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Digital repositories Rachel Heery UKOLN University of Bath HERDA-SW Annual Conference, 9-10 November 2006,

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Presentation on theme: "Digital repositories Rachel Heery UKOLN University of Bath HERDA-SW Annual Conference, 9-10 November 2006,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital repositories Rachel Heery UKOLN University of Bath HERDA-SW Annual Conference, 9-10 November 2006, Torquay UKOLN is supported by:

2 Summary Repositories context UK repository landscape Benefits Implementation: first stages AIMS: to provide background information to support deployment in the SW Region to encourage exchange of experience and expertise

3 What is a repository? Essentially a collection of digital objects, a keep-safe Typically containing research papers (learning materials, data) What makes repositories distinctive from other collections of digital objects such as directories, catalogues, databases? How does repository software differ from a content management system? From a digital library system? What is difference between depositing in a repository and linking from a personal web page?

4 Characteristics of a repository content is deposited in a repository, whether by the content creator, owner or third party manages content as well as metadata offers at least a minimum set of basic services e.g. put, get, search, access control must be sustainable and trusted, well-supported and well-managed many repositories support open access and are distinguished by providing open access to content providing open access to its metadata for harvesting by third parties

5 Lots of flavours Typology … what type of repository? Content type (research papers, learning materials, e-theses, images … ) Coverage (institutional, subject … ) Function (open access, preservation … ) Policy (peer review content only, open deposit … ) Infrastructure (centralised, federated … )

6 Why? What are drivers? Effective management of institutional assets provide added value services enable effective interfaces between systems Open access increased impact availability and visibility good value in return for public funding Serials crisis Enhanced scholarly communication linking data to research papers to learning materials

7 Relevant JISC Activities Current: Digital Repositories Programme 2005-7, ~£3m Capital Programme: Repositories and Preservation April 2006- March 2009, ~£18m In parallel: eLearning programmes JORUM eInfrastructure Users and Innovation Records management Scholarly Communication Group Digital Curation Centre In past: Focus on Access to Institutional Resources (FAIR) 2003-5 Now: Calls for projects – April 2006. September 2006. April 2007

8 JISC Vision To establish a network of digital resources and services, in order to significantly improve content use and curation for education and research. -------------------------------------------------------------- Digital Repositories: develop repositories for universities and colleges. Digital Preservation: distributed environment for digital preservation, in which services, roles and responsibilities are scoped and defined. Discovery to Delivery: searching across UK repositories and the agreement of standards for searching and semantic interoperability. Tools and Innovation: develop and pilot innovative approaches to repository use and digital preservation through the development of new software and tools. Shared Infrastructure: services such as user profiling services, digital rights management, registries, identifier services, terminology and preservation services.

9 Repositories as an Infrastructure Layer Common Services Middleware (access management and shared infrastructure m2m services) Network Repositories ( content ) Common Services Learning Research Admin Domain Specific Services

10 Intended impact Better access to and management of intellectual outputs Increased capability within the sector to manage these assets for education and research Infrastructure that will support the sector into the future

11 JISC call April 2006: funding decisions Repositories Support Project Intute Search Prospero Interim Repository Projects Tools and innovation Discovery to delivery and interoperability Reports Requirements for shared infrastructure services Terminology services and technologies Linking UK Repositories – what communities need, technical and organisational models

12 Questions What is deployment of repositories in SW region? How can better visibility of research add value to industry? Re-use of learning materials? Can regional bodies support repository deployment?

13 UK repository landscape

14 Where are we now? UK perspective Institutional repositories in approximately 50 HE Most content is research papers about 50% reasonably well populated handful of consortium initiatives I.e. White Rose (and Scotland and Wales in development) Research (subject-based) cross institution 11 eJournals 6 e-Theses 2 Other 11 National learning resources repository: JORUM See

15 OpenDoar Directory of Open Access Repositories Q uality-assured listing of open access repositories around the world Includes details of available policies

16 Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) Enables analysis of repositories by country, software platform, organisational type Includes growth graphs Complements ROARMAP tracking growth of institutional self-archiving policiesROARMAP

17 JORUM national repository for learning materials

18 Research Councils UK updated position statement on access to research outputs, June 30 2006 Encouraging deposit of articles published in journals and conference proceedings Devolving power of mandate to individual RCs Initiating further consultation


20 International initiatives DRIVER: Networking European Scientific Repositories. An international partnership to build a large-scale public infrastructure for research information across Europe. ARROW will test software solutions to support institutional digital repositories funded by the Department of Education, Science and Training

21 DAREnet launched in 2004 to demonstrate the network of the local collections of digital documentation held by all the Dutch universities. DAREnet is unique. No other nation in the world offers such easy access to its complete academic research output in digital form.

22 Scholarship today? OA landscape

23 Repository ecology Institutional Repository Departmental repository Authoring tool Subject repositories Institutional research system Data Centres Learned society repositories Laboratory repository Experimental machine Aggregators: OAIster, Google Regional, national Text mining tools Terminology services Research council repositories

24 Questions: Inter-working systems Explore requirements and experience ….. Connecting systems within the institution Connecting with regional, national, international systems

25 Benefits

26 Benefits to HE institutions Contributes to strategic objectives - making research outputs visible - supporting effective teaching and learning - curation and re-use of data

27 Benefits of repository Increase visibility of research (showcase) Increase research impact, see work on citation analysis Provide access to research to region (industry, government, cultural heritage institutions) Curate content that is not widely available, sometimes known as grey literature Increase the potential reuse of learning and teaching materials previously locked away in Virtual Learning Environments Add value e.g. provide CVs, name authority, OpenURLs Offer better curation than websites, greater security and preservation of various kinds of digital materials Enable deposit of pre-prints in fast moving subjects such as electronics, computing

28 Benefits contd Repository software can also provide additional services such as hits / downloads on papers and citation analyses Has been used at departmental / subject level as this seems a more natural way for Researchers to share information (i.e. based on subject) Increase the usage of content in your institution Allow all published work that has been publicly funded to be available to everyone

29 Enhancing scholarly communications increase visibility of research outputs for internal and external audiences (showcase) preserve outputs for future reference increase research impact through open access put in place infrastructure for future open access mandate from research funders

30 Questions: Realising benefits Barriers? Benefits for whom? Different stakeholder groups… Short term? Long term?

31 First steps to implementation Agree strategic match prioritise potential repository deployment co-ordinate deployment Address organisational issues appoint lead (project leader) establish communication channels between active initiatives ensure technical expertise in place Exploit available support

32 Repository interactions repository Repository VLE Authoring tools Name authority service Institutional research system Automated classification service Packaging tool

33 Key issues for institutions Articulate purpose and benefits of repository How does repository complement and/or better the current system for recording academic output Define responsibilities – particularly implementation and management Consider cost benefit and cost allocation Define policies Training Be aware of legal issues Advocacy……

34 Exploit existing support SHERPA Research Support Project User groups Regional forum?

35 Key resources for institutions: tools The ESPIDA model: an effective strategic model for the preservation and disposal of institutional assets - Managing Digital Assets in Tertiary Education (MANDATE) toolkit - Electronic Theses Online Service (ETHOS) Toolkit - OpenDOAR Policies Tool: helps administrators to formulate and/or present their repository's policies - SHERPA sample deposit licenses - 2_Report_on_a_deposit_licence_for_E-prints.pdf 2_Report_on_a_deposit_licence_for_E-prints.pdf SHERPA RoMEO: Publisher's Copyright Listings - SHERPA DP Preservation services (in development) - SHERPA advocacy guidance - Digital Repositories Wiki -

36 Key resources for institutions: documents Technical Evaluation of selected Open Source Repository Solutions v1.3 Maxwell - A Guide to Institutional Repository software, Open Society Institute - The Value Proposition in Institutional Repositories, Blythe & Ohachra - Choosing software for an institutional repository DeRidder - Focus on Access to Institutional Reposiytories (FAIR) synthesis website - the Case for Institutional Repositories: A SPARC position paper - Digital Repositories Review Heery & Anderson repositories-review-2005.pdf repositories-review-2005.pdf JISC Briefing paper: Digital Repositories - JISC Briefing paper: Open Access –

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