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Warm Up. 5.3C – Second Derivative test Review One way to find local mins and maxs is to make a sign chart with the critical values. There is a theorem.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up. 5.3C – Second Derivative test Review One way to find local mins and maxs is to make a sign chart with the critical values. There is a theorem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up

2 5.3C – Second Derivative test

3 Review One way to find local mins and maxs is to make a sign chart with the critical values. There is a theorem that can do the same thing, sometimes with less work

4 Second Derivative Test Used to find Local Extrema 1.If f’(c)=0 and f’’(c)<0 then x=c is a local max 2.If f’(c)=0 and f’’(c)>0 then x=c is a local min This test only requires us to know f’’ at c itself, which makes it easy to apply.

5 Note If f’’(c)=0 or fails to exist, we can’t use this rule and you have to go back to the first derivative sign chart to find max and mins.

6 Example

7 You try!

8 Test prep Questions:

9 Test Prep! If f’(x) = (x 2 – 4), which of the following is true? A. f has a relative minimum at x = -2 and a relative maximum at x = 2 B. f has a relative minimum at x = 2 and a relative maximum at x = -2 C. f has relative minima at x = -2 and x = 2 D. f has relative maxima at x = -2 and x = 2 E. It cannot be determined if f has any relative extrema

10 The graph of a twice-differentiable function f is shown in the figure. Which of the following is true? 1. f(1)<f'‘(1)<f‘(1) 2. f‘(1)<f(1)<f'‘(1) 3. f'‘(1)<f(1)<f‘(1) 4. f(1)<f‘(1)<f'‘(1) 5. f'‘(1)<f‘(1)<f(1)

11 Homework See syllabus for 5.3 Day 3.

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