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Radiative processes during GRB prompt emission

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1 Radiative processes during GRB prompt emission
Based on works by Asaf Pe’er (ITC / Harvard University) in collaboration with Peter Meszaros (PSU), Martin Rees (IoA) Christoffer Lundman, Felix Ryde (Stockholm), Sinéad McGlynn (MPE) June 2012

2 Outline The problem: understanding what we see
Emission from optically thick regions Broadening mechanisms of Planck spectrum: A theory of photospheric emission from collimated outflows Success: separation of high energy emission from low energy part. Failure: still, no natural explanation to observed spectra.

3 Outline The problem: understanding what we see
Emission from optically thick regions Broadening mechanisms of Planck spectrum: A theory of photospheric emission from collimated outflows Success: separation of high energy emission from low energy part. Failure: still, no natural explanation to observed spectra.

4 General picture: the “fireball” model
Paczynski (1986); Goodman (1986); Rees & Meszaros (1992, 1994); High optical depth: >1 Low optical depth: <1 EG  Ek  E (EB) Cons: No quantitative explanation of obs. (Emission ?) Some parts are not explained at all (e.g., particle acc.) Some parts are ‘problematic’ (e.g., Internal shocks) Pros: In qualitative agreement with all obs; Obtain AG as a prediction

5 General picture: the “fireball” model
Dynamical part: Jet acceleration, Collisionless / nal shock waves ? Energy transfer from B-field ? External shock Radiative part: 2 stages: 1. Particle acceleration 2. Emission processes: Leptonic / Hadronic (?)

6 Prompt GRB spectra: the “Band” curse
Log n Log nFn a(+2) b GBM 10keV 100MeV “Band” function: Broken power law (4 free parameters) -- good fit to (narrow band) spectra; NO PHYSICAL MEANING !!! David Tierney, Michael Briggs talks

7 Fermi - GBM bursts Most are similar to BATSE bursts: <a>~-1
BATSE data: Kaneko+06 Nava+11; Goldstein+12 (picture taken from Ghisellini) Log n Log nFn a(+2) b GBM Violate ‘synchrotron line of death’ (Preece98); Emission mechanism cannot be (only) synchrotron

8 Fermi - GBM bursts Most GRBs have similar properties to BATSE bursts
BATSE data: Kaneko+06 Inconsistent with sync. origin Nava+11; Goldstein+12 (picture taken from Ghisellini) Log n Log nFn b GBM a(+2) Photon spectral index Violate ‘synchrotron line of death’ (Preece98); Emission mechanism cannot be (only) synchrotron Main (observational) motivation to study photospheric emission Synchrotron line of death >>

9 Spectral analysis latest news: abandoning the “Band” fits
Fit to GRB110721A: “Band” + BB The Fermi team + AP, in prep.; see Magnus Axelsson, Briggs talks

10 Outline The problem: understanding what we see
Emission from optically thick regions Broadening mechanisms of Planck spectrum: A theory of photospheric emission from collimated outflows Success: separation of high energy emission from low energy part. Failure: still, no natural explanation to observed spectra.

11 General picture: the “fireball” model
High optical depth: >1 Low optical depth: <1 EG  Ek  E (EB) Variability -> several emission zones; NOTHING tells what is the emission radius !!

12 How can we explain the observed spectrum ?
GRB080916C (Abdo+09) Synchrotron – too flat Planck – too steep Idea: Broaden “Planck” ! “Geometrical broadening”: “Physical broadening”: Tob = S D(q)T’(r,q) Sub photospheric energy dissipation

13 I. “Physical broadening” of the photospheric signal
Basic idea: Energy dissipated (heating plasma) at r<=rpht Key point: ng >> ne Definition: at r=rpht, tge=dRnesT = 1 at r<=rpht, teg=dRngsT >> 1 Every electron undergoes many scattering !! tcool,elec << tdyn Pe’er, Meszaros & Rees (2005, 2006) Beloborodov (2010); Vurm+ (2011) Lazatti & Begelman (2010) Giannios (2012) Electrons rapidly cools !!

14 I. “Physical broadening” of the photospheric signal
Basic idea: Energy dissipated (heating plasma) at r<=rpht. tcool,elec << tdyn  Electrons rapidly cool ..but are also heated ! System in ‘quasi steady state’: external heating & IC cooling Plasma characterized by 2 temperatures: Tel(steady state) >Tph. Pe’er, Meszaros & Rees (2005, 2006) Beloborodov (2010); Vurm+ (2011) Lazatti & Begelman (2010) Giannios (2012)

15 I. “Physical broadening” of the photospheric signal
Basic idea: Energy dissipated (heating plasma) at r<=rpht. Plasma characterized by 2 temperatures: Tel(steady state) >Tph. The resulting spectrum: Above the thermal peak -> depends (mainly) on: 1. tge (# scatterings) 2. ue/uth Below the thermal peak: Synchrotron (from COLD particles)…. Comptonized. Pe’er, Meszaros & Rees (2005, 2006) Beloborodov (2010); Vurm+ (2011) Lazatti & Begelman (2010) Giannios (2012) Conclusion: Multiple IC scattering broadens the thermal peak

16 Examples of possible spectral shapes: sub photospheric energy dissipation
High B Low B High B Low B tge= 1 tge= 10 Pe’er, Meszaros & Rees (2006) See talk by Giannios

17 Complex relation between thermal and n.t. emission
Pe’er, Meszaros & Rees 2006 See also Giannios 2006, 2012 Giannios & Spruit 2007 Ioka Pe’er Beloborodov 2010 Lazatti & Begelman 2010 “Quasi steady state”: Electrons distribution is not power law Real life spectra is not easy to model !! (NOT simple broken Power law)

18 Outline The problem: understanding what we see
Emission from optically thick regions Broadening mechanisms of Planck spectrum: A theory of photospheric emission from collimated outflows Success: separation of high energy emission from low energy part. Failure: still, no natural explanation to observed spectra.

19 How can we explain the observed spectrum ?
GRB080916C (Abdo+09) Synchrotron – too flat Planck – too steep Idea: Broaden “Planck” ! “Geometrical broadening”: “Physical broadening”: Tob = S D(q)T’(r,q) Sub photospheric energy dissipation

20 II. “Geometrical broadening” photosphere in relativistically expanding plasma
Photon emission radius Relativistic wind Pe’er (2008) High lat. >>

21 Extending the definition of a photosphere
Thermal photons escape from the entire space ! Photons escape radii and angles - described by probability density function P(r,) Pe’er (2008) ; see also Beloborodov (2011)

22 Observed photospheric spectrum: multicolor black body
Pe’er & Ryde (2011) “Limb darkening” in rel. expanding plasma !! At early times: multicolor BB. At late times, Fn~n0 -> Identical to “Band” a

23 More ambitious goal: maybe photospheric emission is not “just a component” “reality”: G=G(q)
(Lundman, AP & Ryde, in prep) (Zhang, Woosley & MacFadyen, 03)

24 Photospheric emission: ‘realistic’ velocity profile
G qj qv q G0 qj qv p 4 free parameters: (Lundman, AP & Ryde, in prep)

25 Extended emission from high angles
q G G q (Lundman, AP & Ryde, 12) Relativistic Limb darkening effect

26 G0=100; G0qj = 3; qv =0 ; p=4

27 Flat spectra for different viewing angles
G0=100; G0qj = 1; p=1 ; qv = {0,1,2} qj (red, green, magenta)

28 Photospheric emission: flat spectrum !!
(Nava+11; Goldstein+12) a+1 = 0 -> a=-1 Not conclusive yet… but very promising (Lundman, AP & Ryde, in prep)

29 Outline The problem: understanding what we see
Emission from optically thick regions Broadening mechanisms of Planck spectrum: A theory of photospheric emission from collimated outflows Success: separation of high energy emission from low energy part. Failure: still, no natural explanation to observed spectra.

30 Example: numerical fit to GRB090902B
‘Two zones’ model Dissipation radius Magnetic field strength Rg = 1017, 1016, , 1015 cm eB=0.33, 0.1, 0.01 Self consistent physical picture of both emission zones ; Full determination of parameters values. Natural explanation to delayed H.E. emission Pe’er et. al., 2012

31 Combined sub- and super- photospheric emission: numerical results
Ryde + 11: spectral broadening by sub-photospheric dissipation Pe’er + 12: GRB090902B - thermal + dissipation above the photosphere synchrotron IC of photosphere and sync. Thermal Comptonization Requirements: uel ~ uth; strong B (eB ~ tens %); t ~ few No time - skip to summary >>

32 Outline The problem: understanding what we see
Emission from optically thick regions Broadening mechanisms of Planck spectrum: A theory of photospheric emission from collimated outflows Success: separation of high energy emission from low energy part. Failure: still, no natural explanation to observed spectra.

33 Key spectral features:
Geometric broadening Sub photospheric dissipation, multiple regions. 1. a~-1 2. E_pk ~ sub-MeV 3. Separated* & delayed GeV component

34 Bottom lines & summary Major efforts in understanding the physical origin of prompt emission Failure of optically thin models, raise interest in photospheric emission. Sub-photospheric heating leads to broadening of Planck spectrum. Photospheric emission from collimated outflow may hold the key to the observed spectra.

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