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EA - ALM - ALR Testing Parent Information Meeting March 13, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "EA - ALM - ALR Testing Parent Information Meeting March 13, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 EA - ALM - ALR Testing Parent Information Meeting March 13, 2014

2 What the test measures The test measures both general and specific reasoning abilities. The general reasoning abilities reflect the overall cognitive processes and strategies that enable individuals to learn new tasks and solve problems. These abilities are assessed in three CogAT batteries: the Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal batteries.

3 How HVRSD uses the results. Determines further testing for ALM & ALR EA WIN Placement 3 rd grade WIN groups (pilot at TGG)

4 Scores Needed for EA A score of 115 or greater in Verbal Reasoning to move on in ALR testing. A score of 115 or greater in Quantitative battery to move on in ALM testing. A 140 Composite (average of all three batteries) for EA WIN

5 Grade 2 Testing Schedule Practice: Week of March 17 ◦ Helps students understand the process of the testing Actual: Week of March 24 ◦ Three days – about an hour each day.

6 Test Components CogATs are broken down into 3 batteries Each battery is broken down into three 10 - 12 minute assessments, with breaks in between each assessment. ◦ Day One - Verbal ◦ Day Two - Quantitative ◦ Day Three - Non-Verbal

7 Results Will be mailed to you from the Riverside Publishing Company – in about 2-4 weeks. You will receive scores for each battery, along with a composite score. You will also receive a “learning profile” based on your child’s cognitive ability.

8 2 nd to 3 rd ALM & ALR Testing Schedule If your child receives a 115 or above in Verbal and/or Quantitative – he/she will then take internal testing for possible placement in ALR and/or ALM. This testing will take place during the weeks of April 21 st & April 28 th (during WIN) Placement letters will be sent to parents by the end of May.

9 How to prepare your child for testing. This is a cognitive ability test. Studying or preparation is not necessary, except the practice tests that the teachers give in class the week before. Make sure your child is well rested. Make sure your child eats a good breakfast the day of the test.

10 3 rd & 4 th Grade Appeals Students may re-test for ALM and/or ALR one time in their elementary career. Students with a 115 or higher CogAT score will take internal testing only. Students with a 114 or lower CogAT score will take the age appropriate CogAT and will move on in the testing process only if they score 115 or higher.

11 3 rd & 4 th Important Dates Appeals must be in by March 28 to subject supervisor. ◦ ALM – Mr. Peter James ◦ ALR – Ms. Sara Graja ◦ Testing will take place during the weeks of April 21 st & 28 th ◦ Placement letters will be sent by the end of May.

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