  Setting evidence  Eliminating x  Eliminating a ○New factor f a (b,t,l) L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

59 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(L, V = t, S = f, D = t)  Moralizing  Setting evidence  Eliminating x  Eliminating a  Eliminating b ○New factor f b (t,l) L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

60 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(L, V = t, S = f, D = t)  Moralizing  Setting evidence  Eliminating x  Eliminating a  Eliminating b  Eliminating t ○New factor f t (l) L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

61 Automated Planning and Decision Making Elimination in Undirected Graphs  Generalizing, we see that we can eliminate a variable x by 1. For all Y,Z, s.t., Y--X, Z--X add an edge Y--Z 2. Remove X and all adjacent edges to it  This procedure creates a clique that contains all the neighbors of X  After step 1 we have a clique that corresponds to the intermediate factor (before marginalization)  The cost of the step is exponential in the size of this clique

62 Automated Planning and Decision Making Undirected Graphs  The process of eliminating nodes from an undirected graph gives us a clue to the complexity of inference  To see this, we will examine the graph that contains all of the edges we added during the elimination. The resulting graph is always chordal.

63 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(L)  Moralizing L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

64 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(L)  Moralizing  Eliminating v ○Multiply to get f ’ v (v,t) ○Result f v (t) L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

65 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(L)  Moralizing  Eliminating v  Eliminating x ○Multiply to get f ’ x (a,x) ○Result f x (a) L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

66 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(L)  Moralizing  Eliminating v  Eliminating x  Eliminating s ○Multiply to get f ’ s (l,b,s) ○Result f s (l,b) L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

67 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(D)  Moralizing  Eliminating v  Eliminating x  Eliminating s  Eliminating t ○Multiply to get f ’ t (a,l,t) ○Result f t (a,l) L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

68 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(D)  Moralizing  Eliminating v  Eliminating x  Eliminating s  Eliminating t  Eliminating l ○Multiply to get f ’ l (a,b,l) ○Result f l (a,b) L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

69 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Want to compute P(D)  Moralizing  Eliminating v  Eliminating x  Eliminating s  Eliminating t  Eliminating l  Eliminating a, b ○Multiply to get f ’ a (a,b,d) ○Result f(d) L T A B X V S D V S L T A B XD

70 Automated Planning and Decision Making  The resulting graph is the induced graph (for this particular ordering)  Main property: ○Every maximal clique in the induced graph corresponds to a intermediate factor in the computation ○Every factor stored during the process is a subset of some maximal clique in the graph  These facts are true for any variable elimination ordering on any network Expanded Graphs L T A B X V S D

71 Automated Planning and Decision Making Induced Width (Treewidth)  The size of the largest clique in the induced graph is thus an indicator for the complexity of variable elimination  This quantity (minus one) is called the induced width (or treewidth) of a graph according to the specified ordering  Finding a good ordering for a graph is equivalent to finding the minimal induced width of the graph

72 Automated Planning and Decision Making Consequence: Elimination on Trees  Suppose we have a tree ○A network where each variable has at most one parent  All the factors involve at most two variables  Thus, the moralized graph is also a tree A C B D E FG A C B D E FG

73 Automated Planning and Decision Making Elimination on Trees  We can maintain the tree structure by eliminating extreme variables in the tree A C B D E FG A C B D E FG A C B D E FG

74 Automated Planning and Decision Making Elimination on Trees  Formally, for any tree, there is an elimination ordering with treewidth = 1 Theorem  Inference on trees is linear in number of variables

75 Automated Planning and Decision Making PolyTrees  A polytree is a network where there is at most one path from one variable to another Theorem:  Inference in a polytree is linear in the representation size of the network ○This assumes tabular CPT representation  Can you see how the argument would work? A C B D E FG H

76 Automated Planning and Decision Making General Networks What do we do when the network is not a polytree?  If network has a cycle, the treewidth for any ordering is greater than 1

77 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Eliminating A, B, C, D, E,….  Resulting graph is chordal with treewidth 2 A H B D F C E G A H B D F C E G A H B D F C E G A H B D F C E G A H B D F C E G

78 Automated Planning and Decision Making Example  Eliminating H,G, E, C, F, D, E, A A H B D F C E G A H B D F C E G A H B D F C E G A H B D F C E G A H B D F C E G

79 Automated Planning and Decision Making General Networks  From graph theory: Theorem:  Finding an ordering that minimizes the treewidth is NP-Hard However,  There are reasonable heuristics for finding “relatively” good ordering  There are provable approximations to the best treewidth  If the graph has a small treewidth, there are algorithms that find it in polynomial time

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