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DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Coil Design and Fabrication Miao Yu February 17, 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Coil Design and Fabrication Miao Yu February 17, 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Coil Design and Fabrication Miao Yu February 17, 2014 1

2 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Outline Introduction QXF Coil Design – Coil Cross-section – Coil Layout – Coil Pole and End Parts QXF Coil Fabrication – Winding and Curing Tooling – Winding and Curing Traveler – Winding Test FY14 Schedule Summary 2

3 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Introduction Based on LARP successful R&D Quadrupole coil TQ/LQ/HQ/LHQ. – Coil parts design (BEND program) – Fabrication technology (winding – curing – reaction – impregnation) – Coil size at each fabrication step (insulation and shim) to reach the final coil size To meet CERN’s requirement – Magnetic length (coil length) – Electrical requirement (plasma coating the end parts) – Energy deposition (coil cooling channel in the pole) 3

4 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 QXF Coil Design - Coil Cross-section 4 Magnetic designFabricated Coil Backup slides: Coil cross-section at each step for ground insulation

5 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 QXF Coil Design - QXF Coil Layout 5 Cooling channel RELE 1.51 m Ti-6Al4V pole and phosphor bronze wedge: used for HQ/LHQ. SS316L end spacer, saddle and splice block: accelerator magnet requirement, for HQ/LHQ SS304 was used. LQXF is 4.3 m long by adding 7 more center pole pieces.

6 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 QXF Coil Design - Coil Pole 6 > 80 % of the heat is evacuated via the pole piece with Φ8 mm holes and 50 mm spacing

7 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 QXF Coil Design - Coil End Parts 7 End parts are designed based on the nominal coil size During coil winding, the coil is not fully constrained inside the envelop, and when both the aperture and cable size are getting larger, the coil has more springback effect at the end. To fit the part without removing material from the tip during winding, the flexible feature-accordion slits are introduced into the design. End parts are plasma coated to increase the dielectric strength. temporary saddle during W&C QXF slits design with bridges

8 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 QXF Coil Fabrication - SQXF Winding and Curing Tooling Design 8 Rollover Station Curing Mold Coil Inner Layer

9 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 QXF Coil Fabrication - SQXF Winding and Curing Tooling Design 9 Rollover Station Curing Mold Winding Coil Outer Layer

10 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 QXF Coil Fabrication - Winding and Curing Tooling 10 Tooling for SQXF coil are inspected and assembled. Winding and Curing Tooling Rollover Fixture Curing Mold

11 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 QXF Coil Fabrication - LQXF Winding and Curing Tooling 11 The design of LQXF W&C tooling was finished Procurement will be started this summer Curing mold is lamination based 5-section stacking Welding Section inspection Final assembly and inspection Use the same rollover fixture for SQXF Winding table will be tested in April Selva winder will be commissioned by this Dec

12 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 QXF Coil Fabrication - Winding Test 12 Two 1 m coils, winding-curing – Check tooling – End parts inspection and design optimization Winding and curing procedure – Online version – Based on HQ/LHQ winding and curing traveler – Check the procedure

13 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 QXF Coil Fabrication - Winding Test 13 Cured Coil Coil Winding Reduce the risk of turn-turn short due to popped strands

14 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 FY 14 Schedule 14 Start the fabrication of the 1 st practice coil in the end of February.

15 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 FY 14 Schedule 15

16 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Summary SQXF coil is designed based on HQ/LHQ coil Tooling are ready for SQXF coil winding and curing Winding and curing procedure is based on HQ/LHQ coil procedure SQXF coil fabrication will be started in the end of this February. LQXF coil winding and curing tooling will be procured this summer. 16

17 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Backup Slides - Coil Size at Each Step 17

18 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 IL Winding and Curing 18 Midplane 760 µm (30 mil) = 3 layers 10 mil Mylar 250 µm (10 mil) 1.5 mm (60 mil) Curing Retainer 250 µm (10 mil) SS shim Curing Shell OR: 113.126 mm IR: 94.168 mm 250 µm (10 mil) Mylar + 100 µm (4mil) shrink wrap

19 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 OL Winding and Curing 19 Midplane OR: 113.126 mm 760 µm (30 mil) = 100 µm shrink wrap + 660 µm SS Shim 250 µm (10 mil) 1.5 mm (60 mil) Curing Retainer 250 µm (10 mil) SS shim 250 µm (10 mil) SS shim

20 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Coil Reaction 20 125 µm (5 mil) MICA 125 µm (5 mil ) MICA 125 µm (5 mil) MICA 125 µm (5 mil) MICA Midplane 250 µm (10 mil) S2 glass 125 µm (5 mil) MICA 125 µm (5 mil) MICA

21 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Coil Impregnation 21 150 µm (6 mil) S2 glass 100 µm (4 mil ) Polyimide trace 150 µm (6 mil) S2 glass 100 µm (4 mil) Polyimide trace 250 µm (10 mil) MYLAR (mold released, removed after impregnation) 125 µm (5 mil) MYLAR (mold released, removed after impregnation) 125 µm (5 mil) G11 Midplane RTV (removed after impregnation)

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