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Students should raise hands to ask questions or make a comment. Do not talk or walk around during discussions. Students should stay in assigned seating.

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Presentation on theme: "Students should raise hands to ask questions or make a comment. Do not talk or walk around during discussions. Students should stay in assigned seating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students should raise hands to ask questions or make a comment. Do not talk or walk around during discussions. Students should stay in assigned seating until dismissed. If seats are not assigned, then you will stay in the same seat that you sat down in at the beginning of class. Stay on Task Level 1-whisper or small voice Follow the computer expectations while on the computer No food in class-including gum Water only at desks IF you continue the behavior, you will copy it again.

2 Enter Classroom Expectations Greet at the door. If I am not at the door...Line up outside in a line. If you do not line up in a line and the bell rings, you are tardy. Immediately start on the warm-up. Do not immediately start talking. Do not wander around the room or stand around.

3 Computer Expectations You will have a specific assignment when you log on. I will give you a web address or topic and you are expected to stay within those boundaries. Choosing to do something else will result in an automatic written assignment of the computer rules. Computers are to be Shut down properly by closing out on Windows, not by pushing the button.

4 Treating the computers roughly will result in losing computer privileges. We do not sit on the keyboard or bang on the mouse. No food is allowed around the computers. (so not in my class) No you can not listen to music. You may only speak in a whisper to people sitting next to you, NOT across the room. Computer Expectations

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