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Advantage Through Technology Michael D. Moskal II & William C. Hughes.

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Presentation on theme: "Advantage Through Technology Michael D. Moskal II & William C. Hughes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advantage Through Technology Michael D. Moskal II & William C. Hughes

2 Existing ontologies Class definitions – Platform Qualities – Sensor Qualities Ontology Overview Potential Applications Extensions and Future Work Objective: Develop an extensible ontology to classify and maintain a list of features for unmanned aerial vehicles

3 3 Preece, A., An Ontology-Based Approach to Assigning Sensor Tasks. 2007. Benjamin Schumann, J.S., Hans Fangohr, Mario Ferraro, A Generic Unifying Ontology for Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Missions, 2012, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Matches sensors to task for ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) Missions Very limited scope and focuses heavily on sensor capabilities

4 4 MQ-1 PredatorMQ-1C Grey EagleRQ-4 Global HawkRQ-5 Hunter RQ-11 RavenRQ-170 SentinelQF-4 PhantomScanEagle MQ-9 ReaperCQ-10 SnowgooseMQ-8 Fire ScoutK-Max

5 5 Designed Platform Quality Endurance Flight Envelope Fuel Capacity Equipment Mount Location Belly Mount Custom Nose Wing Operating Height Payload Capacity Signatures Infrared Noise Optical Radar Stealth Operating Height Takeoff/Landing Procedure Velocity Standard Cruising Velocity Maximum Safe Operating Velocity Effective Platform Quality Effective Endurance Effective Flight Envelope Effective Operating Height Effective Payload Capacity Effective Signatures Effective Infrared Effective Noise Effective Optical Effective Radar Effective Velocity Effective Standard Cruising Velocity Effective Maximum Safe Operating Velocity

6 6 Equipment Communication Device Radio Fiber Optics Laser Dispensable Equipment Fire Suppressant Kinetic Weapon Pesticide Navigation Device Inertial Navigation LORAN C NAVSTAR GPS Radio Tracking TACAN Way-Point Navigation Non-Dispensable Equipment Public Address System Radar Confusion Sensor Storage Sensor Quality Range of Vision Mode Image Processing IR Processing Video Processing Horizontal Rotation Lens Zoom Mount Placement Vertical Rotation Weight

7 Platform Rules Platform prescribes some Design Quality Platform has_quality some Effective Quality Platform has_equipment exactly 1 Navigation Device Platform has_equipment exactly 1 Communication Device Platform has_equipment some (Dispensable Equipment or Non-Dispensable Equipment) Logic Rules has_equipement Kinetic Weapon Equivalent To High Speed Attack UAV High Speed Attack UAV Equivalent To has_function High Speed Attack 7

8 8 PropertyDomainRange Has_equipmentPlatformEquipment Has_functionPlatformFunction Has_modeSensorMode Has_quality-Effective Quality Has_taskMissionTask Prescribes-Design Quality

9 9

10 (0,4)(1,4)(2,4)(3,4)(4,4) (0,3)(1,3)(2,3)(3,3(4,3) (0,2)(1,2)(2,2)(3,2)(4,2) (0,1)(1,1)(2,1)(3,1)(4,1) (0,0)(1,0)(2,0)(3,0)(4,0) UAV Area of Operation START END Macro grid (3,2) Ingress Edge from (3,3) Egress Edge to (3,1) 10

11 Given a fleet of UAVs, a mission planner can efficiently task platforms for missions – Mission readiness can be quantified based on platform and equipment availability – Selected platform data can be sent to operators and optimization suites 11 RoutingSensor TaskingBandwidth Optimization Platform Quality Endurance Flight Envelope Fuel Capacity Operating Height Stealth Operating Height Takeoff/Landing Procedure Velocity Standard Cruising Velocity Maximum Safe Operating Velocity Sensor Quality Range of Vision Mode Image Processing IR Processing Video Processing Horizontal Rotation Lens Zoom Mount Placement Vertical Rotation Radio Quality Band Name (Frequency)

12 12 Develop missions and tasks Expand the ontology to include civilian domain platforms – Add more detail to existing classes, more equipment properties Develop a tool to query feasible platforms for flight craft – SPARQL queries linking the ontology to a user interface

13 13

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