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A passive house is a house that - Needs minimum heating requirements - Needs 90% less engery than a old bilding - Needs 75% less engery than a new bilding.

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Presentation on theme: "A passive house is a house that - Needs minimum heating requirements - Needs 90% less engery than a old bilding - Needs 75% less engery than a new bilding."— Presentation transcript:


2 A passive house is a house that - Needs minimum heating requirements - Needs 90% less engery than a old bilding - Needs 75% less engery than a new bilding

3  These are all buildings at least 25% less energy than the thermal protection ordinance in 1995 allowed.

4 Passiv houseLow energy house 90% less engery than an old househigh-efficiency heating system 75% less engery than a modern House new modern ventilation technology Environmental 4000kg less CO2 emissions than conventional buildings 2-7 liters of heating oil per square meter per year Independent of the energy companies around 1 ton of CO2 per year less

5 Passive houseLow-energy house Mildew and mites education possible Increased construction costsAdditional costs for high-tech heating system Power failure causes shutdown of the ventilation system Fees by more expensive air- conditioning, artificial ventilation of the house " Motivation of the client necessaryOdors must be exhausted through an air conditioning

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