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Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command TRADOC DCSINT.

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Presentation on theme: "Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command TRADOC DCSINT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command TRADOC DCSINT

2 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Opposing Force Operations FM 7-100.1 OPFOR FM 7-100.1 Opposing Force: Operations Chapter 4 Defensive Operations

3 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Strategic Context Regional operations –Consolidation of gains –Security actions –Economy of force –Defense against regional forces Transition operations –Preservation of instruments of power –Offense & defense actions control strategic tempo –Defense in occupied territory –Forces move to sanctuaries for adaptive operations

4 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT

5 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Strategic Context Strategic Context (Continued) Adaptive operations –More defensive than regional or transition –Dispersed operations –Sanctuary-based

6 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Purpose of Defense Defense to destroy –Eliminates attacking force offensive capability –Can include tactical offensive actions Defense to preserve –Protects key OPFOR elements Defense to deny –Denies access to geographic area/facilities

7 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Planning Defensive Operations Planned defense –Sufficient time to prepare and rehearse –Enemy in known areas Situational defense –OPFOR attack culminates prematurely –Quick intervention of extraregional force –Enemy gains/regains air superiority –Enemy counterattack not fixed –Unexpected contact with enemy force

8 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Organizing the Battlefield Area of responsibility –Three principal zones –Facilitates transition to offense Disruption zone –OPFOR begins attack on enemy systems –Sets condition for defeat in battle zone –Primarily long-range joint fires & strikes –SPF and affiliated forces Battle zone –Main defense force uses fire & maneuver –Ties obstacles into fire support plan

9 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT

10 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Organizing the Battlefield Organizing the Battlefield (Continued) Support zone –Provides logistic and administrative support Attack zone –Conducts offensive action inside defense Kill zone –Designated area to destroy key enemy target Battle position –Occupied by tactical level subordinates –Two types—simple and complex

11 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Organizing the Battlefield Organizing the Battlefield Linear Defensive Operations BTG Battle Zone X X OSC DTG Disruption Zone (if employed) DTG Disruption Zone (if employed) DTG Battle Zone OSC Disruption Zone OSC Antilanding Reserve OSC Reserve KILL ZONE KILL ZONE KILL ZONE KILL ZONE KILL ZONE X X X X X X X DTG Battle Zone X X X Enemy OSC I X XXX OSC Support Zone X

12 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Organizing the Battlefield Organizing the Battlefield Nonlinear Defensive Operations

13 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Organizing Forces Disruption force –Prevents effective enemy attack –May have counterreconnaissance mission Main defense force –Executes the defensive mission in the battle zone Protected force –Force being protected in a “defense to preserve” Security force –Prevents/mitigates enemy effects against overall command

14 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Organizing Forces Organizing Forces (Continued) Counterattack force –Destroys an exposed major enemy formation –Regains the initiative for the offense Reserves –Influence unforeseen events/opportunities –Maneuver –Antitank –Antilanding –Special Deception force –Executes deception plan

15 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Preparing for Defense Deny enemy information Preparations for countermobility & survivability Use of complex terrain Preparations for logistics Modification of plan Rehearse

16 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT

17 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Integrated defense –Full joint and/or combined arms –More likely in regional operations Decentralized defense –C 2 and/or logistics degraded –Cannot operate freely in battlespace –Focus on preserving combat power Forms of Defenses

18 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Types of Defensive Action Types of Defensive Action Maneuver Defense Used when OPFOR is not completely overmatched Uses fires and maneuver to destroy enemy Normally integrated defenses OPFOR chooses place/time for engagements Defensive battles with counterattacks & fires Units maneuver to positions on defensive lines

19 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Maneuver Defense Example

20 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Types of Defensive Action Types of Defensive Action Area Defense Used to deny geographic areas or when OPFOR is overmatched Primary mission to preserve combat power Uses battle positions in complex terrain Dominates with reconnaissance fire Creates windows for limited-objective attacks and strikes Facilitates transition to a larger offensive action

21 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Area Defense Example

22 Previous Slide TRADOC DCSINT Defensive Operations Defensive Operations Summary Strategic context Purpose of defense Planning defensive operations Organizing the battlefield Organizing forces Preparing for defense Forms of defenses Types of defensive action

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