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Published byCollin Stewart Modified over 9 years ago
Kaplan University Unit 1 Welcome to Course CS119. Please read all of the announcements and other content listed under Course Home. I am looking forward to be your instructor for this section and hope we can learn from one another. During our seminars, please follow the netiquette guidelines. I will be the moderator to ensure everyone will be civil to the others. If you have a disagreement which you do not want to share with others, email me privately, or inform me during the seminar and we can have a private chat during the seminar.
Activities Unit 1 Introduce Yourself Reading: Chapters Intro, 1, 6, 7, & 13 from the PowerUp Text. Learning Activities: Click all related buttons Discussion: Review Chapter 7. Seminars Final project information Syllabus
Introduce Yourself Answer the following questions: Your name What is your career goal? Are you engaged in this occupation now, or are you making a change by going back to school? What is your most important reason for going back to school? What is the one strength you bring to college you know will help you succeed at Kaplan University? What is your greatest fear about taking classes in an online environment? What else can you share, such as hobbies, interests, a funny story or favorite book, that will help your instructor and classmates get to know you?
Reading The Power Up Text is free. It is not one book, but individual files Log into your course Click on Doc Sharing In the “Select View” box, click the down arrow Highlight “Power Up Text” Click “Go” Each file will need to be downloaded to your computer. You can save it on your computer, thumb drive, etc… After the download, you can open and print if you prefer a hard copy. You can also click on the links in the reading sections to open the chapters.
Learning Activities Under each Unit Click on “Learning Activities Perform the learning activity and click on any links within the learning activity
Discussions Each unit has a discussion Discussions are ESSAY questions and must be answered in essay format. They should be approx 150 word answers. You must reply to at least 2 students in each discussion thread Each reply should be approx 50 words.
Projects Some Units (Units 2, 4, 5, 6) will have mini- projects. Unit 9 will have final project Follow the directions. There will multiple pages of information/directions for each project. Click the right arrow (usually in upper right part of frame). Follow the directions; including naming the files correctly before you submit to the dropbox. I will deduct points if files are NOT named correctly.
Seminars We will have a seminar each week, Thursdays, 8-9 pm Eastern Time. You are required to have speakers/audio. The audio is one way; you can hear me but I cannot hear you. Two-way chat. The seminars are not meant to be a lecture. They are discussions with me acting as the moderator-keep the information flowing. You must participate in the seminar to receive credit. This is not a chat/instant messaging/or text messaging platform; It is a professional unit-no chat, text messaging language will be used; do not use LOL, etc… If you do not attend the live seminar, each unit has an Option 2 for the seminar. Option 2 are essay questions; the option 2s must be at least 150 word responses. Click on all the directions, including naming the files, before submission to the dropbox.
Final Project Information The final project for this course incorporates aspects of each of the mini projects assigned throughout the course, so it is important to keep it in mind as you complete your coursework over the next several weeks
Final Project Information- continued For the final project, you will use a template to create an Action Plan that focuses on goals (Unit 2), test-taking skills (Unit 4), time management (Unit 5), and stress management (Unit 6). This project incorporates the mini projects you will complete throughout the course so that you can create one comprehensive action plan to use while you are at Kaplan. This plan can be reviewed and revised as you progress through your degree plan.
Naming Files Before submitting files to the dropbox, the files should be named in the following format Username-CS119-23FT-Unit#-assignment name
Directions for Naming files Multiple ways to name files When you are creating the document and want to save, click ‘File’, click ‘Save As’, in the name box, type in the proper name for the file. If you have already saved a file, find the file, right click the file name, click ‘rename’, type in the correct name.
Power Point_Seminars The power point presentations in the seminars will also be available in the ‘Doc Sharing” section of the platform Click on ‘Doc Sharing’ Find the appropriate file Double click the file name Click save The file will download to your computer. After the download, you will be able to double click the file and open it.
Documents Documents submitted for the Option 2 seminars and/or projects MUST be in Microsoft Office format. Microsoft Works, Open Office, etc… are not Microsoft Office programs. Using programs other than Microsoft Office may have compatibility issues with the Kaplan system or a/the computer I use to grade the work. Do not assume if it works once, it will work again. You can purchase Microsoft Office thru Kaplan at a reduced price-see announcements.
Exams There will be 3 quizzes and one exam during this term The quizzes are units 1-3, the exam is during unit 8. Please ensure you will have time/no interruptions during the exam/quizzes-you may not be able to leave and return to the exam/quizzes. If you lose Internet connectivity during the exam, log on again asap and try to access the exam. If you are unable to access the exam, email me and I will re- enable the exam/quizzes for you.
Exams You will have 50 minutes to take the exam. You will have 20 minutes to take the quizzes There are 25 questions per exam. There are 10 questions per quiz. All questions are multiple choice. Click ‘Save Answers’ Click ‘Submit for Grade’
Quizzes/Exams Each unit quiz will cover that particular unit. The exam will be comprehensive units 1-8. Under each unit with quiz or exam, there is a Jeopardy game which will help you with the quizzes/exam. Grades will not be released until the release date. You will see the release date when entering the quiz or exam and after taking the quiz or exam.
Course Home Contains the syllabus: You can download the syllabus from the ‘Doc Sharing’ or review it in the Course Home section Calendar-you can use this as your Calendar for reminders, tasks, etc.. Kaplan Library Presentation: Highly recommend you review the presentation KU Clinical Information: click the buttons for clinical requirements in your field of study KU Course Support: Write these numbers down, keep next to your phone or in your cell phone. Includes #s for tech support, registrar, etc… General Question: I read this area daily; if you have a general question about the class, which you feel would benefit the class, click the +Respond button and type in your question(s), click the ‘post’ button when you are ready to submit the question. Online Communication Guidelines: contains Kaplan’s guidelines and policies. Please read. KHE Seminar: Please read-detailed explanation on how to enter/use the seminar
Syllabus Please review or download the syllabus from the class. You can review the syllabus under ‘Course Home’ You can download the Syllabus from ‘Doc Sharing’ I have also emailed the syllabus to the class. If you did not receive it, email me and I will send it to you. We will discuss main points of the syllabus, I.E. Grading Criteria, etc…
Syllabus INSTRUCTOR AND SEMINAR INFORMATION Instructor Name and Credentials:David Campbell, MS-MIT, MLT (ASCP) Kaplan Email Address: (please note the 2) AIM Instant Messenger Name:kaplandcampbell Course/Seminar Day and Time (ET):Mondays, 10-11 PM ET
Syllabus Each unit is listed with Unit# and topic. Learning activities for each week. Assessments for each week.
Syllabus: Grading Scale GradePointsPercentageGrade Point A930 – 100093-100%4.0 A-900 – 92990-92%3.7 B+870 – 89987-89%3.3 B830 – 86983-86%3.0 B-800 – 82980-82%2.7 C+770 – 79977-79%2.3 C730 – 76973-76%2.0 C-700 – 72970-72%1.7 D+670 – 69967-69%1.3 D600 – 66960-66%1.0 F0 – 5900-59%0.0 WWithdrawal in first 25% of termWithdrawalN/A AUAuditN/A ECExperiential CreditN/A IIncomplete0.0 PPassN/A SSatisfactoryN/A UUnsatisfactoryN/A TCTransfer CreditN/A RRepeatN/A No Grade
Syllabus: Grading Follow the directions on all assignments. READ the directions. If you do not understand, email me immediately for clarification, do not wait until the last minute. I follow the syllabus grading criteria rubrics (instructions) and will refer to the rubrics when I grade assignments.
Syllabus: Late Policy Late work will not be accepted during Units 1 through 3, for any reason. Late work will not be accepted in Units 4-10 unless there are clear and compelling extenuating circumstances. If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing course assignments/exams you must contact your instructor immediately—prior to the assignment/exam/quiz due-date unless prevented from doing so by emergency circumstances. Examples of extenuating circumstances are serious personal and/or family illness/hospitalization, death in the family, weather-related evacuation/emergencies, work emergencies, and issues related to active military assignment. Personal computer/software/internet connectivity issues and course blocks are not considered extenuating circumstances. Have a back up plan in place. Granting of late-work submission due to extenuating circumstances is at the discretion of the instructor and will require documentation for verification of extenuating circumstances. If late work submission is granted, the instructor will establish new due-dates and requirements without loss of course points. I do not normally accept late work.
Syllabus Students enrolled in CS119 must have a course average of 73% or higher at the end of Unit 3 to be officially enrolled at Kaplan University. If a grade of 73% is not achieved, a student will have their enrollment reversed at the end of Unit 3.
Syllabus At the end of the third week of classes, the University will review the academic performance of online conditionally accepted students. Online students who have earned a grade up to that point of 73 percent or higher for all coursework will become fully instated students, and will only then be eligible to earn financial aid and course grades. The University will reverse the enrollment of any online student not meeting these criteria, and such a student will not owe any financial obligation to the University except for the tuition deposit, which is not refundable. Grades for the conditional basis checkpoint at the end of Unit 3 will consist of the CS119 grades in Units 1 through 3 only. Online students whose enrollments are reversed in this manner may not reapply for admission for 1 year.
Syllabus: Incompletes Incompletes provide students with limited additional time to complete coursework after the term’s end. To be considered for an incomplete, you should have completed approximately 75% of the coursework. Please see the Kaplan University catalog for further information. Whether or not to grant an incomplete is your instructor’s decision. The deadline for requesting an incomplete for the 1002A term is Sept 7, 2010. Incomplete work is due Sept 24, 2010. I do not grant incompletes. I will explain.
Syllabus: Email Subject Lines Please start your subject lines in email correspondence with Course & section username (for example, if my name was TAllen CS119-23FT-TAllen: Question regarding project)
Syllabus: Seminars-Option 1 and Option 2 Seminar Option 1: Seminars will be held using the KHE Seminar tool. Use the following instructions to enter seminar: To access your Seminar, log in to your home page and click on the course for which you are attending Seminar. This will open two windows. The narrow window is called the remote window. In the remote window, please click on the blue underlined text that says "Enter KHE Seminar." After a brief pause, you will be in the Seminar. Your name should appear on the left side of the screen. For additional instructions, review Seminar Instructions found in the Course Home menu for the course. Please find your Seminar Rubrics for Seminar option 1 in the “Rubrics” section at the end of this document, or click here to skip to that here Seminar Option 2: Respond to the seminar discussion questions listed. Each response will be graded individually and posted to the grade book using the rubric found in the “Rubrics” section of this document. Please find your Seminar Rubrics for Seminar option 2 in the “Rubrics” section at the end of this document, or click here to skip to that sectionclick here
Syllabus: Attendance Please read the syllabus for Kaplan’s attendance policy.
Syllabus Plagiarism Please read the syllabus for Kaplan’s Plagiarism policy. If I feel work has been copied, I will use Turn-IT- If the results come back as being plagiarized, I will start the procedures to have you removed from the course.
Discussion Board Rubrics Discussion Board Participation Rubric Students are expected to post: A Minimum of three posts per unit discussion thread. – one post in response to the instructor’s question by EOD Saturday, 1159PM ET – two posts in response to two classmates by EOD Tuesday, end of unit, 1159PM ET.
Discussion Board Rubrics GradeEvaluation CriteriaPoints A Participates with the required number of relevant postings of required length Initial response posted by Saturday; comments posted by Tuesday. Consistently responds to postings Consistently uses Standard American English with rare misspellings Frequently attempts to motivate the group discussion Presents creative approaches to topic Accurately cites information. 90-100% 45-50 points B Participates with the required number of relevant postings of required length Initial response posted by Saturday; comments posted by Tuesday. Postings reflect the reading and some outside source material but may not be accurately cited. Consistently uses Standard American English with rare misspellings Comments are logical and reflect critical thinking. 80-89% 40-44.9 points
C Participates with the required number of relevant postings of required length Initial response posted by Saturday; comments posted by Tuesday. Participates, but does not post anything that encourages others to respond to the posting. Minimal grammatical or spelling errors are noted in posts Opinions and ideas are stated clearly 70-79% 35-39.9 points D Participates with the required number of relevant postings Initial response not posted by Saturday; comments posted by Tuesday. Significant errors in spelling and/or grammar Occasionally posts off topic Posts do not meet length requirements 60-69% 30-34.9 points F Does not meet the required number of posts on time Poor spelling and grammar appear in most posts Posts topics which do not relate to the discussion content <60% 0-29.9 points
Seminar Rubric Option 1 GradeEvaluation CriteriaPoints A Frequent interactions on concepts being discussed by students and instructor Posts are on topic and contribute to the quality of the seminar Student arrives on time and stays the entire seminar Student supplies reference to back up comment 90-100% 9-10 points B Some interactions on concepts being discussed by students and instructor Posts are generally on topic and contribute to the quality of the seminar Student is tardy or leaves early 80-89% 8-8.9 points C Few interactions on concepts being discussed by students and instructor Student is tardy and leaves early 70-79% 7-7.9 points D No interactions on concepts being discussed by students and instructor Off topic conversations Student attends less than half of the seminar Student appears unfamiliar with seminar topic 60-69% 6-6.9 points F Off topic conversations and/or abusive or inappropriate behavior No interactions with students and instructor Student attends a fraction of the seminar <60% 0-5.9 points
Seminar Rubric Option 2 GradeEvaluation CriteriaPoints A Submission met length requirements (150 words) Consistently uses Standard American English with rare misspellings Presents creative approaches to topic Accurately cites information 90-100% 9-10 points B Submission met length requirements (150 words) Assignment reflects the topic but may not be accurately cited (if applicable). Consistently uses Standard American English with rare misspellings Ideas are logical and reflect critical thinking. 80-89% 8-8.9 points C Submission met length requirements (150 words) Minimal grammatical or spelling errors Opinions and ideas are stated clearly 70-79% 7-7.9 points D Submission did not meet length requirements (150 words) Significant errors in spelling and/or grammar Response does not address topic 60-69% 6-6.9 points F Did not submit assignment on time Poor spelling and grammar Response does not address topic <60% 0-5.9 points
Project Criteria GradeEvaluation CriteriaPoints A Content: Focuses clearly on the assignment following all directions. Shows original and critical thought. Answers all topics/questions with clarity, thought and substance, using course concepts and examples as appropriate. Language: Ideas are clearly expressed with minimal spelling/grammatical errors. Professional, Standard American English is used in complete sentences. Format: Template used 90-100% Mini Projects 36-40 Final Project 135-150 B Content: Focuses clearly on the assignment following all directions. Shows some original and critical thought. Answers most topics/questions with clarity, thought and substance using course concepts and examples as appropriate. Language Ideas are generally clear; some (5-7) spelling, punctuation, and/or sentence structure errors. Professional, Standard American English is used in complete sentences. Format: Template used 80-89% Mini Projects 32-35.9 Final Project 120-134.9
Project rubrics C Content: Focus of the assignment is unclear or veers off of the assigned topic in places- directions not followed. Shows little original thought. Answers some questions incompletely and references to course concepts and examples are not used when needed. Language: Ideas are sometimes unclear. Many (8-10) spelling, grammatical, and syntax errors. Professional, Standard American English is used in complete sentences. Format: Template used 70-79% Mini Projects 28-31.9 Final Project 105-119.9 D Content: Assignment is off topic- directions not followed. Does not answer all topics/questions. References to course concepts and examples are not adequate. Shows very little original thought. Language: Writing style interferes with the development and clarity of the main points. Ideas are not clearly expressed. More than ten spelling, punctuation, and/or sentence structure errors. Professional, Standard American English is not used and/or not used in complete sentences. Format: Template NOT used 60-69% Mini Projects 24-27.9 Final Project 90-104.9
Project Rubrics F Content: Very underdeveloped, inappropriate, or unrelated to topic No Project Submitted Plagiarized work (Definitions and information copied from websites or other sources without quotation marks and proper citation) <60% Mini Projects 0-23.9 Final Project 0-89.9
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