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© 2011 Tokyo. © 2011 Tokyo Tokyo to lift restrictions on toxic puffer fish  One of Tokyo's top chefs is warning that.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2011 Tokyo. © 2011 Tokyo Tokyo to lift restrictions on toxic puffer fish  One of Tokyo's top chefs is warning that."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2011 Tokyo

2 © 2011 Tokyo Tokyo to lift restrictions on toxic puffer fish  One of Tokyo's top chefs is warning that the Japanese government is risking deadly consequences with its move to de-regulate the serving of a poisonous puffer fish.  Fugu or Japanese blowfish is considered a delicacy, but it needs to be served with extreme care because its organs are so poisonous they can kill.  Until now only highly trained chefs have been licensed to prepare it.  But the Tokyo government has shocked locals by announcing it's relaxing restrictions on serving the fish.  Among the most poisonous parts of this fish are its liver and ovaries which contain tetrodotoxin. If ingested the victim is likely to suffer what's widely described as a rapid and violent death starting with a numbness around the mouth, followed by paralysis.  To become a fugu chef you have to train for two years, then pass a test - only after that are you awarded a licence.  But now the Tokyo metropolitan government is planning to deregulate the fugu trade. This deregulation will allow restaurants, even if they are not licensed, to offer fugu to customers as long as the poisonous parts have been removed by someone who has a license.

3 © 2011 Tokyo Toxic: Poisonous substances. Delicacy: Fineness or intricacy of texture or structure. Numbness: partial or total lack of sensation in a part of the body; a symptom of nerve damage or dysfunction Paralysis: The loss of the ability to move (and sometimes to feel anything) in part or most of the body, typically as a result of illness, poison, or injury Deregulate:Remove regulations or restrictions from.

4 © 2011 Tokyo EnglishFrench toxictoxique delicacydélicatesse numbnessengourdissement paralysisparalysie deregulatedéréglementer

5 © 2011 Tokyo Fugu – The deadly delicacy!

6 © 2011 Tokyo What to do in Tokyo Eat Sushi Sing Karaoke Go shopping for traditional clothes

7 © 2011 Tokyo Tsukiji fish market Advertising Museum Places to go in Tokyo Parasitological Museum

8 © 2011 Tokyo Tokyo’s Festivals Asakusa Samba Carnival Fukagawa Hachiman Matsuri Koenji Awa Odori Tokyo Bay Fireworks

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