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“Solutions 4 Change” October 11, 2009 Version 4.21 The REAL reasons why we need “Broadband for All Americans” Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "“Solutions 4 Change” October 11, 2009 Version 4.21 The REAL reasons why we need “Broadband for All Americans” Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Solutions 4 Change” October 11, 2009 Version 4.21 The REAL reasons why we need “Broadband for All Americans” Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

2 Introduction Opportunity – Challenges Current Landscape “Solutions 4 Change” Concept Summary October 11, 2009 Version 4.22 AGENDA Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

3 Introduction Education, Healthcare, and Energy industry reform: pillars of U.S. Presidential Administration's "Platform for Change". Top priority initiatives in each of these industries include: Education: Broadband access for K-12 students Healthcare: Wellness, Disease, and Medication Management Energy: Smart Grid – monitor and control electricity demand Each industry sector is independently and redundantly pursuing telecommunications solutions to reach the students, patients, and appliances in the +104 Million U.S. households. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) established $7.2 billion in grants to help deliver broadband telecommunications to underserved areas. 3 “Solutions 4 Change” proposal enables Education, Healthcare, and Energy services delivery to U.S. households leveraging grants in each of these respective areas on top of the $7.2 billion broadband grants. October 11, 2009 Version 4.2Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

4 Education Management 1:1 / One-Laptop-Per-Child and eRate initiatives are helping transform education Broadband access available at school where individual learning time is on the decline Opportunity: Extend education to where students learn Help close the “digital divide” Improve parental engagement in learning Challenges: Education-dedicated communication connection is expensive Education-specific use of broadband wireless difficult to limit Technologies difficult to install and manage making the student the expert versus the parent October 11, 2009 Version 4.24Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

5 Disease and wellness management services improve care and quality of life. Single-use landline telephone service is impeding the expansion of services. Health Management Opportunity: Reduced Emergency Room visits Lower cost of quality care Improved quality of life Challenges: Healthcare-dedicated communication connection is expensive Increasing migration to residential cellular versus land-line voice service Complexity of personal health and wellness monitoring technologies October 11, 2009 Version 4.25Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

6 Advanced power savings appliances are emerging at the residence Accessible through low-speed, costly, proprietary “energy-only” networks Opportunity: Load-Shedding & Demand Response Lower peak demand through “Rolling Green-Outs” More eco-friendly grid management Smart Meters: Automated meter reading Consumer awareness, accurate billing, no physical meter reading Transmission & Distribution – improve asset utilization, reduce outages and cost Challenges: Fragmented by expensive proprietary solutions (e.g. municipal mesh networks) Unreliable/uncontrollable sharing of consumer broadband service Energy Management October 11, 2009 Version 4.26Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

7 24 x 7 Education Access – Distance Learning Simple-Secure Telemedicine Cost-Effective & Reliable Smart Grid Education Need Healthcare Need Energy Management Need Overlapping Home Access Needs October 11, 2009 Version 4.27Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

8 Current Landscape: Isolated & Redundant Systems Student Learning with Engaged Parents Disease & Wellness Management Appliance Monitoring & Control Platform for Change Broadband $7.2 Billion Healthcare Energy Education * ARRA – American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Source: ARRA* $61.3 Billion $147.7 Billion $90.9 Billion October 11, 2009 Version 4.28Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

9 What is preventing this?: Complex & fragmented ecosystem that slows down implementation and inhibits cost optimization October 11, 2009 Version 4.29Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

10 * ARRA – American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Source: “Solutions 4 Change” Preferred Approach: Optimized System Synergies EnergyHealthcareEducationEnergyHealthcareEducation Student Learning with Engaged Parents Disease & Wellness Management Appliance Monitoring & Control Platform for Change ARRA* $61.3 Billion $147.7 Billion $90.9 Billion October 11, 2009 Version 4.210Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

11 An approach that makes it easy to reach the home AND provides a business case to the telecom providers Content, Connection, Device & Identity Management Technology & Service Partners What is needed: “Solutions 4 Change” October 11, 2009 Version 4.211Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

12 Without “Solutions 4 Change” With “Solutions 4 Change” Managed Service Center and Residential Gateway aggregate services to create a more attractive revenue model Service delivery difficult to justify for individual revenue streams Successful, sustainable Notebook/Netbook and Smartphone service model s $10.00 $7.00 $5.00 $22.00 $60.00 $30.00 ARPU – Average Revenue Per User 1 2 3 Business case for Telecom Providers October 11, 2009 Version 4.212Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

13 “Solutions 4 Change” System Overview Internet & Dedicated Networks Schools Healthcare Providers Electric Utilities Education Curriculum & Pedagogy Wellness & Disease Management Energy Management Home Student Patient Appliances HomePlug® ZigBee® Bluetooth® Wi-Fi® Narrow Digital Divide Improve & Lower Cost of Care Smart Grid: Advanced Meter Reading Load Shedding Demand Response Content Management Connection Management Device & Identity Management Fixed line NOC Account Credentials Provisioning & Activation Service Customer Care MxN-RG Mixed-Network Residential Gateway MICS MSC Managed Services Center Policies Acceptable Use and Industry Specific 3G WWAN Backhaul October 11, 2009 Version 4.213Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

14 Modem Supplier Energy Enrollment Healthcare Enrollment Education Enrollment 3 CM1 Activation! CM2 Activation! CMn Activation! MxN-RG Manufacturer NOC Access Telecom Service Providers Internet & Private Networks Fixed line NOC Customer Care 2 Validate-Sign-Catalog Configuration Utilities Validate-Sign-Catalog Operator Connection Components Distribute CM & STAGE DB & Bootstrap Credentials Boot-Strap Credential and Spatial-Temporal Factors 1 2 3 4 5 Activation & Accounting for OEM, Update Profile for Operator Consumer Delivery CM1CM1CM2CM1CM2CMn 4 Universal CM Agent Credentials Provisioning Server Connection Mgr Repository 1 * STAGE: Spatial-Temporal Active Geo Encyclopedia 6 Enable After-Market Services for Education-Healthcare-Energy Sectors 6 Managed Service Provider 5 Universal CM Agent Schools Healthcare Providers Energy Companies Making it work: October 11, 2009 Version 4.214Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

15 Opportunity: North American TAM for Residential Gateway Managed Service Center $250M in 2011 growing beyond $1.4B in 2020 Notes: Pure recurring service - No Hardware or royalty revenues MSC revenues applied per unit residential gateway. No MSC ASP erosion assumed Significant sustained growth when expanded outside North America Source: ABI Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMM and AMI) 1Q 2009, Total Active Home Area Network (HAN) Connections 2007-2014 for North America 2015-2020 projections extrapolated at 2013-2014 year-over- year growth rate of 27% declining by 50% per year simulating market saturation October 11, 2009 Version 4.215Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

16 “Solutions 4 Change” Summary “Solution4Change” proposes to focus on enabling cost-effective delivery of critical Education, Healthcare, and Energy services to U.S. households achieving synergy across these key sectors. “Solutions 4 Change” proposes to enable cost-effective delivery of critical Education, Healthcare, and Energy services to U.S. through: Managed Services to address configuration and support complexities of individual sector Consolidated volumes in single-configuration Mixed-Network Residential Gateway for economies of scale Aggregate revenues to create more attractive 3G MNO business model We are seeking your input to our plans and support for the “Solutions 4 Change” proposal going forward. October 11, 2009 Version 4.216Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

17 Thank You! October 11, 2009 Version 4.217 For more information, please contact: Stewart A. Skomra Executive Vice President Broadband-4-All, Inc. Mobile: (858) 740-4643 E-mail: Presented by: Broadband-4-All, Inc.

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