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SEPTEMBER 21 LET’S GET STARTED! Your Web Programming Project.

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Presentation on theme: "SEPTEMBER 21 LET’S GET STARTED! Your Web Programming Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEPTEMBER 21 LET’S GET STARTED! Your Web Programming Project

2 Elevator Pitch You get on an elevator with an awesome idea. Lucky for you, famed internet mogul and creator of SpaceBook, Markus Zuckerbing, happens to be on the same elevator. And he’s heading to the 8 th floor. You have 60 seconds to pitch him your idea before he gets off the elevator! Clear; concise; engaging pitch!

3 Final Project Grading 50% Instructors 25% Project Sponsor – They must be satisfied! 25% YOU! You only achieve as high as the goals and expectations you set yourself – aim high!

4 Creating a (good) Rubric You need a rubric to be able to evaluate your work. Instructors should be able to follow your rubric to grade your work. Criteria must be measurable! Each criterion will have tiers that measure success.

5 Measurable Criteria & Tiers Consider the following criteria:  “The web site is easy to use.” How can we measure this? How can we tier the measures of success?

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