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Unit 12 A Bill of Lading 精品课程《外贸函电英语》 Text A 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

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2 Unit 12 A Bill of Lading 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

3 Text A 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

4 The Bill of lading (abbreviated generally in use as B/L) is a document of transportation by sea issued by the carrier or someone on behalf of him to the shipper. First, it’s a document of title. If made negotiable, it can be transferred with the endorsement of the right person while the goods are in transit.

5 Letters of credit often contain the stipulation for bill of lading like “Full set of clean on board marine bills of lading made out to order and endorsed in blank marked ‘Freight Prepaid / Collect’, notifying the accountee”. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

6 Second, it serves as an evidence of contract of carriage between the carrier and the shipper. The carrier is responsible for delivering the goods to a named port at the disposal of the holder of the bill of lading as stipulated. Third, it’s a receipt for goods which evidences the taking-over or loading by the carrier of the goods as described in the bill of lading. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

7 On the face of the B/L the following particulars are to be noted: 1. The name of the steamer carrying the cargo. 2. The port of loading and the port of discharge. 3. The name of the shipper or consignor. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

8 4. he name of the consignee or his order (as signs). 5. The party to be notified. 6. Freight and charges, prepaid or not. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

9 7.The main particulars regarding the goods loaded on the steamer: the description, marks, number of packages, weight or measurements, number of copies of the B/L, the date, the signature of the ship-owner or its agents or the captain of the steamer. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

10 There are many different kinds of bills of lading such as on board B/L and received- for-shipment B/L according to whether the goods are shipped on board vessel or not at the time of issuing the B/L; clean B/L and foul B/L according to whether it bears unclean notation which declares a defective condition of the goods and/or the package or not; 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

11 straight B/L, bearer B/L and order B/L according to whether the document is negotiable or not; direct B/L, through B/L and transshipment B/L according to different modes of shipment; liner B/L and charter party B/L according to the way in which the vessel is operated; and others as stale B/L, container B/L etc.. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

12 Text B 精品课程《外贸函电英语》


14 托运人 Shipper 收货人 或让受人 Consignee or assigns. 通知 Notify 船名 航次 货号单号 提单号 Vessel Voy. S/O No. B/L No. 装货港 卸货港 Port of Loading Port of Discharge 国籍 中华人民共和国 运费在 支付 Nationality THE PEOPLE ’ S REPUBLIC OF CHINA freight payable at 提单 正 本 BILL OF LADING ORIGINAL 直 运 或 转 运 DIRECT OR WITH TRANSHIPMENT 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

15 托运人所提供的详细情况 Particulars furnished by the Shipper 标志和号数 marks and Numbers 件数 No. of Packages 货名 Description of Goods 毛重 Gross Weight 尺码 Measurement 合计件数 (大写) Total Packages (in words) 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

16 上列外表情况良好的货物(另有说明者除外)已装在上列船上并应在上列卸货港或该船所能安全到达并保持 浮泊的附近地点卸货。 Shipped on board the vessel named above in apparent good order and condition (unless otherwise indicated) the goods or packages specified herein and to the discharge at the above mentioned port of discharge or as near thereto as the vessel may safely get and be always afloat. 重量、尺码、标志、号数、品质、内容和价值是托运人所提供的,承运人在装船时并未核对。 The weight, measure, marks, numbers, quality, contents and value, being particulars furnished by the sellers, are not to check by the Carrier on loading. 托运人、收货人和本提单的持有人兹明白表示接受并同意本提单和它背面所载的一切印刷、书写或打印的 规定。 The Shipper, consignee and the Holder of this Bill of Lading hereby expressly accept and agree to all printed, written or stamped provisions, expressions and conditions of this Bill of Lading, including those on the back hereof. 运费和其他事项 Freight and Charges: 为证明以上各节,承运人或其代理人已签署本提单一式 ( ) 份, 其中一份经完成提货手续后,其余各份失效。 In witness whereof, the Carrier of his Agents has signed Bill of Lading all of this tenor and date, one of which being accomplished, the others to stand void. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

17 CommodityUnit Price ( Per doz.) CIF London Size Quantity ( doz.) Women’s Nylon Garments USD 80.00Small15 Women’s Nylon Garments USD 120.00Medium16 Women’s Nylon Garments USD 160.00Large14 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

18 请托运人特别注意本提单与该货保险效力有关的免责事项和条件。 Shippers are requested to note particularly the exceptions and conditions of this Bill of Lading with reference to the validity of the insurance upon their goods. 签单日期 在 Date ………………………….at …………………………. 船 长 ………………………………… For the Master 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

19 Skill drilling Please fill in the following Bill of Lading with the particulars given below: 精品课程《外贸函电英语》


21 BILL OF LADING ( ORIGINAL ) DIRECT OR WITH TRANSHIPMENT Shipper Consignee or assigns. Notify Vessel Voy. S/O No. B/L No. Port of Loading Port of Discharge Nationality THE PEOPLE ’ S REPUBLIC OF CHINA freight payable at 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

22 Particulars furnished by the Shipper marks and Numbers No. of Packages Description of Goods Gross Weight Measurement Total Packages (in words) 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

23 Shipped on board the vessel named above in apparent good order and condition (unless otherwise indicated) the goods or packages specified herein and to the discharge at the above mentioned port of discharge or as near thereto as the vessel may safely get and be always afloat. The weight, measure, marks, numbers, quality, contents and value, being particulars furnished by the sellers, are not to check by the Carrier on loading. The Shipper, consignee and the Holder of this Bill of Lading hereby expressly accept and agree to all printed, written or stamped provisions, expressions and conditions of this Bill of Lading, including those on the back hereof. Freight and Charges: In witness whereof, the Carrier of his Agents has signed Bill of Lading all of this tenor and date, one of which being accomplished, the others to stand void. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

24 Shippers are requested to note particularly the exceptions and conditions of this Bill of Lading with reference to the validity of the insurance upon their goods. Date ………………………….at …………………………. ………………………………… For the Master 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

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